Suggestion HL1 Prop Pack and Inventory Rework.


Feb 5, 2024
Just to preface this, this is gonna be a long read, if you think you can take it, go right ahead but if you can't pass this off to someone else to read and go through.
Suggestion: Add the HL1 Prop Pack (Kind of more of a HL1, Expansions AND CS:CZ Prop Pack) to the server content list since it has a bunch of props that can be pretty good despite the resolution and polygons (not that HL2 doesn't have that shit either but its done less Comic Book-y texture wise and bags wise, use different models so we don't have the same Garbage_bag001a for like 3 items plus add some more bags to the roster since there's some nice shit in the HL1 Prop Pack, PLUS things that already exist in Neb's current server content list (and not the map ones) plus Garry's Mod base content list.
If you're wondering why my inventory ideas are apart of this suggestion, I had to cause there's shit in the prop pack for some of this shit to work. Trust me.
Also there's mini suggestions in the prop pack showcase but I don't really care if those happen or not. Sort of me just spitballing. Also even with all these paragraphs and images, I really suggest just checking the prop pack out yourself.
Why it would be worth adding: Since we're in Early Days and trying to find not tactical garbage for what is gonna be CityRP in the starting days of the Occupation, I thought it'd be cool to pull stuff from HL1 since that has science-y things for the XDT.


From Left to Right: Biohazard Container, Beakers, Lab Scale, (On Top of the Computer lookin' thing) Beaker Heatstand, Oscilloscope, Microscope.

It's got the Civilian OpFor charger aka the Ohms one, its got the HL1 ALPHA medical cabinet which I tried looking for any prop collection that has something more... hl2 or l4d or anything source looking variant of that and we're shit outta luck.


Probably could be used to power things? Or if the medical cabinet's case, be used in the hospital to store meds and shit.

Then there's the small xen crystals which uh the BME xen pack is a little fucked with how many crystals it has and how little it has SMALL xen crystals.

A small cash register to go along with the bigger cash registers (imagine store owners being able to buy bigger cash registers to hold MORE tokens, oooo).

The current three cash registers (misc prop pack's register not included cause i didnt realize it existed) plus the smallest one included in the HL1 Prop Pack could be a cool system, small, medium and big, smallest is cheapest and holds the littlest and shit.

A older tape recorder compared to the cassette variant, a real fucking laptop instead of the fat computer head that we were calling a laptop for the finale.

Could be just a prop or something that can actually record what people say while it's on, logs do exist, could also do that with the cassette recorder but thats above my paygrade (also this does look a little munted. But better than nothin')


Dah computah, it doesnt looked half bad and is an actual laptop OOO.

A small ration to go along with the bigger MRE, then some wine bottles. Acetone which is a nail polish remover but is also used in producing pills and liquid medicines to have proper density. As well as an antiseptic (though shouldn't be used on skin, so could be a cheaper verison of bleach for sterilizing gauze), also a flashlight.


The Green MRE is from like HL1's box gibs, its packed turkey risotto so it can be a prop or (maybe make it like something inside the MRE like you would a ration pack.), then there's Haxor Fine Wines which is just another wine bottle to add to the prop list, Acetone is probably the most hl2. And then a flashlight which could turn into a pick-up and then you know, you can lose the flashlight, ig make it equip-able or something. Or just make it a prop.

There's also another green cot to use alternatively to the other green cot, a white stretcher and gauze that is in a plastic package so like Pre-War Gauze. Plus syringes.



