Suggestion Stats changes


Mar 12, 2018
Suggestion: Changing all stats from 30 to 60, making stats easier to acquire by doubling endurance gain ( 0.1 per run, suggestion making it 0.2 per run ), aligning the amount of runs for stamina gains the same or double of the current endurance gain ( so that you would gain 0.2 per 1 or 2 runs ), and making strength still take so long to get, just making the gain higher ( 0.3? 0.2? It is per 10 hits, so, right now it takes 3000 hits, with .3 it'll only be 1000, which is a lot more bearable and doable through actual roleplay )

Why it would be worth adding: Due to the pace of the setting, how the economy has been changed to reflect it, I do not see why stats should not be higher with a higher gain so that people could have decently feasable goals. We are overall moving faster in all aspects outside stats

Necessary content:
Reactions: List
Apr 26, 2016
Suggestion: Changing all stats from 30 to 60, making stats easier to acquire by doubling endurance gain ( 0.1 per run, suggestion making it 0.2 per run ), aligning the amount of runs for stamina gains the same or double of the current endurance gain ( so that you would gain 0.2 per 1 or 2 runs ), and making strength still take so long to get, just making the gain higher ( 0.3? 0.2? It is per 10 hits, so, right now it takes 3000 hits, with .3 it'll only be 1000, which is a lot more bearable and doable through actual roleplay )

Why it would be worth adding: Due to the pace of the setting, how the economy has been changed to reflect it, I do not see why stats should not be higher with a higher gain so that people could have decently feasable goals. We are overall moving faster in all aspects outside stats

Necessary content: Coding
we do morning jog around the block to pump that cardio beef
Reactions: List