
HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
Established as a department dedicated to all manner of civil services, the Department of Civil Services, short Civil Services or CIVSERV is dedicated to (re-establishing), maintaining and guaranteeing perfect function of urban centres designated for repopulation. They are responsible for, but not limited to,
  • Guaranteeing municipal services to maintain living spaces, public infrastructure and so forth;
  • Maintaining and expanding supply chains to ensure supply availability of products and services;
  • Oversight and support to companies and small businesses to keep the city working and liveable;
  • Fiscal and welfare support to citizens in need.

For the record, this faction is a rewritten and rebranded CWU. The reason why I thought it needed one was because the CWU will be used for a different function later on and will be made a new, unique concept. But for this faction, we're seeking administrative personnel who aren't afraid at getting their hands dirty and are available to help a growing faction support the server and many companies, businesses and workers on the server. You will be whitelisted and given access to vendors and other trusted duties, therefore we expect a certain standard to this faction. Once the server opens, we will recruit in-character, but due to the immediate need for available personnel to assist, I'm opening up recruitment now.

If you're interested what I mean by "domains": this can be anything - for the time being, we have people specialized in domains such as computer science, law, mechanical engineering, pharmaceutical research, agricultural etc. You can apply in any category and if you're interesting enough, and can provide a valuable function to the server and faction we will take you in.

Keep in mind, you can be a civil servant and for the time being, still directly lead a company or business. This may change in the future, but you will be informed well in time.

Please follow the format below - DM me your response in a forum conversation. Ask any questions per DM / Form Conversation as well, please.

Application Format​

1. Steam Name:
2. Steam ID:
3. Character name:
4. What domain(s) would your character be an expert in?
5. Would you be interested in leading a company or project in your field?
6. What do you can do for the faction?
7. Do you have any previous experience in the faction?
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