Completed unpopular suggestion: disable 3rd person

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Mar 13, 2023
Being entirely honest. I think disabling third person whilst you have weapons out is a viable way to improve the s2k scene - at least until we have a way for third person to enabled only when you have your weapon drawn. Sure, it's not perfectly what everyone wants - it has to be a compromise either way. Not to mention, either way people can still do all their funky s2k strats with it, it's just slower and I don't think it's a big enough bother to RP to have it disabled with weapons out. Ideally, we can get it to the point where it's only disabled when your weapon is readied - admittedly, it'd still be used to peak in S2K but at least it doesn't ruin people's RP experience (like constant s2k).

Another option is just make third person abuse/peaking against the rules - sure, it's going to be difficult to staff it, but most the time there's staff on either side of the s2k anyway who can give their buddies a hint to stop doing it.

The third option is that admins just disable/enable the third person depending on S2K heavy environments/events. Think, they'd disable third person during a huge shootout (like in the IZ with the Combine base, or during the Agora raids, etc.) but leave it on for smaller engagements where Third Person Peaking/Abuse doesn't really matter cause the fights are short enough anyway. With this, your S2K Sweats can still do their funky ambushes and what not and your ERP Enthusiasts can have third person during their RP.

Otherwise, maybe we should just reconsider if our focus is meant to be on RP or S2K.
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
Being entirely honest. I think disabling third person whilst you have weapons out is a viable way to improve the s2k scene - at least until we have a way for first person to enabled only when you have your weapon drawn.
that's already coded in lol we used it for the past few (two?) maps


Jun 1, 2017
third person made it 50x more fun

u just want to ww3rp-ify the server 😤

i don't understand how sitting behind a corner for 90 hours waiting for the other guy to peak (who is also waiting for you to peak) is '''''''''''''fun'''''''''''''


Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
Disable 3rd person for weapons.
Why was it enabled again? :(

the revert to bring back 3rd person wasn't even discussed to the community nor announced.
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Apr 26, 2016
Some gossip I heard was that because people just kept third person peeking with their gun lowered, doing the same with raised weapon was re-enabled. However, given this is idle speculation from an unclear source, so it's not the most substantial thing out there.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016

they brought back 3rd person combat for 'em cool rebel kill montages!!!!

There are a billion more videos of rebels killing combine montage it's not a competition nor it holds any relevance in the topic, people will do this with and without third person, with and without S2K
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020

they brought back 3rd person combat for 'em cool rebel kill montages!!!!
i admit with 3p disabled i made less frag clips but i did make a few


Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016

Okay but how do a couple silly messages change the fact a complaint about a montage of john doe killing bob good holds no direct relation to whether 3rd or 1st person is used

My point is this doesn't add anything to the conversation to whether one system or the other should be used, it's just LOOK THE COMBINE CHANGED IT SO THEY CAN RECORD FRAG MOVIES! which can even be true but it changes nothing whatsoever objectively, it's merely shit flinging + as I already told you, it's easier to find rebel fragmovies than the other way around, but it's only somehow offensive when combine players do it

Like, your own picture proves said animosity, you both just assumed the change back to third person enabled was done for that reason and pulled the skill issue thing, all on your own, didn't even bother asking the source of the change lol
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
Okay but how do a couple silly messages change the fact a complaint about a montage of john doe killing bob good holds no direct relation to whether 3rd or 1st person is used

My point is this doesn't add anything to the conversation to whether one system or the other should be used, it's just LOOK THE COMBINE CHANGED IT SO THEY CAN RECORD FRAG MOVIES! which can even be true but it changes nothing whatsoever objectively, it's merely shit flinging + as I already told you, it's easier to find rebel fragmovies than the other way around, but it's only somehow offensive when combine players do it

Like, your own picture proves said animosity, you both just assumed the change back to third person enabled was done for that reason and pulled the skill issue thing, all on your own, didn't even bother asking the source of the change lol
For starters, I was being half sarcastic.
Second of all, one of the people who was part of that VC admitted of Numbers half-jokingly confessing about only getting kills in 3rd person.

You can cut the strawmanning. I don’t suppose -either- side doing demeaning kill montages. The whole point of this suggestion was to help ease both factions with s2k toxicity. What numbers did to revert a community backed suggestion behind people’s backs was highly unprofessional for a server director to do.

Numbers can speak for himself. It’s not mine or the majority of the playerbase’s responsibility to come to him privately for an explanation. That’s his job to so beforehand in circumstances like this.
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
For starters, I was being half sarcastic.
Second of all, one of the people who was part of that VC admitted of Numbers half-jokingly confessing about only getting kills in 3rd person.

You can cut the strawmanning. I don’t -either- side doing demeaning kill montages. The whole point of this suggestion was to help ease both factions with s2k toxicity. What numbers did to revert a community backed suggestion behind people’s back was highly unprofessional as a server director.

I am not saying it wasn't unprofessional I didn't even position myself in the topic, I'm saying your post did not have any use beyond pointing fingers at some dude who made a video montage
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Mar 13, 2023
Gonna go out on a limb here, referring back to my previous post - making it so that Third Person Peaking is abuse and against the rules fixes almost all the problems without too much of a drawback.

About S2K being slow/grinding:
- No more peaking corners for three years and waiting for one side to make a move, it's easier to assault a position because the guys defending have to peak out physically and are more susceptible to being surprised.
- People can still use third person in fights, just not to peak round corners. I know this might make CQC a bit odd, but I reckon it'll be a positive outcome in the end.

- People can still hold their guns out and RP, both raised and lowered.

Only negatives I can foresee:
- Staff have a little more to do. That being said though, staff are usually in both sides of the S2K engagement and can give their troops a hint to stop abusing without making any punishments. I'm sure if there is any action taken, people will chill out about it soon enough.
- CQC can be a bit odd, especially if you're in third person for it. Honestly though, odds are you'll be in first person for CQC anyway.

A fix for the staff having more to do - they should probably only take action if the fight starts to take ages or if the guy is just shamelessly abusing third person.

For a mite more trouble for staff, it's really not too bad. Especially if we get into the habit of self-policing each other so staff don't even have to be on the look out for it.
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