The Death of Voice Chat on Consoles?

Jun 3, 2016

So my PC's been dead for a few months now, and I've recently started console gaming on the Xbox One. I've really gotten into games such as GTA, Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege. While I do enjoy partying up with friends and goofing around in these games, I never paid attention to how silent people are outside of the private party chats I had. At first I thought this was just a Microsoft thing, where they mute the in game chat while you're in a party but I recently took the time to solo queue on various multiplayer games and I realised it was dead silent, nothing.

It's just so jarring to me since the last time I played on 360, people were conversing all the time and ever since I moved to PC from the 360, I've been seeing people just booming into voice chat so much that it actually got pretty annoying, but it was still quite fun!

But now that I'm on console again, it's just... dead.
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