Accepted Sennah

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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016

Steam name: constantdisplay
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:68630056

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Played 1~ hour on a Vortigaunt on Lemonpunch

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?:

Character Name:

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Steve-Irwin vort. Druggie vort. Hippie vort. Sennah is primarily a naturalist, a tree hugger and lover of flora and fauna - they feel that their connection to nature bolsters and deepens their connection to vortessence and to other vortigaunts, and its a constant priority for them. They are much more sensitive to wildlife and its needs - forgoing meat in most situations unless gravely necessary. They look down upon mistreatment or gross violence towards wildlife, even possibly hostile xenian creatures - opting to scare them off or avoid them when possible, which often works to their detriment. Their exception to this is headcrabs however - which they view as more of a parasite, especially the type bred by the Combine, creatures to be taken out when necessary. Of course, like all vorts - Sennah hates the combine, but this is intensified by their hatred of Combines twisted genetic modication and systemic extermination of ecosystems and fauna.

Brief Backstory:

On their homeworld, Sennah was a botanist and wildlife enthusiast - studying and cultivating different flora, breeding fauna - dedicated to cataloguing the uses and effects of different plants. Holding communes with other vorts under the influence of substances derived from these plants frequently, this work consumed most of their time. However - eventually, this period came to pass. Mid-commune, Sennah was interrupted by the sudden arrival and invasion of the Combine. They could only watch as their tamed animals was slaughtered, land razed of all plants - their small farm burned to the ground.
In a last ditch effort to escape, Sennah along with other vortigaunts was willingly transported to the border world Xen, enslaved by the Nihilanth in return - torture for Sennah.

Sennah suffered heavily under the Nihilanth - unable to cultivate plants and only able to scavenge, forced to eat mostly meat and whatever they could find. Luckily, when this period of torment ended, they avoided being sent to Black Mesa - instead one of the vortigaunts transported directly to Earth through the portal storms. This was only a brief respite though - yet again Sennah witnessed the destruction of another environment and the Seven-Hour War, Xenian life transported to Earth and wreaking havoc, practically wiping most of Earth wildlife out as Xenian creatures rapidly ascended the food chain. Even though this Earth wildlife was alien to Sennah, they still felt pain as Xenian wildlife quickly replaced Earth wildlife in a situation that wasn't natural. Sennah managed to avoid Combine hotspots and cities mostly, living a solitary life in the deepest parts of old growth European forest and even building up a small farm/sanctuary again where they studied Earth flora and even started to
cultivate xenian flora that had started to grow on Earth. Yet even news of the events at White Forest reached Sennah, with them feeling the need to join up with greater resistance forces and other vortigaunts in an effort to push back.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

N/A for the moment, but open to joining groups on the server.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
[Chemical Fascination]
As someone who studied and cultivated many types of plants - on their homeworld, Xen and Earth - Sennah is obsessed with drugs, and their uses and effects. Under the influence of drugs derived from xenian flora specifically, Sennah can feel more connected to the vortessence than usual, manifesting in a sort of euphoria - and they may be able to pull more power from vortessence than is standard. A consequence of this is that they may often feel the need to rely on these drugs.

[Xenian Whisperer]

Being more sensitive to wildlife - Sennah can use their vortessence connection to communicate telepathically in a rudimentary manner with xenian wildlife, primarily small creatures such as houndeyes or bullsquids. They can use this to possibly scare creatures, sense if they're uneasy or tell if they're a threat. However - this can be draining for them, and they would opt for help from other vortigaunts if the creature was anything remotely large. This is more of a basic communication technique, and could very easily not work given the situation.
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May 18, 2016
even resorting to earthly ones like tobacco and marujuana if necessary.​

Can't have this man it's not a line I want to see crossed

On what could only be called the vort equivalent of a shroom trip, Sennah's dinner was interrupted by the arrival of the Nihilanth. They could only watch through their warped perspective as their tamed wildlife was slaughtered, land razed of all plants - their small farm burned to the ground. Before they could even process it, Sennah was transported to Xen - enslaved in an unfamiliar alien borderworld along with their friends.en the situation.

While it might seem limiting to you, it's important to note that none of the Vortigaunts were ever "conscripted" into Xen slavery from their homeworld. On the contrary it's (common-ish) knowledge that the Vortigaunt were invaded by the Combine once upon a time and willingly jumped into servitude under Nihilanth in a desperate move to escape to Xen together. This bit of your backstory conflicts with that.

Amend/remove these two things and I'm down to accept this

Pending until then


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
Can't have this man it's not a line I want to see crossed

While it might seem limiting to you, it's important to note that none of the Vortigaunts were ever "conscripted" into Xen slavery from their homeworld. On the contrary it's (common-ish) knowledge that the Vortigaunt were invaded by the Combine once upon a time and willingly jumped into servitude under Nihilanth in a desperate move to escape to Xen together. This bit of your backstory conflicts with that.

Amend/remove these two things and I'm down to accept this

Pending until then
wrote most of this while i was sleep deprived and thought the drug stuff was more funny than it is (it still is a bit)

backstory amended along with some other details
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
[Chemical Fascination]
As someone who studied and cultivated many types of plants - on their homeworld, Xen and Earth - Sennah is obsessed with drugs, and their uses and effects. Under the influence of drugs derived from xenian flora specifically, Sennah can feel more connected to the vortessence than usual, manifesting in a sort of euphoria - and they may be able to pull more power from vortessence than is standard. A consequence of this is that they may often feel the need to rely on these drugs.

[Xenian Whisperer]
Being more sensitive to wildlife - Sennah can use their vortessence connection to communicate telepathically in a rudimentary manner with xenian wildlife, primarily small creatures such as houndeyes or bullsquids. They can use this to possibly scare creatures, sense if they're uneasy or tell if they're a threat. However - this can be draining for them, and they would opt for help from other vortigaunts if the creature was anything remotely large. This is more of a basic communication technique, and could very easily not work given the situation.

Either of these is fine. Let me know which one you decide on.
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