How does GTA RP compare to Gmod RP?


Apr 27, 2016
While digging through the Wayback Machine to write articles, I found an obscure PERP thread from 2010 showing a poll about player's favourite jobs:

It got me wondering - how does the CityRP experience from Gmod compare to GTA RP (both mechanically and culturally)? Does anyone miss anything from CityRP (or DarkRP)? What advantages does GTA RP have over CityRP? If a poll would be made about player's favourite GTA RP jobs, does anyone have a full list of the playable jobs? If any staff want to chip in to compare the differences (of development/administration) between CityRP and GTA RP then that would be interesting too.


May 9, 2016
While digging through the Wayback Machine to write articles, I found an obscure PERP thread from 2010 showing a poll about player's favourite jobs:

It got me wondering - how does the CityRP experience from Gmod compare to GTA RP (both mechanically and culturally)? Does anyone miss anything from CityRP (or DarkRP)? What advantages does GTA RP have over CityRP? If a poll would be made about player's favourite GTA RP jobs, does anyone have a full list of the playable jobs? If any staff want to chip in to compare the differences (of development/administration) between CityRP and GTA RP then that would be interesting too.
ah yes perp
where the police job only had 21 bullets and swat was for gold vip and you weren't allowed to parkour


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Key difference: you must be 18+ to play GTA5RP.


HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
It got me wondering - how does the CityRP experience from Gmod compare to GTA RP (both mechanically and culturally)? Does anyone miss anything from CityRP (or DarkRP)? What advantages does GTA RP have over CityRP? If a poll would be made about player's favourite GTA RP jobs, does anyone have a full list of the playable jobs? If any staff want to chip in to compare the differences (of development/administration) between CityRP and GTA RP then that would be interesting too.

I've never played PERP etc, but I suppose I can give in a comment for GTA at the moment

it's a very relaxed and fun experience, it's still taken seriously and matters are treated as they should be. but the focus is fun times with other people. i don't feel forced to grind for anything, i'm happy just to hop on and chill with my buddies.

overall though i don't we can compare the two experiences. gmod is gmod, gta is gta. jobs are in-character things entirely, the only two whitelisted jobs are EMS & Police. there are other jobs, be it independent agents like Lawyers or employed wageslaves at Burger Shot. Criminal activity is usually done as a side hustle to earn additional money to allow for spending on other cool stuff. people go hunting or fishing and all that, it's always good fun


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
It's a much bigger challenge to get people in the right mindset to roleplay with voice but once they become more comfortable with it the interactions are much more genuine and engaging; that's probably the biggest challenge and enjoyment so far.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
gmod runs like shit and gta doesnt

I miss nothing from gmod, and what neb gtarp offers is significantly better than any similar system ive used on gmod

the advantages gtarp has over gmod is that the cars handle like actual cars, the map looks like an actual city with functional lighting and the hobos dont look like disheveled corpses that've been rotting for the past 40 years throwing alien food at you. children arent ear raping me, wannabe youtubers arent hopping on to make a half-assed attempt at trolling me and im not having to deal with dudes with SS skins throwing slurs every other word

most people I know that still play gmod rp in 2023 are toxic cunts that I try to keep minimal interaction with. trying to compare the culture of the two is like asking how make a wish stacks up against josef stalin
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Mar 26, 2017
i miss the casualness of darkrp and the amount of jobs on offer making things feel a bit more lived-in
it's comparing a potato to an apple with some things but what gta lacks is the content that a decent darkrp server provides, you'd have hobos playing music, people trafficking drugs cross-map, cops looking to arrest/shoot people, the perpetual gambling stand that people use as a hangout if they're cringe, the smaller maps making things a little bit more condensed and therefore causing you to see people way more

2200 hours on c18_divrp_v4 was a trip that i use as a perpetual litmus test of what darkrp can and should be, no VIP on divinity, no messy rule systems, just about having good fun and really pushing the envelope of giving you the tools to gather up with other players and have fun. always seeing people out on the streets, interesting builds coming from some incredibly creative people, constantly never knowing what you might connect and witness someone concoct from a bunch of balls with breen's face material'ed onto them and jiggling in the shape of a humanoid like it's 3dBallz, people making an entire pirate ship on 'water', huge houses spanning to the moon, slides, etc.
then you have the basebuilding where we automized printer-farming (minus putting ink in and loading printers into slots) lots of really cool genuinely interesting and insanely creative things coming from years of tools being offered to you

GTA on neb doesn't offer as much due to the early access scenario not having as much content (no player businesses just yet) but you can still find the overtly casual uncaring nature, the fun of hanging out with people, running down local civilians for kicks, going on joyrides etc.

