Jun 7, 2020
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American Ships among Thomas Brookes' Entourage are now offering ferries to and fro' between Europe and America,

Venture to Western Massachusetts on a trans-continental tour.

A minimum of five are needed in your party to travel.

The ship's crew will provide you transportation from European free port, to Massachusetts port, and guide you to a selected location on the map of the area we're allowed above, of which you may tour before needing to return home.

Be warned, current travel to both Combine-controlled and Country-controlled America is illegal, hence the quickness to leave.

We are not responsible for casualties in America.


A series of events, set in a fallout-inspired America, surrounding state of Massachusetts, or a local part of it.

Players can venture out with the only requirement being having at least four or five in your party for such venture.

Merely start a forum conversation with me, naming who is coming, the gear that needs to be brought - and choose one of the locations above, of which each icon is a type of location.

Hazard Symbols
, represent areas greatly infested with xen or, obviously, radiation - wherein supernatural occurs.

Ruins, represent destroyed towns, buildings, or pre-war historical locations, landmarks and monuments, inhabited by a low amount of friendly faces, creatures and humans.

House, represent small settlements, often inhabited by a single family, group and so on - mostly friendly, a good place to go to make friends.

Houses, represent larger settlements, either housing large factions or multiple, good place to find quest lines, surrounding a larger Massachusetts plot or small ones.

There will also be a companion system, for re-occurring groups or characters to have added muscle and buffs that come with their companion.

Combat will operate on a roll system with character buffs and abilities coming through a perk system, each character starts with one!

Reactions: List
Jun 7, 2020
you may also venture out with a randomized group by starting forum Convo detailing your char, equipment and which location you'd like to go as put to a vote
Jun 7, 2020



Has recently come under New American rule and law, and is among the slowest to begin civilizing into a more modern town or city, metropolis of trade and opportunity - with a population retaining traditional values. The town even hosting a clever spin on the name Springfield.

You've caught wind of rumors that conflict is brewing between New American Landholders who've bought property on or around Winchester, feuding with the former residents of the town and their values. The residents meaning to persist in xen-farming and ranching, whilst landholders seek to pollute with industrial buildings.

The land baron, Katherine O'Neil has headed efforts on New American behalf, whilst Mayor Richard Penn has retained resiliently, his traditional idea of the town and it's future.


Polespring Source,

The independent farming town raising some of the only normal crop in Mass', Polespring Source, named after their water source which is, in turn - honoring the foreign population's polish maintenance workers on their water, is having trouble with this very water.

It seems the same xenian fauna and subjugated horde that washed over the Marauders' and Dogtown, has reached them, and the territory the deadly mutated humans and alien beasts claim runs through their series of water pumps and purifiers.

The town has issued SOS to an mercenaries who will hear them, willing to pay, or come under a faction for protection.

The word is passed through the ship's crew to you.

It seems some rough militia of farmers has come together under Henry Turner, the town's sole enforcer of common law and nightwatch.