Rules Server Ruleset

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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Massive credits to Blackquill for the majority of this ruleset. Further credits to Señor Jaggles for edits to suit HL2RP² and Numbers for further adjustments. We have only tweaked it accordingly.


The most basic of all rules is practising common sense. These rules serve as guidelines for oversight and fairness. We ensured to keep the rules as unlimiting and fair as possible to ensure everyone's creativity and possibilities are not hindered by them, and as such we ask you, the players, for fair play. Unless specified, these rules are general in nature, and they apply to all factions.

These actions are absolutely and strictly forbidden.

Powergaming, metagaming (this includes using VOIP software outside of the game to gain an advantage during roleplay), metabaiting, RDM, misusing OOC powers, OOC discrimination of any kind (Applies to IC if told OOCly to stop), flaming, backseating.
Blatantly unserious or offensive characters/behaviours.
Spamming or stalling of any kind, cheats/exploits/binds or macros of any kind.
Ignoring/avoiding RP via disconnecting, voiding situations without staff permission.
Making fresh characters (aka throwaways) with the intention of breaching FearRP, FailRPing or otherwise disrupting the roleplay of others.
Transferring items/IC knowledge between your characters
Remaking dead characters
Disconnecting to avoid PK. You may not disconnect to avoid the PK command being executed.
ERP in-game. F2B (Fading to Black, skipping the action) is obligatory and must be specified with a /mec or /itc signalling it. Anything non-consensual IC is prohibited, even while being F2B only. Anything roleplayed off-server does not have any bearing in-game whatsoever.
Unequipping a weapon before dying to prevent it from dropping.


Characters are expected to:
Be rounded in reality, within the setting and reason.
Have their description be an accurate representation of their physical appearance and attributes.
Have their description remain consistent when further editing said description over time.
Face roleplay conflict under P2L rules (play to lose). /roll may be used as long as all parties agree.
Have up to two languages (flags) maximum (unless given an exception).
Pursue personal motivations rather than personal greed. (Self-preservation is NOT personal greed).
Forget their knowledge of a situation after an NLR, acting it out as if they were never present in the situation to begin with. Use /help if you are unsure what to forget after an NLR.

Once your character is legitimately killed, they are PKed. PKs can be appealed on the forums.
Be mindful and respectful of other player's experiences.
Be creative and most importantly - have fun! Your character is your canvas.

All of these rules may be tied to PK risk. Check the Permanent Kill Criteria to learn more.

Any action of conflict over items, be it scamming, mugging, or else must be performed strictly IC and will be tied to a prohibition of disconnection for the following thirty minutes. No conflict over items may be motivated solely by greed.
The only thing you are not allowed to take from another player is their currency. Custom scripts may also not be taken outside of genuine reasoning. You may not kill someone after mugging them.
Diplomatic or otherwise non-lethal confrontations are encouraged over lethal ones. This is for the sake of player enjoyment. Think creatively, most of the time, death is not the only answer.
Performing an attack on Combine personnel/infrastructure (thumpers, forcefields, generators, cameras, etc.) regardless of type within inner-city bounds will be restricted unless an appropriate number of players are flagged up to defend - 4 Combine characters minimum
For every additional member initiating an attack, an additional Combine character must be flagged up (e.g., two rebels attacking, five Combine characters are required). This only applies to attacks in which any of the aggressors are using firearms.
It is prohibited to attempt a mugging on any Civil Protection characters within inner-city bounds.
The window for disconnecting from the server is 30 minutes after conflicts outside of basic S2K. This also applies to things such as editing your bodygroups via closets.
Killing someone is strictly in-character and must have a substantial reason for it. Whether NLR or PK is applied is up to the rules and staff intervention if necessary, not player consensus. However, a player may willingly request a PK on their character, but this should not sway the reactions of other characters (if someone kills somebody else and it ends up as NLR, that person has still killed someone, and it should have the same weight ICly as a PK).
Before you kill a character, make sure it’s what your character would do. This is not a free-for-all deathmatch server, and killing someone must have a valid reason behind it. Consider whether keeping the other character alive would lead to a more interesting and enjoyable story. Additionally, captives are shielded by this; killing captives for the sake of their past allegiance is not permitted. Be fair and get creative with the roleplay you create with your prisoners.
You cannot attempt to raid/breach another player's containers without appropriate reasoning. You must gain authorization from an SA+ to raid a container. Civil Protection may inspect containers placed within the city so long as they have a reason to do so. They still require SA+ authorization to raid a container outside the city.


For firefights, we use S2K (Shoot 2 Kill) as standard. S2RP (or even S2M) may be used if all parties agree or if an event enforces it. Major story events will use S2RP as standard.
Once initiated, S2K is only for those involved in the situation at that time and not those outside of it. It also ends when all one side either completely retreats to a safe zone or dies.
When engaging people in a situation where roleplay has already been initiated, you must properly roleplay initiating said engagement (readying your weapon, raising it, firing it). This is to prevent people from abusing people mid-roleplay acting to take them down quickly.