The Green Cot is.... technically the og verison of the current green one I believe but they are different cots in terms of build and look, then there's the stretcher which idfk if that could be used for anything other than builds, gauze could be used as a pre-war verison of the sterile bandage and be found in medical cabinets or something or other. The medical syringe can be just another prop but im sure have a normal ass syringe could be nice to have, maybe take people's blood, maybe some medicine, maybe some drugs, maybe some illegal drugs.
Then, there's no smoking signs that AREN'T decals, plus confined spaces, plus fire extinguisher sign, plus a not an old person's analog clock, plus target practice, plus a hand dryer, plus those office trash can with those metal meshes, plus toasters, a barrel with 4 skins, one that isn't the normal explosion barrel that we usually see, air tanks, also long shelves (which can have their texture changed to be more hl2-y. Also a second handheld radio. Also another extinguisher with a hose that isn't the beta extinguisher or the CS:S one.


idfk if the other radio could be used for something, maybe like long range radio, maybe radios could have range? idfk, might be just better as a prop.

So first things first, after playing on Neb for like 3 months now, the one thing that really irked was three things, 1. a small backpack can hold a fire ax aka what something the size of is in the inventory does not really reflect what it could actually hold or the size of the item itself. Which got me thinking with the weight system that was implemented during the prelude and probably could get expanded on without going too fucking overboard. 2. that i never had any fucking space for any of my essentials, I hate having my radio in my inventory and then on top of that, my riot helmet that I CAN'T EQUIP TO MY PERSON and I have to equip it within my inventory, it is... quite annoying. So I just want to make that not a thing but I'll get into that in a moment. And 3. Just not having a lot of options for inventory items (and having them not show up on your person but to that is a lot harder than it looks so I'm not gonna bring it up as an actual point) when there's a lot of shit in Neb that could be honestly turned into inventory stuff.
Also to be clear, just cause I said this stuff, doesnt mean it needs to be exactly that, you don't wanna do the weight shit, fine, but the extra inventory options would be cool, or maybe you wanna take the weight shit and apply it to what is currently there without adding new inventory extenders, thats fine too.
So for weight and bag sizes and shit, basically the idea is, while certain options have the same size inventory space as other options, how heavy something is determines if it'll fit inside (or if it's a certain object type) So a paper bag can hold a glock but can't hold an AK47-U or a fire axdespite the thing being 2 down, 3 across. The actual paper bag size probably isn't 2x3 but still, that's kind of the idea.
As for the radio, just make it attachable to the body inventory, you know where you equip your items and shit, maybe make it so you can choose where it appears, belt or shoulder (if thats possible). I'm telling you, I'm sick and tired having to reserve a space that I could use to be moving shit between a container and my inventory extenders, ESPECIALLY WITH POUCHES, i had pouches and I couldn't reserve a space to move shit from my container without dropping my radio to move shit. HELL! Maybe allow us to open our inventory extenders while in a container, idfk if that is currently a thing but like, you right-click on the inventory extender and a prompt says (open) and then it appears on the right side of the screen, maybe we can open MULTIPLE at a time to, transfer things from one inventory extender to another just to not have to fuck with shit there. OR, even better, allow us to ROTATE the items in our inventory to make it easier to fit things around. Idfk, the radio thing is mostly what I'm asking about in this paragraph.
So what I'mma do is, show off the new options I thought up (whether or not they're in use or not in Neb currently is a mystery to me but I do believe a lot of protentional in these picks.

Alright so this is my selection, i made sure everything is within the server content minus the HL1 Prop Pack but whatever. (Also it is not rp_map stuff obviously, those will be removed over time so yknow) So Misc Prop Pack, anything with the NEB name on it, and Garry's Mod base props. I'll go over each one in their own section.

I'd probably also add Ration Packets to this list, and have it be the in-between of these being 3 down, 2 across.
Lightweight but unable to carry anything too heavy, citizens can use this for food or anything small that doesn't need to be in your pockets. These are very common items to find in City Centers or Towns, they can hold small melee items, small or medium food items, small medical items, small pistols but anything above that is unable to be. Like a Skorp or a MP5K. These are a little less suspicious than a bag or a briefcase, I mean whose gonna check a fucking ration packet for a knife. Or a burger box for a glock. I mean maybe a paranoid cop but they're more likely to check your big bags or small sacks for any contraband. Or on your person. They all are One Inventory Slot big except for the big meal box which is 4 slots considering it's the biggest common inventory space.
Pouches and the Vanilla Envelope

