stories of the remove kebab stanky bloke


Jun 27, 2016
kebabus ruoskartno was born in a battlefield between the turk skum and serb master race, he was instantly awarded with every skill imaginable, and was soon recruited into the Serbian military, almost instantly after this, he was promoted to sergeant major lieutenant shooty person and asked to perform the Serbian anthem for all to hear, the product was shared online for millions to see,

However, his loyalism to the Serbian rebublic vanished one day, when he discovered a most horrible thing, the president was enjoying a donner kebab from tony bamanaboni's Turkish kebaba store, after seeing this horrid sight, he fled from the country and joined the Russian VDV Airborne troops, and got 1001010010110 Confirmed kills on capitalist pigs, he also performed in a music video for the VDV, after the soviets saw his success with the Serbians

Soon after this, he was initiated to join the GRU, and went by the codename "Revolver Ocelot"

However, he soon realised a major flaw with the Russians, president vodkanovka was spotted enjoying a kebab, he got Deja Vu, and the PTSD kicked in, after this, he fled to England and enjoyed the western conforts and soon joined MI6, by the code name 001, however, this was changed with the global number, he was now +44 001, and due to his amazing performance, the queen had her slaves design a bust with his signature beret of course

Soon, his boss, M, gave him a task, to eliminate the US president, Ronald McDonald Trump, he succeeded in his task and now lives in a house made of cheese in france.