Suggestion Add places for the LSPD/EMS to deploy their boats.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
The LSPD own a speedboat but there's nowhere for them to be able to get it out which means it relies on admins currently to spawn it should they need a boat.

The EMS also (while currently do not have their own boat (please give them one)) do not have a place to get their boats out as well, and given the numerous instances of people drowning and EMS being mostly unable (except for the one instance where I saved someone on a jetski I had to rent) to help people at sea, I'm actually surprised we've yet to bring this up.

With the addition of Scuba Gear and hopefully more water related features in the near future (Looking at you, fishing suggestion and add boats suggestion) I feel like this will likely become more and more useful as time goes on.
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