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Apr 27, 2016


Insurgencies that have been outsourced by the umbrella group LAMBDA are called contracted cells. Between a singular leader or co-operative decision within a cell, its members have accepted the LAMBDA cause, with the extents of which they follow varying between different cells. Some cells are more devout than others accomplishing their collective strategic goals, while others see it as a necessary side-objective to their own motivations. Regardless, all contracted cells receive weekly restocking shipments so long as ground-based supply routes remain uninterrupted. Cell shipment sizes vary in amount and specialization based on their expertise, member count and track record. Recruitment is free-form and completely up to individual leaders or collective say. Contracted cells may have occasional group conflicts, though the likelihood of violence is rare due to the risk of terminating their supply agreement.​

When applying for a contracted cell, it is important to develop objectives you seek to achieve, as leading these cells offers you a lot of creative freedom while also being the one responsible for the group's solidarity. Figure out a way to keep your members engaged to your cause. Try to develop a unique group culture that might slightly or greatly differentiate you from other cells.

Usually exiles running off of their last shipment. Rarely, some cells establish their own supply systems. Independent cells usually adopt goals or ideologies that conflict with the LAMBDA mission and so lead to a rejection of contract. Alternatively, their independence may have been the result of violent internal struggles during their tenure as a contracted cell. They may have been deemed dysfunctional saboteurs of operations although their motivations may have not been clearly opposed to humanity's struggle, meaning no bounty is set. Despite their unfavorable or sometimes unknown backgrounds, contracted cells are not disallowed from co-operating with them on missions, which is entirely up to both parties' risk assessments.

There is no applying for an independent cell. Either your group has been excised from the bulk of contracted ones, or you have started this group traditionally from the ground-up relying on less-than-consistent sources of food and gear. However, this does let you stray much further from usual resistance archetypes. You might not even want to resist - simply coexist in a hostile environment and make your own ends meet.
May 18, 2016

For the duration of the current map (and pending any narrative changes, the next few maps as well), The Reorganized State of Bucharest will become the primary contractor of the rebels.

It should be noted that "accepting the LAMBDA cause" or "pursuing a LAMBDA mission" is no longer a requirement to be a contracted cell; instead, the ever-changing needs and interests of the Reorganized State are the basis on which supply agreements will be formed on.

All LAMBDA contracted cells are automatically transferred under the Reorganized State's employment. They may leave at their discretion.

@Erid and @Hunk will be managing the distribution of supplies, as well as representing the RS as an entity ICly. To request weekly restocking shipments, make a forum conversation with them, myself and @Numbers
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May 18, 2016
For the duration of the current map (rp_southside), contracted cell & weekly resupply systems are disabled.

Gear acquisitions will primarily occur through joining the National Guard, or working for the Exotic Transport Clan.

More information on the latter's contracts will come soon.
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