Lightweight like the boxes but in the cases of the pouches, capable of carrying heavier objects. Sack stays the same, so does the black pouch but now there's a green pouch. I fucking hate the sack and pouch, I never understood why its just the same but ones horizontal and the other is vertical. I mean I guess for guns maybe? Like don't want the sack holding a glock but whatever. I mean the sack still exists but I would like to do away with it, as I think it's fucking useless besides being a more common variant of the pouch. Unless we found a better sack model instead of being the burger bag still. Anyways, pouch can hold 3 slots as seen, can hold ammo, small melees, small med items and maybe a grenade. But cannot hold a pistol. It be too small. Sacks can hold ammo, small meds, a grenade but also small food items. The Alice Pouches aka the ones used by the US military and other countries and MAYBE the PA at this point can hold 6 times and can hold ammo, small melees, small meds, small food items, grenades, or a pistol. Any higher is a no go.
Sacks are the most common, black pouches are the medium amount, maybe in police stations or security offices, and greens can be military, PA or hell, even CPs. All of them take up 1 slot, cause it's a fucking pouch.
Then there's the vanilla envelope which is the lightest inventory extender, capable of handling papers, maybe some ammo, small melees, meds, some grenades or a pistol or two. It's pretty common, office spaces or just in the trash piles in the city. But because of that versatility and commonality, they take up two slots, going vertically.
Cases and Tall Bags
So these ones range from Lightweight to Heavy, starting with the paper bag, think of it like an upgrade to the Vanilla Envelope, common cause its a paper fucking bag, who the fuck doesn't have one, I'd also pick a plastic one too like a grocery bag but we don't have one. Capable of carrying big or small food, maybe ammo, small or medium melees, small and medium meds, pistols AND small submachine guns like skorps or MP5K or if the HLA Alyx Shotgun goes through, that one too. Amongst other sort of medium amount of shit. It takes up 4 slots in the main inventory. Then you have the small luggage which is like a larger ALICE pouch but capable of carrying medium items. Food, Papers, Small or Medium Melees, Small or Medium sized meds, ammo, grenades, pistols, and small subs or any heavy items that aren't those things, slightly better but also slightly worse than the paper bag but like them, is common so you can carry both if you want if you find them around. They similarly take up 4 slots like the paper bag and most inventory extenders.
The Metal Briefcase is where we finally get to carrying larger weapons. 4 slots in the main inventory for an extra 6 slots ain't a bad deal, capable of carrying your short rifles like the AK74SU or whatever its called or bigger subs like the MP7 or it's equals or hell even the Pulse SMG if it's like 3 x 3, capable of carrying papers, foods, small or medium meds, small to medium melees, ammo, grenades, pistols, small subs or regular subs or any heavy items, it's got you covered. Though a bit harder to find and a little more suspicious to the cops. Still kind of common-ish, mostly in office spaces and the like. Then we have the classic briefcase though capable of carrying more, now I'm not sure if it should be 4 x 3 or 3 x 4 to allow the ability to carry shotguns like the Stevens but whatever. Capable of carrying what the metal briefcase can but more. This is not SUPER common but it's common enough.
The plastic box thingy, I forgor the name but it's in the BM pack so, this fucker can hold a lot of shit, like heavy shit unlike the others which could only handle small and medium. This takes the whole shebang. Food, Small and Medium Melees, Small and Medium Meds, Guns, Grenades, Bombs, Heavy shit, Papers. And all for 4 slots in the main inventory like the rest. You'd probably find this in labs or military places. But is pretty fucking sus if a cop finds it on you. And that then moves onto the LARGE Briefcase, 20 fucking slots, this basically does the same thing as the white plastic box but can carry large melees like axes and shovels, fit a whole medbag in itself, though, not food. Now this thing is like pretty uncommon, you ain't likely to find this like the others but it's not a fucking where's waldo situation. Most likely, offices, train stations, hotels and the like. Less sus, but in exchange, it takes up six slots in the main inventory, going horizontally, not vertically obviously, and carries about everything the plastic one can. (if you're wondering what this one is called model wise, its like briefcase_physics_something, it is different from the regular one.)

