hl2rp² feedback thread 2.0²

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
think every staff member deleted the big boat or the train tracks on i17 at least once

it was a fateful night of idk fucking 2018 and @FieldersNL and I were fiddling with a glitched elevator or a door I can't remember what

I open steam overlay to google for info, close it and half the citadel of i17 and the traintracks are gone, while Fielders watches his toolgunned hands in horror
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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
All it takes is some admin to delete a area portal door and suddenly there is a black hole in residential block 4
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Jun 12, 2022
Does anyone have the video of the workshift on d47 where a minge grabs 4 traffic cones connected with ropes and the physics just spaz out and everyone dies ?


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
Does anyone have the video of the workshift on d47 where a minge grabs 4 traffic cones connected with ropes and the physics just spaz out and everyone dies ?
Wasn’t that in the nebulous server review from Pistol P. or whatever his name was? I remember that from somewhere
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Jun 12, 2022
Wasn’t that in the nebulous server review from Pistol P. or whatever his name was? I remember that from somewhere

Fuck Its all coming back now, I remember people were really shocked and increased the quality of their roleplay because of that video


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
Fuck Its all coming back now, I remember people were really shocked and increased the quality of their roleplay because of that video
Unfortunately he removed all of his Review videos, think it was because of some server tried to get him into legal trouble or something? I dunno, it’s a shame really, I enjoyed those reviews

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
Unfortunately he removed all of his Review videos, think it was because of some server tried to get him into legal trouble or something? I dunno, it’s a shame really, I enjoyed those reviews
every 'HL2RP server review' channel that got big has nuked itself

it was over site86 drama from memory


Apr 27, 2016
the average 'minmaxxer' isn't leading an entire faction that was designed to encourage roleplay in characters that previously existed exclusively as server PK tools, a faction that has oversight, authority and punishment over rank and file cops in virtually most circumstances of late, and unlike with an rank leader you just can't talk back to a commander.

that average 'minmaxxer' has probably four people, maybe six to eight, and if they tried to pull rank on the insurgency would likely be shot dead by someone else for trying to imitate harry. the transhuman arm has over twenty nine people and jurisdiction over itself and in less-than-unique circumstances, cops, and is a concrete hierarchy. you cannot argue with your superior as a brainjacked slab of steroid meat.

lastly, 'minmaxxer' insurgents aren't appointed at all, but they can definitely be affected by staff or others - just look at the mayhem that went down on the first month of the server's opening and pretty much all of it was entirely player driven; an OOC lead has no mandate to deliver and no rebuff when it comes to player consequence.

that's great, you really want me to start going down the hole of people who 'did that' with things and were absolutely heinous when they weren't doing 'that thing' - or all the other times they were off hiding behind doing 'that thing' as some shield for criticism?

pumpkin created roleplay, encouraged political intrigue and did some charity work on a character, but that's not why he's remembered. he also walked around with a gestapo uniform, abused weapon scripts to itemtransfer and harassed people to keep his pristine image. I don't need to regurgitate the faults of prior leads here but c'mon, you know that we had a gigantic 22 page thread about exactly why the mentalities that are on display weren't acceptable and that's been brushed off here and now just because he...

... made a bad choice during a situation leading to his entire squad getting wiped, while raging in VOIP.
... then went on a bender complaining about the very situation he instigated being pre-empted by the council to begin with.
... then tried flashing around sniper footage looking for people to bait?

things that were discussed on that very thread as examples unbecoming of those leading the civil protectorate?

that situation is a clear example of why we direly need characterization as a focus for faction matters and not TDM of the week bullshit where the losing side screams ragebait and the winner flaunts killcam montages in their private channel.

if he can prioritize that, fine - let me say no more, but pretending it didn't happen is absurd.

nice to see another bunch of strawmen in the wild, guys.

yeah, I clearly asked for numbers to drop out of university and squander his life. fucking outstanding commentary you lot.

EVERY SD has taken monumental breaks during their leadership because the whole server dynamic hinges on them, because the position wears people thin. that's obvious - yet NO ONE HAS COMPENSATED FOR IT AND STILL HASN'T. @Rabid, Quill, Linnitrix, and now you - and that isn't a bad thing on it's own, people have real life to attend to - you, me, even @Generally Fruity when he's not off luring crackheads into listening to his psychedelic event pitches.

but it is a problem when nothing's been done to alleviate staff standing around with their metaphorical hands in their pockets, waiting for shit to happen because the SD is the server arbiter, less staff equal more responsibility on fewer shoulders and all the non-leads suddenly have to divvy up every responsibility that's not outright assigned, especially when other staff members just vanish.

for fuck's sake I had people complaining to me yesterday that with @Ron now gone there were less people to pull slack and uncertainty about who was taking over what functions especially because more staff were assumed DOA, and I'm no stranger to that, I staffed on Stasiland when Shrike dipped and @Merlinsclaw was left wondering tf was happening with everything for a solid week while the stasi ran around screaming about paper scripts vanishing and the insurgency database going blank twice - and you were also there for that.

an education is a good thing to have. seriously, especially with the current state of living careening off a cliff in most places, but please remember that this dynamic is inherently problematic - if you do not balance this load somehow, this place doesn't function.

if it has to be one or the other, give this open-ended server an ending - like was originally intended, if someone wants to bother digging that far back - before ever thinking about giving it more time you can't spare, and shouldn't.

where in any of my posts did I say replacement SD?

co-SD. literally just someone to pick up slack where it can be done.

if that's untenable, why can't functions be handed off to SA's to lessen the cycle of red tape leading back to you? this is the same stuff that plagued previous iterations with everything resting on the hands of Quill and Linnitrix 24/7 because no one wanted to place any modicum of trust on the team that were supposed to be doing things.

are they or are they not staff members?
why are we still dealing with this fault years after people made that link?
why do we even have SA's if we're still doing this?
good for you, or sorry it happened

i aint reading allat


Apr 26, 2016
Unfortunately he removed all of his Review videos, think it was because of some server tried to get him into legal trouble or something? I dunno, it’s a shame really, I enjoyed those reviews

Yeah, one of the servers he went after threatened him with legal action and it was serious enough that he thought it best to dodge the bullet and remove everything but the unedited footage from 2018/19.

every 'HL2RP server review' channel that got big has nuked itself

it was over site86 drama from memory

I remember browsing Site86 shortly before it closed and there was a thread where several of the site staff admitted that the elitism over the playerbase and wanting a closed ecosystem wasn't compatiable given they'd already basically opened the doors to make their SCP server happen.

Its one of the reasons that, no matter how good his points, I could never seriously get into his reviews tbh. He was never truly unbiased - he absolutely hated open servers.
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Premium Member
Jun 2, 2017
rebel side feels very aimless tbh, would love to see some sort of improvement on this