:: Security Council - Info & Roster

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Nov 27, 2022


The City 24 Security Council

The skeleton crew left behind at the Palace of Nations, having received mandate from the upper Overwatch Security Council, now fashions itself the 'Emergency Administrative Authority.' Composed of 11 members in total, they function as the legislative, judicial, and executive branch of Geneva.

With all power centralized under this provisional junta, responsibility falls on them to not only draft and enforce civil legislation but to also amend the Civil Protection Operational Dossier, fund governmental organizations, handle wartime logistics, approve businesses, and manage the municipal treasury.

Meetings are held regularly, given the ever-changing needs of a city under siege. The Council operates on the principle of democratic centralism, with decisions reached by voting binding all members to act upon and enforce the will of the majority. A veto is afforded to the head of the council. Factionalism and dissent are strictly prohibited. Cohesion is championed.

As representatives of Overwatch, councillors are afforded an OTA escort when outside their chambers, as well as a standard-issue Makarov pistol. Most have received basic training in utilizing their sidearm, which is to be deployed when it is of necessity.



Head Commissioner
John Mearsheimer | @PeaceAndMagick89

Synthetic Commission
Katerina Kuskova | @Appetite Ruining Kebab

Darius Estrada | @'77 East
Amaziah Onobanjo @Kamil
Hermann Jost | @Merlinsclaw
António de Rivera | @Hunk

Calvin Gates | @Lewis!
Lydia Zhang | @Pyromaniac
William Keller | @Keller
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