So these are the starting sack is a lightweight, the rest are medium weight except for the Travelling Bag and the Tactical Bag which are heavyweights. The first bag is a common burger bag turned a... bag? It can be really be anything, a backpack, a sidebag, a purse, whatever that can come to mind. It's just a burger bag with cables tied into paper holes. And cause of that they can hold small melee items, small or medium food items, small medical items, small pistols, maybe a grenade and light to medium items. The Burger Bag is pretty common and so are cables, find those, combine 'em and you got this piece of shit. It takes up 2 slots in comparison to what it is currently. The Leather Bag is just the better bag, while it wouldn't be everywhere, it wouldn't be hard to find in abandoned places or maybe people selling them, who knows. They hold ammo, small melees, small meds, small food items, grenades, pistols or small subs and light to medium weighted items. Similarly takes 2 slots to the Burger Bag.
Then the backpack which uses the ACTUAL backpack model we have on the Neb content or whatever that comes with the Travelling Bag, it's got the one big main pocket so I thought it was suitable to be the regular backpack. It's about as common, a little less, as the leather bag but holds more and and can carry heavier things. Carries Food, Papers, Small or Medium Melees, Small or Medium sized meds, ammo, grenades, pistols, and small subs or any heavy items that aren't those things. Takes up 4 slots. Then there's the Travelling Bag which stays the same, its similar to the metal briefcase carrying normal subs and short rifles and shotguns like the Stevens. and does what the normal backpack does. However, it takes up 6 slots like the big briefcase, though, vertically, not horizontally. It's a little more uncommon and probably a little suspicious, I mean so is a burger bag with cables for straps and any backpack if we're honest but still. More suspicious than the rest. But you can put big guns like a single RPG. And finally the Tactical Bag, so this one has these things call webbings on it meaning its a military or just a civ tactical bag, but it also means shit can be attached to it so it can hold more shit plus the room inside these things is pretty crazy. And like the plastic box, it takes just about everything, Food, Small and Medium Melees, Small and Medium Meds, Guns, Grenades, Bombs, Heavy shit, Papers. And JUST like the plastic box, is only 4 slots. However unlike the Travelling Bag, its pretty fucking rare. So it's not very easy to find. So unlike with the cases which have the trade of, the big suitcase is more common but takes up more slots verus less common but takes up less slots, this is less common, but has more space and takes less slots verus more common, has less space, and takes up more slots. Most likely Military Surplus shit, Abandoned Military Sites, maybe the Combine. Though, you can't carry a fucking RPG in these things or anything super big. Subs, pistols, maybe a shotgun or two, ammo, etc but a rifle. Probably not.
Misc Long Inventory Extenders (Dufflebag, Large Toolboxes, The Army Weapon Boxes aka the Ones seen in Xen, Guitar Case)

