The Vox Corpus, a Marauder Tribe


The OG
May 18, 2017


The Anthem of Spirits
"Kill your enemies not with your guns, but with great care."

Quote from an Anonymous Source-
'The founding views of the Anthem of Spirits stem from ancient beliefs that all things be settled peacefully and without conflict, taking inspiration from a number of religions that all work to make this group inclusive and strengthen it. We answer the call whenever necessary and without hesitation, no matter how big the tribulation- dawning a new era of peace to all of the lands that we touch'

I - Pacifism; no killing unless necessary or for the greater good
II - Acceptance; we accept those that do not oppose us
III - Unity; we are to uphold the values of the group and it’s will
IV- Transparency; no actions made in the name of The Anthem of Spirit or The Marauders are to be done without review
V - Peacekeeping; we are to make efforts to solve all conflicts in a peaceful manner first
*Some of these values may be contradictory to those of the primary group, and do not reflect the views of the marauders as a whole

I - The Markings of the Spirits
As the war and disunity plagues our community, very few things are to blame. While you could say it's human's primal urge to settle disputes through violence, the Anthem of Spirits holds a strict view that the source of this violence lies in the technologies given to us in the first place. The first step in becoming a member within the ranks is to relinquish all of this, in essence purifying yourself. Many accepted members choose to gain a tattoo of either the soul flame, or a raised hand which represents unity. Most high ranking members may be seen in more classic or traditional garb as well, respectively.

II - The Teachings of the Spirits
Through our ranks we provide the teachings to pass on to those that come after us, non-despite our status as researchers, crafters, healers and spiritual allies. We practice and perfect our craft to the best of our abilities, to eventually teach all developments that come. All information on our inner-workings are well documented and available upon request.

III - The Will of the Spirits
The Will of the Spirits is a written code of conduct and agreement used by the Marauders, strictly followed by all leaders. It was put into place to help maintain the balance of peace and war, and mitigate any internal threat the Marauders have had to deal with through time. New members and those who are interested in rising in rank are taught and encouraged to embrace everything contained within it, even though it mostly only teaches upper-level learnings and organizational conduct.

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The OG
May 18, 2017
Roles and Responsiblities


The leaders. These are the Acolytes that have made their way into the rank by rite, and should be looked up to for direct guidance and support.

The embodiment. Acolytes are comprised of those who have proven to followed the will of the spirit. These are the select few that are others are encouraged to look up to.

The Spirit. Neophytes fill the majority of the Vox and partake in many roles, allocated either by the group itself or own free will. In the end these members are seen as the image of the Spirits and all activities are done in the name of the Anthem.

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