Wash, A re-introduction


Aug 1, 2017
Hey there, It's been a long time since I did anything here.

I dont know if I'll return. But I'll go through my story.

My name is Wash, or Alex, neither are true, just alias'...But I was before here a frequent roleplayer, gamer, etc. I've participated in a few serious Gmod type servers before, Halo, Star Wars and the like...But this was honestly the one server I've stuck around the longest. Honestly the only one I could still remember the server name for. I remember enjoying the old inventory system, being a lost confused lad being huddled into workshifts, realizing I could make a tidy profit out of simple RP actions...It's something I am good at making up on the fly.

Then eventually I worked up enough courage to sign up on the forums and eventually joined the CWU (Civil Workers Union), and got a tidy position there...But I wanted more, and the spreadsheets were eventually getting on my ass, so I managed to get a transfer to the Civil Protection Unit, as KING-6. My Golden Age, eventually I even managed to make seperate characters for the Administration, as we had a low-tier Representative system back in City 24 (James Washington, RIPperoni, shot while walking on the streets...I tried to appeal, can't remember if it worked or not), and then tried my hand as Senator...Well, I got on Dallas' bad side then and since he ran the City then, I didn't last long.

Eventually I acted in such a disgraceful way that I had been banned for a few days from the server, but my CP character had to get axed in-character. I made another character, a shopkeeper, before that happened, but eventually just lost my drive and quietly left, where I haven't fully returned since.

I've been a menace in my own way, and honestly in the years since (We're talking 2017-2019, max), I've managed to change my life around and now have a good, hard working job...Sure it's cashier, but where I live, you can't find much more beyond retail.

I've thought of returning, but a mix of work, fear, hesitation, and remembering how I was those final months had kept me away...I'm hoping to return, I just never know when I can commit, if I can commit...How I'll feel remaking the same character from years ago (I remember that characters got wiped some time ago)

I'd like to just get back on the positive side again, so here's the hellos...I guess, If there's anyone who remembers me, feel free to mention, for better or worse, odds are I'll probably forget who you are, I am a "faces, not names" person I am afraid. Thanks!

Edited Addon: After I had made this post, I actually had looked around a bit more...I didn't realize the HL2RP server was shut down.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016


Aug 1, 2017
i loved singapore

My one and only event...Frankly, I dont even know how it got approved, but alas, like my school wrestling career, once and likely never again.

Glad to see someone knows me.
We'll have something up and running soon
Well, that's good, someone should message me on Discord (Wash#3470) if that happens, I probably will be busy when it's announced to not notice.
the king is back
Well, glad to see some things never change...

When's the bus leaving? (Nah, really, nice to see you again.)


Professional cynic
Sep 16, 2017
I remember you, Wash. We didn't interact the most, but, cool to see you return. I was HERO-4 and all around the time you played, I believe. I don't recall if I was Sienna or Alexis during your time, maybe a bit of both? I had joined CP during City 24 when it was Havok, Elizabeth and Angel as the main Rank Leaders that I remember seeing floating about. Good ol' VICTOR-5, JURY-9 and ROLLER-5. Definitely brings back some flashbacks recounting those taglines.

Truthfully, I might have forgotten your tagline but I believe it was KING-6? I remember a fair few details about your character and the likes behaviour-wise, though. Might just be off the mark with the tagline.

Welcome back, for however long it might be. I'm not active myself anymore, but, always fun to see one of the people I remember from my time on the server.


EDIT: Just saw you literally listed your unit name in your post. Epic, I was right.
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