Now we reach what I call, the shit to carry 5 slot weapons in. A lot of the best weapons are 5 slots aka, you can't put them inside your god damn bags. First it's the Large Toolbox, just gonna copy and paste what it holds, Food, Small and Medium Melees, Small and Medium Meds, Guns, Grenades, Bombs, Heavy shit, Papers. They take 8 slots horizontally which is trust me is necessary with how much this thing holds and CAN hold and are common in well, construction yards or CWU meaning not CRAZY common and are more for the amount of fucking tools in Neb that I think it'd be cool to have something to carry all your things in one box that doesn't require you to craft to take shit out plus I work with toolboxes with bags and smaller toolboxes in them so it wouldn't be crazy unrealistic to have it that way. And can be used outside of its regular use. Then the Dufflebag, this one is a lot more common and can carry a lot of shit but can only carry light and medium items unlike the Weapon Box and the Tool Box and carries Food, Small and Medium Melees, Small and Medium Meds, Guns, Grenades, Bombs, Papers. But anything super big ain't happening. These can be find in pretty much anywhere, but is a lot less common than a suitcase or a regular bag which is why it can't carry anything crazy other than a big gun. It takes up to 6 slots in the inventory horizontally. Could be pretty suspicious, I mean, it is a dufflebag. Then there's the Weapon Box which is actually Army and not just BM. It's labelled as such on the top of the case (or side if it's laying down but if you look at the handle you'll see it.) So, we can use it. It has the same amount of slots as the dufflebag BUT, it can carry heavier things than the dufflebag. It's also pretty rare cause it's from the military and all that. Maybe the PA use it. Don't know. It also takes up 6 slots but vertically. And the Guitar Case which is the most experimental, I don't know if it's possible to make the slots odd instead of an even amount like how most are but I think it could be cool. If you can't then a 4x7 could work, 4 down, 7 across just so we're clear. Which funnily enough, even when it's odd, its 28, which 4x7 would also be 28. And can carry pretty much everything the weapon box can and more, and has the most slots out of any of these fucking things overall. BUT it takes up the most slots of any inventory with 8 slots across and is well, odd shaped inventory slot wise to not make it crazy broken.
MAN that was fucking long! But it's over. So just to end this off, all of these ideas don't need to happen in these forms. Just to reiterate, I'd check out the HL1 Prop Pack for yourself to look over shit and see if you can find things that I didn't. Or to look the things over I did show. And if it don't work out, then maybe you could use the inventory rework itself and sort of just rework the rework to fit with the current bag system. Or just use the idea of new inventory extenders. Nothing is set in stone. Anyways here's the content.

Necessary content:


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
i love your enthusiasm but this could be formatted so much nicer
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
Wouldn't black mesa have similar but higher quality versions of majority of these? We could just add more Black Mesa props.


Feb 5, 2024
Wouldn't black mesa have similar but higher quality versions of majority of these? We could just add more Black Mesa props.
That is possible but I also know BM did remove things, plus this also includes OpFor and other Gearbox Expansions items, which O:BM and whatever Blue Shift remakes and Decay remakes are out there aren't out which could be proper replacements. Plus there's CS: Condition Zero stuff too which includes some of the bags and the laptop and etc. idfk, Ill check the market and report back.
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Feb 5, 2024
Alright, back, checked the props
Wouldn't black mesa have similar but higher quality versions of majority of these? We could just add more Black Mesa props.
So, there's a couple of prop packs out there, bit of a mixed bag, its missing a lot of the shit that I suggested but there's things that would be pretty epic to add.
This one has a more controlled amount but lacks the military props. But there is this one. which adds the military props.
There's an ALICE backpack which would be good to add after the Tactical Backpack, there's military radios and c4 and such. I believe there's an updated turkey risotto but when I loaded into Gmod, it wasn't in the spawnlist. Plus a military flashlight which could work with my flashlight idea.
Then there's this one that just adds every fucking single one, though if you wanna spend a year trying to download this, go ahead.
Though in that collection has this thing which does fill in... very few BS props that were in the HL1 Prop Pack but there's other things that aren't. Honestly might be good to just take both BM props and the HL1 Prop Pack, its not like the hl1 prop pack is heavy duty shit, it's Goldsource.


Feb 5, 2024
Alright, listening further about the new inventory system being implemented for the new iteration, I'm gonna hold on suggesting a inventory rework and experience the new system and probably end up adapting what I came up with the new one. The HL1 Prop Pack and the extra inventory extenders are what I'm suggesting at this point. I really like the bigger green pouches and the metal briefcases and such.


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
A lot of the Black Mesa models are already in the Nebulous content packs


Feb 5, 2024
A lot of the Black Mesa models are already in the Nebulous content packs
yea... but there can be more... plus CS:CZ stuff that fits in too. idfk im gonna have to look through shit more until i figure out what else can be added along with everything else.