
HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016


"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?" - Yuri Orlov

For one to live comfortably with a side of fine whiskey being served upon demand, one must ascertain enough tangible assets at every given opportunity through an explotive mindset towards competition, desaturated markets and cheap labour itself. It is indeed a blessing that the market authority remains abolished, that the pittyful red tape has been cut, and the miserable parasite known as taxation that sought to suck on the financial achievements of a man has been killed. The world in which hard work is rewarded rather than handicapped in favour of moralism and equality.
We encourage the following establishments...
Croupier and Hospitality
War Profiteers

Drug Smugglers
Xen and Antlion Ranchers
Fighting Ring Organisers
Hive Explorers and Miners
Doctors and Miracle Workers

We do not shoot our valuable customers
We take no interest in the affairs of our customers
We do not tax or regulate our products or services
We do not facilitate nor encourage trade unions
We prosper and profit at all costs

This system is seperate from the Merchant System.
However, whitelist holders may be issued a spot within or around Agora.

Six to Eight finest Capitalists will be considered and issued a space within the Agora.
Submit via forum conversation to @RedMan, @Appetite Ruining Kebab, and @Nathant18.

Successful and active businesses at the end of the map may be offered the Merchant whitelist.
Existing Characters will be considered provided they can abide by the rules of neutrality.
New Characters are encouraged. Free-form applications.


fresh prince of baghdad
Apr 16, 2017
Business Profile

Company Name:
Izmir Kebab and Pizza House

Company Overview:

Founded in 2020, Izmir Kebab and Pizza House is the largest and most widespread fast-food franchise, operating in over 350 locations worldwide. Renowned for its creative fusion of Earthly flavors and alien cuisine, the franchise stands as a symbol of resilience, unity, and culinary innovation in the face of intergalactic adversity.

Products and Services:

Izmir Kebab and Pizza House have carved a unique niche in the fast-food industry by offering a variety of kebabs and pizzas, accentuated by a unique blend of traditional Earth ingredients and alien produce. Their signature dishes like the Antlion Kebab Pizza and Headcrab Calzone have gained global popularity due to their originality and taste. Additionally, the company offers a range of vegetarian and vegan options, demonstrating its commitment to catering to all dietary preferences.

Market Position and Achievements:

Since its inception, Izmir Kebab and Pizza House have redefined the boundaries of the fast-food industry. Not only has it excelled in a world disrupted by an alien occupation, but it has also successfully integrated new flavors and techniques, thanks to its understanding of alien biodiversity. This innovative approach has led to a rapid expansion of the brand and allowed it to secure a prominent position in the global fast-food market.

Izmir Kebab and Pizza House was awarded the "Best Cuisine" at the Worldwide Fast Food Awards in 2023, further cementing its reputation as a leading global fast-food chain.

Future Plans:

Izmir Kebab and Pizza House aim to continue their expansion, setting sights on untapped territories in this new world. The franchise also plans to delve further into the culinary possibilities offered by the alien fauna and flora. With a dedicated research and development team in place, Izmir intends to introduce more innovative dishes that can foster unity among Earth's inhabitants and strengthen their spirit in the face of the new reality.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

Izmir Kebab and Pizza House is committed to sustainable and responsible business practices. They engage in numerous initiatives to foster harmony between human and alien populations. One such initiative is their "Food for All" program, which provides meals to the less fortunate irrespective of their origin.

Investors and Founders

Idris Halim:

Idris Halim, the founder of Izmir Kebab and Pizza House, is a culinary visionary who sought to use food as a means to bridge the divide between Earth's inhabitants and their alien neighbors. He launched the first Izmir Kebab and Pizza House in 2020, using his ingenious blend of terrestrial and extraterrestrial ingredients to create a menu that transcended traditional culinary boundaries.

In the year following Izmir's establishment, the company's success soared, making Halim one of the wealthiest men on Earth. Despite his immense wealth, Halim remains deeply involved in the business and is instrumental in the development of the brand's unique and innovative offerings.

Prince Abdullah ibn Ibrahim bin Rafida bin Roshayed Al-Shahrani:

Prince Abdullah ibn Ibrahim bin Rafida bin Roshayed Al-Shahrani is another notable investor in the Izmir brand. As the last remaining member of the Saudi Royal family, he saw the potential in Izmir's unique fusion of Earthly and alien flavors and decided to support its expansion efforts. His investment has been vital in furthering the company's growth and ensuring its ability to sustain its operations during these challenging times.

Despite the ongoing war to reclaim the Arabian peninsula from the remaining Combine forces, Prince Abdullah remains a steadfast supporter of Izmir, viewing it as a symbol of resilience and unity in a world fragmented by conflict.

Cheng Ho:

Cheng Ho, a prominent investor and renowned business tycoon, recognized the potential of Izmir Kebab and Pizza House early on. Seeing the brand's ability to bring a sense of normality and unity to a post-alien occupied world, he became a significant investor in the company. Cheng Ho's investment has allowed Izmir to continue its expansion and culinary innovation, solidifying its place as the leading global fast-food chain.

These key investors, each with their unique backgrounds and personal motivations, have significantly contributed to Izmir's global success. Their belief in the power of food as a tool for peace and unity has enabled Izmir Kebab and Pizza House to become a culinary beacon in a world reshaped by alien occupation.

Response to Allegations:
In light of recent allegations that Izmir Kebab and Pizza House may be utilizing their global distribution network to fund and supply insurgent groups, the company's leadership would like to issue a clear and unequivocal statement.

As a company deeply committed to unity, peace, and mutual respect among all beings, Izmir categorically denies these allegations. Our operations are solely devoted to the preparation and distribution of food, intended to bring comfort and a sense of shared community to all corners of the world.

Our worldwide distribution network is utilized exclusively for the purpose of transporting our food products to our franchise locations. It does not, nor has it ever, been used for purposes other than delivering the unique and loved culinary experience Izmir offers to its customers. We strictly adhere to all applicable laws and regulations of the regions we operate in, as well as to international guidelines for corporate conduct.

Izmir Kebab and Pizza House is proud to be an emblem of resilience and unity in these challenging times. We are dedicated to using our resources and influence to foster a culture of inclusivity and to create a positive impact on the lives of our customers and the wider global community.

We remain open to any inquiries or investigations into our operations, confident in the integrity and transparency of our business practices. We are committed to maintaining the trust of our customers, employees, and shareholders, and we will continue to strive to serve our community with the highest standard of corporate responsibility.


Izmir Kebab and Pizza House stand as a beacon of resilience and innovation in the post-occupation world. With its creative fusion of traditional Earthly and alien flavors, the franchise is more than just a fast-food chain. It's a symbol of unity, a testament to the indomitable human spirit, and a promoter of peace through the universal language of food.
May 18, 2016
A few points for clarification:

1. Claiming a property in Agora requires you to make an application through here.

2. You can apply to be a simple inhabitant or even start a 'gang', rather than running a business; but keep in mind that we will prioritize businesses/groups first.
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