S2K is only for the gunfight itself. Everything else must be roleplayed like usual.
If the target of a firefight is an unarmed character or a character only armed with a melee weapon, then S2RP will be the default method of combat. This only applies if the target is wholly disadvantaged. Otherwise, the characters should be allowed to appropriately roleplay their deaths where applicable.
When in the midst of a firefight, healing is limited to one application per player and must be roleplayed as usual. Refreshing your armour does not count as healing but is also limited to one application per firefight. This restriction does not apply to characters that have retreated to a safe place outside of the conflict.


All PKs should carry a substantial reason of some kind.
All PKs should be conducted within the rules and be kept completely IC.
All PKs must be proportionate and follow the concept of 'Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth'. They must serve a purpose. Major, unwarranted escalations in conflict resulting in character death are likely to be unfounded and will be considered a rule break.
You are expected to contact PK management before carrying out a premeditated action that will result in a PK for a character to ensure your reasoning is valid.
When requesting someone be PKed, please state the whole reasoning in a /help message.
We strongly encourage keeping PKs as a last resort for all players. This applies to all sides of the server. Consider your fellow players and aim for creative resolutions to conflict.
If a PK reason is deemed invalid, then it will be overturned. This can happen either before a character is PKed or afterwards in an appeal. Anything voided as a result of PK appeals will be outlined within the appeal verdict.
Revealing PK reasons OOC to involved parties will invalidate the PK, as this leads to things such as metagame/metabait.

Clarification note:
As the server progresses, more reasons may be added and/or some may be removed. Make sure to stay up to date with this ruleset to avoid unwanted surprises.

PKs will be dealt with in the PK Appeals section. Removing or not executing a PK without authorisation from SA PK Managers is strictly forbidden. This is to ensure fairness for all players.

More information on PKs:

The criteria around what is and what isn’t a valid reason to permanently kill another character can be subjective based on the circumstances and the characters involved - hence why all of the possible reasons cannot be written down.

However, we can outline the most common and general reasons that may put your character at risk of a PK:

Committing violations and being killed by Combine forces
Being caught reporting resistance activity to Combine forces
Directly threatening to kill another character or being killed while attacking someone
Being a collaborator known for actively aiding in the capture or death of another character.
Criteria specific to factions: (E.g Being rogue)
Criteria specific to player-made conflict: (E.g Ongoing feuds, group wars, etc)

NLR (New Life Rule) and its usage:
NLR is a tool for administration to use when dealing with certain circumstances or instances; as such, it should not be used as a convenient way to kill off another character(s) to benefit yourself in a situation. A common example would be killing someone in public and then killing everyone who saw because they were 'witnesses' to your crime. The timer for NLR is thirty minutes.

What if I’m killed for an invalid reason?:
If you believe you have been killed for an invalid reason, the main course of action is to head over to the PK appeal section and post a thread. There it will be discussed and reviewed with the PKer, The PKed and the PK appeal management staff to determine its validity. We ask that you keep any evidence relevant to the situation and post it there.

Regarding Temporary PKs:
Temporary PKs are being kept as they were introduced in previous iterations: another mechanism to fill the gap between NLR and a full-fledged Permanent Kill. They are meant to add more gravity to certain situations while not being as crushing as PKs. PK management will decide the length of these Temporary PKs, and they will be used as a solution to more complex situations.

These rules don’t fall under any specific category and are more for explanation and clarity
Suits/masks that cover your face do only that - they do not conceal your other characteristics that other people may recognise
You may have a serious nickname for your character. However, you must keep your character's first and last name.
Equipping a new Kevlar vest is not considered ‘refreshing your armour’ and cannot be done in combat.
Dying to map hazards by accident will result in just NLR. If it's done on purpose (For example: To get full health back), then it's counted as a suicide PK.
Faction leads may not give themselves rogue auths, it must go through Senior Administration/Server Directors
Rogue characters, if fleeing the city permanently, will be restricted in the amount of tokens they can take with them
Characters are permitted one footlocker personal container that must be placed within a building/room in which they own or have gained permission to do so. Civil Protection can inspect containers placed in the city so long as they have reason to do so.

The rules aren't only limited to those above, The SD(s) and SAs can decide whether or not something is against the rules using their own judgement - formal complaints go here
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Blue Ball
HL2 RP Server Director
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
All of these rules may be tied to PK risk. Check the Permanent Kill Criteria to learn more.

You cannot attempt to raid/breach another player's containers without appropriate reasoning. You must gain authorization from an SA+ to raid a container. Civil Protection may inspect containers placed within the city so long as they have a reason to do so. They still require SA+ authorization to raid a container outside the city.
These rules don’t fall under any specific category and are more for explanation and clarity

Characters are permitted one footlocker personal container that must be placed within a building/room in which they own or have gained permission to do so. Civil Protection can inspect containers placed in the city so long as they have reason to do so.
Rules have been added, use /help when making use of these.
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