Shadows of Doubt (homeless crackhead detective simulator)


Sep 12, 2018

This is a really impressive noirpunk/neo-noir sandbox detective game where you play as the stereotypical washed-up cynical detective and the game generates a city where you can explore literally every apartment, workplace and alleyway and talk to every NPC in order to solve randomly generated murders.

It's still in early access so it's a bit buggy at times, but having just become playable in May, it's quite fun already.

Today I tried to solve a murder of a woman in her apartment, I thought for sure her girlfriend had done it as her fingerprints where everywhere and she was nowhere to be found, an NPC even told me they had seen her at the apartment only minutes before the murder.

I end up tracking the bitch to her place of work, hacking her computer and getting all her details while still not knowing where the fuck she is as she never turned up for work I assumed because she was on the run. I only found her by asking random people if they had seen her and painstakingly tracking her down, where I proceeded to extra-judicially beat her unconscious and handcuff her. I found a gun on her person that matched the wound on the victim but when I tried to finish the case, I found out to my horror it WASN'T her. Imagine your lover is murdered, you don't go to work out of grief and carry a firearm incase someone is coming for you next, then a homeless alcoholic beats you within an inch of your life while accusing you of being the killer.


Found the game from ZP, watch vid if you want more info

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