To be perfectly honest, WW3RP was not doing all that bad when Dallas came and started doing weekly if not bi-daily events that were both s2k and passive. If it really did come back, it'd need dedicated staff team that'd make events for the playerbase, cause otherwise it'll stick back to the regular stereotype of "go s2k, wait 30 minutes, do a bit of RP, go out s2k, wait 30 minutes, rinse and repeat".
Honestly, I had a great time RPing there and after the lore change (when it swapped over to cold war era), it did have its own atmosphere which I didn't find anywhere else. I do believe that a lot of people would like to see it make a comeback, but I don't think it is possible as of now, since we just recently had two servers opened and it'd be kind of difficult to get ANOTHER server going right now. That's my opinion though.