[SUGGESTION] What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a motorcycle?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7099
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Deleted member 7099

The vacuum cleaner has the dirt bag on the inside.

Suggestion: courtrp, including lawsuits against other characters or companies or being brought to court for crimes they've committed. allow characters to be lawyers, either part of a player-created law firm or practice solo, be judges or participate in jury duty.DE!!!! BETTER CALL SAUL!!!!!!)


1) court hearings. after being arrested and before being put in jail, criminals should be put through court to decide their sentence. a good lawyer could lower or even potentially remove jail time all together with some compromises, like agreeing to probation, community service, etc. if a character assaults or commits any other crime against another character the victim could choose to push charges or not. a player could choose to simply take the default sentence if they don't want to go through the whole process.

2) lawsuits. if someone deems another character or player-ran company wronged them legally in some way, say their equipment directly caused injury or some other offense, they can take them to court, at a price. it would cost both parties money while potentially earning them a profit. a character could also fake an injury to take someone to court and attempt to scam them out of their money through a bogus lawsuit, but they not only risk their money but also jailtime. a rule should be in place to prevent a character from exploiting bogus lawsuits as to not disrupt companies and their roleplay.

3) lawyers. earn money from court cases, their performance deciding how much they make. the better their client's situation, the better their paycheck. i'm not sure if this reflects how real lawyers are payed but it works well for the server. before representing their client they can do research to find loopholes and form arguments or talk to anyone else involved in the case. their job is to lower their client's punishment as much as possible, they can choose how they do that. they can play it straight and concise or put on a charming performance, it depends on their character. the final say will be up to the judge's discretion. alternatively, people can represent themselves in court if they feel so ballsy.

4) judges and jury duty. jury duty can be made optional as to not disrupt roleplay or be mandatory for realism's sake. random characters currently online can be called to jury duty about 10 or so minutes in advance and can opt out due to any ooc obligations. they then decide among themselves if the defendant is guilty or not. if guilty, the judge then decides a sentence. players can apply to be a judge, likely held up to high scrutiny. there should be a rule for both the judge and jury to only decide based off ic facts presented in court and not persecute a player if they simply don't like them ooc.

5) the application process. ooc you'd have to apply to be a lawyer to prove you're not going to be a Freaking Troll. icly it'd be your bar test. passing the bar means you can be a lawyer. unlicensed lawyers cannot represent people in court. your character would have a background check done so if you have along criminal history you likely won't be accepted.

i suggest not doing this on the forums or in a discord vc and instead doing it entirely in-game. it's a lot funner to show up in a cool suit and tie, lay your briefcase down and argue before an actual judge instead of yelling at xX_booby_sucker_Xx#69420 in a discord channel and far more interactive, and this server is focusing on voicerp, doing it on the forums would just be boring. i'm like 90% sure there's a court on the gta5 map, have it teleport you to a basic courtroom interior. no need to intricately model the inside of it like you're a german source engine modder pondering over alyx vance's in the middle of the night.

How could this be beneficial toward the server as a whole?

this system inherently offers massive amounts of roleplay and character development, from the judge, jury and attorney's side and on the defendant's. court sessions could play out as wacky, unprofessional shouting matches or completely serious debates to itch at any roleplayer's urges. it opens new potential for characters, examples being someone who earns their money from making bogus lawsuits against companies, which develops more roleplay, say they mess with the wrong business and end up ziptied and blindfolded in the back of a van. they're sure to make just as much money as they do enemies. another could be a dishonest judge, taking bribes from criminals to give a member of a cartel a far lower sentence or a far higher one to a competitor, and i don't think i even need to make an argument for how fun playing a lawyer must be.

it also adds far more depth to committing crimes. criminals could take plea deals or have their lawyer argue their way out of jailtime entirely, it'd be overall massively beneficial to a server that seems to have a larger focus on crimerp. it is gta, afterall. finally, more job potential never hurts.

i wrote all of this while catching up on better call saul and with very little sleep cut me some slack please
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I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Suggestion: courtrp, including lawsuits against other characters or companies or being brought to court for crimes they've committed. allow characters to be lawyers, either part of a player-created law firm or practice solo, be judges or participate in jury duty.DE!!!! BETTER CALL SAUL!!!!!!)
A court system will definitely be a thing, including bench trials.

Much of it will depend on how soon after launch we have people interested in playing the role of a lawyer or judge but we definitely intend to have legal proceedings like you suggest.
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Deleted member 7099

A court system will definitely be a thing, including bench trials.