I've always adored the aspect of a social MMO, it's something that can and should be way bigger in the gaming atmosphere but seems to have perpetually remained a relatively niche thing, and due to that attracts its own niche audience (which has grown smaller due to gmod moving out of the gaming limelight since ten years ago)
It's a very interesting aspect of handling a videogame where the players getting together and chatting each other up is very much the grand-scale focus, not to undermine the gameplay that you can receive from it. due to the fall of divinityRP but the rise in my interest in such a thing in gaming i've actually been delving into playing older MMO's for the sake of trying to find that spark again - as there's many from the turn of the millenium, older, and younger that have that same focus (Phantasy Star Online, Final Fantasy XI, Tibia, Everquest, Ultima Online ((which has surprisingly gotten its own tiny universe hand-made by an anon on /vm/)), very early World of Warcraft, really just lots of games.

I still pay monthly for a FFXI sub but I've been delving so much time into nebulous' gmod server that it's been on my perpetual backburner forever. The idea of a world with 20+ years of content that you can spend time digging through on your own is something that's enraptured me since I was a child, and with the ability to meet up & talk to other players the entire time is a huge boon to it. On garrys mod it actually evolved into meeting as many new players as possible, hanging out with them, befriending people, working your way up the social ladder - it's an entire aspect of the game people often don't talk about! you can work to figuring out the past of the server via oral history, wars between player groups, old drama, new drama, and the entire time you're learning about how these people did the things they did, integrating their playstyle, builds, means of attack into your own - becoming your own force-of-nature compared to a player who is just around to have a chat (not to downplay them). the 'world' around you becomes less about exploring the game-map, and more about exploring people, how they play, and making friends. hanging out, having fun, and using all the knowledge you've acquired to have MORE fun.

Much of this has been damaged outright in the modern gaming sphere due to wikis, datamining, and 'meta' builds taking a HUGE prevalence over just enjoying the game yourself - it's something I've had heavy disdain for after becoming that very problem in div and focusing almost entirely on basebuilding/farming printers right up until one day i just retired from it and started having actual fun again. Many of these older games rely on you to pair-up with people with different builds to finish-out quests and content, which is a great drive.

But, to wrap this back to GTA/Gmod, it's a snake that resurfaces at times to remind you of its existence. There are players on the GTA server focused solely on getting money as fast as possible and as much as possible over just having your own fun, a perpetual thing you'll see in videogames these days. A smaller community makes these players have more presence over them just being another person you see out in the fields.

Meanwhile, in gmod, this entire iteration's focus has been handing things out to players outright for the risks they take, with equipment taking a backstep and putting the roleplay in the spotlight. There is no grind to get anywhere, you are free to prove your writing capability and be handed whatever you wish, within reason. It means that I am not forced to grow weed and resell it for cash, replay simple jobs over-and-over for money, and eventually i can own a car. Yet - all of it remains social. I have socialized with other players, getting me friends, items, people to hang out with, inside-information about the personal stories going on in large resistance groups, a chance to hang-out with the characters who are big-name players (and therefore hang out with the people playing those characters), and the entire time I've made a list of friends whom I can talk to, hang out with off-server, and play other games with. I've joined a community of people - sometimes making very long-lasting friendships (i literally slept in the basement of a friend I used to play darkrp with when driving across the USA to california - and his father helped weld our car back together, saving the entire trip, at no charge to us - all because I socialized.

