Little, Lonely Warehouse in City 14.


HL2 RP Administrator
Mar 9, 2018

A ping on the CLU intranet appears on the Workers' PDAs - or anyone who managed to break into the network - a message from... Subdirector Martin Preston??? The warehouse manager who got his head blown off by a Houndeye??? Quite a haunting event. You can only read the message, it could be somewhat important.

Hello, Infestation Workers! If you're reading this, that means I, Martin Preston, need YOU to run the warehouse over at the port as you slowly get rid of the xenian gunk spreading throughout.
You might ask yourself, "Isn't it dangerous out there?" and the answer is... YES, OF COURSE IT IS DANGEROUS! If that wasn't already obvious enough, our security could be lacking at a first glance, however, with the help of my tips and notes, you won't have (nearly) anything to worry about, so make sure you read this before even THINKING of going for a trip to the port.

First of all, LOCK THE DOORS!!! Treat this place like you would treat your home... or realistically speaking, your apartment. We already have our resources spread thin in this No Man's Land, the last thing I want is an alien crawling inside and ruining everything on its path. Not to mention, unwanted human guests... It's not like we have a big issue with disgruntled citizens, however "Better safe than sorry!" should be your first thought when working around the warehouse. We can't do much about those windows though, so look up from time to time, for your own sake.

The interiors are obviously fitted and large enough for all your Infestation Control and depositing needs: cleaning solution barrels, sanitized containment crates, plenty of storage, tools, supplies if you need to stay at the place for that long, we even have a vehicle! Except it's quite in disrepair right now, and there's some nasty smell coming out of it... So don't bother with it until we hire a proper mechanic.

It's also really important to note that you won't go into this industrial wasteland all alone: your best friends are, in most cases, Civil Protection officers (or, less likely, the much better equipped Soldiers). They are your friend, and as long as you keep a mutually respectful behavior, you won't even get a single scratch on your hazard suit. Regardless, just in case nothing is working out for personal safety, there might or might not be a couple of... "self-defense tools" hidden in the warehouse. Take a mental reminder on where they are.​


Speaking of infestation, this thing next to the office... No clue how it got here. A replacement worker has been in my stead for quite some time, I assume he brought a crystal sample back home to study it, and with that a sprout of xenian gunk. I don't even know where the guy ended up, completely disappeared. I have no time to clean it off, so if and when you've got the time, please deal with it ASAP. We're already risking our lives with the local fauna, and I don't want to add burrowed headcrab babies onto the stock list, if you catch my meaning.​


The "office space" is more or less our repair bay, and it hosts the only working power generator in the area. While the generator itself does function properly, the terminal besides it doesn't, and I can't make heads or tails of it. I'd call the tech guys or whichever officer has any idea about these consoles, but once again, limited resources and time wouldn't let me or anyone else for that matter. If you're lucky enough to grab someone who can fix it back to working conditions, I'd appreciate it: there is plenty of information stored in there that I'd rather not let go to waste.

I've also managed to order one of those health stations, problem is we already had to use it because someone forgot to screw his filter in properly... Idiot. So that's another utility to refurbish once you have the time, all you have to do is fill the charger with fresh healing juice, granted that you get a hold of any.​


With that said, be ready in the near future to be tasked with cleaning jobs in the port. You do not need to know why nor will you ask questions about it, but we need this place to remain squeaky clean. I fear there might be something worse than just xenians out there, but nonetheless the Director board needs this sorted, and we WILL get it sorted. I trust in you all to carry out your duties as we expect, and I request of you to not spread the word about this place to anyone that isn't a worker or an authority figure... Think of it as a liability risk.

Good luck,
Subdir. Martin Preston, CIC

A very short description for how this will work out for the main targets of this place

For both CIC and Civil Protection/OTA (who will most likely work together), the warehouse will mainly be an event hub - a "landmark" for those people involved in infestation cleaning to rest up and brief/debrief, get their bearings and possibly, a retreat point (depending on the event). You can also passively interact with the warehouse itself, if the IC section of this document wasn't enough of a hint (can be arranged with staff oversight).

For the rebels, if and when they can get out and to Shell Beach (AND, IMPORTANTLY, YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THIS PLACE ICly, even just by rumor spreading), the warehouse will serve as an occasional raiding location, granted that there is proper staff oversight and it's not constant (around once per day). Rebels can try to break into the place and scavenge for tools, supplies or, if lucky enough, guns. Don't expect it to be a risk-free task, adding to the fact that the more the warehouse is raided, the harder it will get for future runs. Refer to the IC section for hints :)
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