Suggestion Have the event server be a continuation of the main server's map (and a few more Ideas)


Jan 2, 2018
Turn the event server into continuation of the main server's map, a Outlands server to the main City Server, with travel points just to link between the servers.

Second: Adding NPC squads to follow players in the Outlands server

Third Suggestion: Add Stashes/Lockers that non premium players can use, its a bit unfair they can't store anything)
Why it would be worth adding:
Allows for a true outlands experience (PK risk, high loot chance etc, CP and Rebels shoot on sight)

NPCs can be used to act a squad mates for players, (Think COD Ghosts Squads Mode) This would allow for large scale Rebel vs Combine fights with a handful of players. Whilst allowing for a calmer City RP, but allowing rebels and combine to do some S2K RP.
Necessary content:
A lot of work for the dev, but the fact that char data is transferable between them shows it possible.

The Squad follow mechanic exists in HL2, it was a really fun mechanic IMO and I did what I could to protect the NPCs when playing through it.


Jan 2, 2018
it would be another area to the city that you can travel between. It would allow a group of players to go, and loot the area with a risk of Combine raids. Only use NPCs on the second server, allows a few players to go the outlands and have a gunfight even if there is only a handful of players on rebel and combine. Maybe 6-8 NPCs per player, Gives admins a place they can drag people out to RP, allows for isolated RP or On the Go rescue missions (Admin would kidnap Rebel/CP, leave a note, allows rescuers form up and go into the second server to save them.

What about more storage for everyone though?