Much of this coalesces together, yet much of it remains distant. It's what kept me playing gmod, it's what's keeping me playing the GTA server, it's what's keeping me playing roleplay. But to basically wrap it - although they are the same at times, they are both carried by the end-goal of people coming together to accomplish something interesting. SeriousRP is about a story, unserious is about fun. Much the same, yet so very different.

i'll still likely always prefer gmod for what it can do and look forward to s&box for bigger (but most certainly not better, not even close for a long while) darkrp servers, with an eye on what serious servers do end up coming around.
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Mar 26, 2017
ps. the gta server doesn't have its content revealed to you as a player, you have to figure it out by talking to others and socializing - something i forgot to mention. growing weed, chopping cars, most crime content. interesting at times, although sometimes bites back with new players not having any idea what to do w/o help
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
ps. the gta server doesn't have its content revealed to you as a player, you have to figure it out by talking to others and socializing - something i forgot to mention. growing weed, chopping cars, most crime content. interesting at times, although sometimes bites back with new players not having any idea what to do w/o help
A lot of your content I agreed with, but also I just want to add that a lot of us make a conceited effort to help the newbies, or introduce them to crime content if needs be.


spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
ps. the gta server doesn't have its content revealed to you as a player, you have to figure it out by talking to others and socializing - something i forgot to mention. growing weed, chopping cars, most crime content. interesting at times, although sometimes bites back with new players not having any idea what to do w/o help
much easier done when a server has high pop because there's just more people to interact with whom are looking for the secrets.
1. If it's not new content then eventually you'll find somebody that will teach you the way
2. If it's new content it means there's more people looking for it and it's easier to find

the main thing that drew me away from the server was the lack of content, you can only do so many chop shop runs before you get bored. i didn't really come back to try weed yet because there's nothing to spend money on. I have close to 100k on my char and I'd love to have the opportunity to buy a sentinel or a jester right now so that there is "something", you know?

or after buying a "starter" racing car like the afformentioned, I would wanna continue making and saving money with goals, knowing eventually I'll be able to get an even better sports car, kinda bored of driving in local vehicles. I thought the better personal vehicles (cars that arent dogshit) would come to PDM much sooner so it's why I kept grinding but they never did and eventually I just got bored.

I like that more ways of making money as a crim are coming out, and sometimes I wish the police alerts were a bit quicker so that cops would actually turn up to stolen cars, chop shops, grocery store robberies. But in reality even when the large majority of the pop on the server online at the time was cops, I hardly even saw any of them turn up to my crimes.

There was one day where the alerts were on fleek and cops kept coming to chop shop vehicles and I'mma just say it, it was the most fun day I had on the server but then subsequently the day after they were dialed back again and it just got boring again.

I'm honestly just waiting for new content to come out, I really want the pop to increase a bit before I return, it got a bit stale everyday doing the same limited number of things with the same people, but even if it didn't increase I'd just be happy to play with any sort of gameplay loop that allowed me to spend my money on meaningful things, I think buying the 'lesser' cars at PDM atm is a bit of a time waste

gotta give props to how well the police has adjusted especially in procedures and shit, and obviously everybody knows who everybody is on the server and I like how we just pretend that we don't know because they are wearing a mask or something. I think that's fun.
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Sep 30, 2017
haven't had a day where i got on and have been bored so far, regardless of playercount or things to do

i also think that a lot of players that get bored forget its an rp server and there is more to it than grinding out ten gazillion bucks and having a fast sports car and a cool penthouse, once you achieve that you'll get bored anyway and complain there's nothing more to the server

roleplayer homework assignment, think about the characteristics of your character, arcs they may have gone through, what makes them a unique entity and worth telling a story about. if the only difference between yourself and your character is what they look like (and sometimes not even that) then idk what you're exactly doing on an rp server, and you are probably better off playing something like runescape or gta online if your goal is to have the numbers go up

not trying to be some arbiter of roleplay but i have noticed people forgetting its a roleplay server and not just darkrp 2 and i think it directly contributes to this boredom
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
haven't had a day where i got on and have been bored so far, regardless of playercount or things to do

i also think that a lot of players that get bored forget its an rp server and there is more to it than grinding out ten gazillion bucks and having a fast sports car and a cool penthouse, once you achieve that you'll get bored anyway and complain there's nothing more to the server

roleplayer homework assignment, think about the characteristics of your character, arcs they may have gone through, what makes them a unique entity and worth telling a story about. if the only difference between yourself and your character is what they look like (and sometimes not even that) then idk what you're exactly doing on an rp server, and you are probably better off playing something like runescape or gta online if your goal is to have the numbers go up

not trying to be some arbiter of roleplay but i have noticed people forgetting its a roleplay server and not just darkrp 2 and i think it directly contributes to this boredom
Agreed, even me as supreme grindlord 3000, loves the roleplay you can find if you just look for it.


spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
haven't had a day where i got on and have been bored so far, regardless of playercount or things to do

i also think that a lot of players that get bored forget its an rp server and there is more to it than grinding out ten gazillion bucks and having a fast sports car and a cool penthouse, once you achieve that you'll get bored anyway and complain there's nothing more to the server

roleplayer homework assignment, think about the characteristics of your character, arcs they may have gone through, what makes them a unique entity and worth telling a story about. if the only difference between yourself and your character is what they look like (and sometimes not even that) then idk what you're exactly doing on an rp server, and you are probably better off playing something like runescape or gta online if your goal is to have the numbers go up

not trying to be some arbiter of roleplay but i have noticed people forgetting its a roleplay server and not just darkrp 2 and i think it directly contributes to this boredom
There's only so much RP you can do until you get bored of not having anything to do but RP. Also you gotta keep in mind I started playing a couple weeks before you did so the burn out came a bit quicker for me than for you

I RP'd working at Hayes for a day, doing a car show competition, had a feud with Burger Shot, several kidnappings, getting involved in several people's political career, trying to break people out of prison, bringing donuts to the cops as a peace offering, the list goes on. If I had not done RP I probably would have taken a break much sooner than I did. If there's anything lacking on the server, it's not a lack of RP.

I think the server needs to have some substance for there to be RP. RP is literally all I do when there are people on the server. I leave the grind for the downtime when the server is dead and take advantage of the population when people join and RP, but it is boring that all there is to do is just "RP" or go grind some jobs.

Just my opinion as a degenerate nolifer of the server, I wanna be able to spend my hard-earned money on good things, I don't wanna buy the crappy cars the PDM has right now that gets beat by any local car because that would have been a waste of time and money, especially with how many hours it took to grind enough money to 'potentially' (or so I think) buy a decent car. Lemme buy the cars that the locals are driving so that I can change the paint colour, add neon lights or funny clown horn or something.

It's still a serious RP server and I have seen nothing but people do "serious RP". I wonder if you compare this to the shitpiss poor other servers how much RP you'll notice we have (don't know haven't tried them but from watching youtube clips it looks like cops vs robbers with everyone spamming the N word as much as possible and that's not what we do here).

You already have the jobs, the ways to make money, there is some substance with the jewel heist, weed growing, chop shop and other secrets like the vet, joint stuff. Now we just need a way to spend our money :D
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
There's only so much RP you can do until you get bored of not having anything to do but RP. Also you gotta keep in mind I started playing a couple weeks before you did so the burn out came a bit quicker for me than for you

I RP'd working at Hayes for a day, doing a car show competition, had a feud with Burger Shot, several kidnappings, getting involved in several people's political career, trying to break people out of prison, bringing donuts to the cops as a peace offering, the list goes on. If I had not done RP I probably would have taken a break much sooner than I did. If there's anything lacking on the server, it's not a lack of RP.

I think the server needs to have some substance for there to be RP. RP is literally all I do when there are people on the server. I leave the grind for the downtime when the server is dead and take advantage of the population when people join and RP, but it is boring that all there is to do is just "RP" or go grind some jobs.

Just my opinion as a degenerate nolifer of the server, I wanna be able to spend my hard-earned money on good things, I don't wanna buy the crappy cars the PDM has right now that gets beat by any local car because that would have been a waste of time and money, especially with how many hours it took to grind enough money to 'potentially' (or so I think) buy a decent car. Lemme buy the cars that the locals are driving so that I can change the paint colour, add neon lights or funny clown horn or something.

It's still a serious RP server and I have seen nothing but people do "serious RP". I wonder if you compare this to the shitpiss poor other servers how much RP you'll notice we have (don't know haven't tried them but from watching youtube clips it looks like cops vs robbers with everyone spamming the N word as much as possible and that's not what we do here).

You already have the jobs, the ways to make money, there is some substance with the jewel heist, weed growing, chop shop and other secrets like the vet, joint stuff. Now we just need a way to spend our money :D

honestly i think when car customization is finally added that'll be a huge money sink and people will happily spend their hard earned cash on making their cars look good
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