Much of it will depend on how soon after launch we have people interested in playing the role of a lawyer or judge but we definitely intend to have legal proceedings like you suggest.
i guarantee you, with how popular better call saul is and with it ending soon a lot of people will really wanna play a lawyer, maybe not so much a judge but with the right incentives and execution people will sign up. if you need any help with anything that doesn't require me to code like dealing with the faction or application side of things i'd be glad to help.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
i'd imagine judges should get a chunky salary, enough that any attempt at bribing them has to be substantial enough to be worth the risk for them

meanwhile lawyers can obviously just demand whatever pay they like of their client

could be good cash flow, both legally and illegally
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The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
Maybe yeah, I'll be happy to torture you with a few more years of judging things
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GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I would actually kill myself before trying to lawyer over voice lmao
> be accused of crime
> call for Rabid as my lawyer
> rabid suffers panic/anxiety attack over voice, plays it off as his character
> be convicted
> claim ineffective assistance of counsel
> walk free
> profit

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
i'd imagine judges should get a chunky salary, enough that any attempt at bribing them has to be substantial enough to be worth the risk for them

meanwhile lawyers can obviously just demand whatever pay they like of their client

could be good cash flow, both legally and illegally

If I'm being honest, any kind of corruption RP revolving around the judiciary or law enforcement needs to be strongly regulated in an OOC manner. There needs to be clear lines drawn between corruption RP and flat out abuse of the system.

That's not to say there can't be some level of corruption, but judges and the police are very powerful just from a mechanical perspective (heavily discounted equipment, ability to fine people, ability to jail people, search & seizure/civil forfeiture powers, authority to keep someone locked in an interrogation room for what can be hours on end, etc). What an officer states on the stand or how a judge rules might get someone placed in jail for IRL days at a time, not to mention the constant chaos from having to get new judges every time we find out xXCumDaddyXx ocean dumped a crim they didn't like. IMO there's a strong difference between being able to bribe an officer to look the other way pre-arrest and bribing an officer to lie during testimony or a cop bribing a judge for a warrant. The last two would be incredibly unhealthy for the server.

Ideally, lawyers *should* be generally free (in most circumstances) and provided with a reasonable state stipend, no one should be denied the only available lawyer because they're new and poor and that one lawyer that is online charges 25k a bench trial. That's not to say they can't charge a retainer for drafting contracts or to have one guy guaranteed to come around for your cases, just that they should be offering basic services for free.
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Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
I hope there isn't multi day prison sentences, that sounds miserable. I can understand a few hours tho

Those sort of long ass sentences would probably only come about for serious charges that have a trial. Think drug/weapons trafficking, terrorism, first degree murder (where someone actually PKs), etc. Or they just get the fattest warrant possible that charges just build up to that sort of time.

Certain charges, like the ones I mentioned earlier, should carry a lot of weight to them so that when they happen they're an actual big deal and will force people to strongly consider the ramifications of their actions. Otherwise, the server will just wind up where NoPixel is at right now where you can throw a bunch of grenades at the cops and it's just an ordinary everyday thing and just get 200+ "months" in prison that really winds up being 45 minutes after doing chores + good behavior.

Don't want to be in prison for a week? Don't get up on the steps of city hall going "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!" followed up with the execution of the mayor or judiciary in front of the entire city.
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Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
I don't think prison times will be anything outrageous unless you're doing something major, ideally it'll be higher fines instead of time.

I think there should be just a max fine + max time per individual charge and let the officer/judge decide the balance. A rich person should definitely get hit with a higher fine, but an officer could take it easy on someone who is new + poor and just give them a longer time in prison but less of a fine.


Or or or or or.

Fines are a % of whatever your gross wealth is. So even if you have 0 dollars in your checking account, you will still be fined whatever based on your total assets (house, car, etc)
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Those sort of long ass sentences would probably only come about for serious charges that have a trial. Think drug/weapons trafficking, terrorism, first degree murder (where someone actually PKs), etc. Or they just get the fattest warrant possible that charges just build up to that sort of time.

Certain charges, like the ones I mentioned earlier, should carry a lot of weight to them so that when they happen they're an actual big deal and will force people to strongly consider the ramifications of their actions. Otherwise, the server will just wind up where NoPixel is at right now where you can throw a bunch of grenades at the cops and it's just an ordinary everyday thing and just get 200+ "months" in prison that really winds up being 45 minutes after doing chores + good behavior.

Don't want to be in prison for a week? Don't get up on the steps of city hall going "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!" followed up with the execution of the mayor or judiciary in front of the entire city.
sounds stupid to me
I just wouldnt play during my multi day prison time
I don't think prison times will be anything outrageous unless you're doing something major, ideally it'll be higher fines instead of time.
I and im sure tons of other people care way more about their money than prison time. imo locking someone up should be used as a deterrence for crimes that are going to make the server look retarded if it's spammed out by every player within a 2 hour period
I think there should be just a max fine + max time per individual charge and let the officer/judge decide the balance. A rich person should definitely get hit with a higher fine, but an officer could take it easy on someone who is new + poor and just give them a longer time in prison but less of a fine.


Or or or or or.

Fines are a % of whatever your gross wealth is. So even if you have 0 dollars in your checking account, you will still be fined whatever based on your total assets (house, car, etc)
sounds too deep