Accepted Boris Drugov Kill appeal

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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 13, 2023
Your Steam Name: SmoothAsMilk
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70223505

Character Name: Boris Drugov
Member of staff who banned your character: @Rod
Character/Player who carried out the PK (If known): Currently unknown

Describe how your character died: I was at Zethes checkpoint after a combine raid, i had my gun not in my hand and went afk it would only take a minute to tie my dog up so i didnt put afk in my description, i came back and saw an apc and one soldier, the apc was not moving and i thought the lone soldier was the driver, he begins kicking down the door and shot me.

Why do you believe your PK is invalid?: @Rod told me "pulling a weapon on an overwhelming force" was the reason for my PK. However, i can explain that i went afk to tie up my dog to prevent her from barking at a neighbor who came over to talk to my mom for a moment. When i came back i saw only the soldier and the apc no one else, i thought that the single soldier was the driver of the apc. I saw no overwhelming force just one man and a unmanned vehicle.

Date of occurrence: 5/29/23
Evidence (screenshots, logs):

Any other parties involved: None

Misc details: slight gripe but why can the soldier open the door that says it cannot be forced open manually.
It must be a bug or something because if its not a bug its just lying to everyone who sees it.
If he didnt open the non-manual opening door that situation would have played out far differently. I must also add since he was not in the room or even capable of shooting me when I pulled the gun I do not understand how that is pulling a weapon on an overwhelming force

I would appreciate a conversation with all parties if possible my discord is Moorio#2374 please add me and we can speak about this admins and such
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 13, 2023
120 For some reason it says it cannot find the video. If that is the case for you here it is. Please remove the underscore and put it in google


remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
Hello. I ran the command with @FreeSpy 's greenlight to go to appeal.

I decided to take this death to appeal due to the following reasons:
-an APC and a team of OTA are considered an overwhelming force, and initiating hostilities (you raised a pistol at an armed soldier upon him entering the door) in such a case leads to a PK. You saw the APC through transparent glass and radioed in ''OTA AT ZETHES''. There's a possibility you didn't see the rest of the OTA team through the glass despite them being there, but even then, the radio would imply that, even if you hadn't seen the rest of the OTA, you were seemingly aware of the presence of a team, and initiated hostilities.

-I was informed that doors with ''this door is locked'' or ''cannot be opened'' that are map entities can be opened by OTA if the door itself is unlocked, regardless of the precedent text. In this case, another player had left the mechanism door unlocked, allowing OTA to pass through freely, which allowed them to reach you and kill you. The OTA whitelist, by mechanic, is able to open any entity doors on maps.

The deciding factor of whether this PK is valid is down to the door. Clarification is required by PK management:
-Can OTA pass through doors that explicitly state they are locked if they are not collided/physically locked in the game?


I am Santa Claus
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Jun 1, 2016
-Can OTA pass through doors that explicitly state they are locked if they are not collided/physically locked in the game?
That specific door is operated by a button in the checkpoint booth, the door can’t be opened in any other way. The only other way to open it would be an admin forcing it open using the context menu.

The only reason the OTA was able to open it is because the combine faction is able to open doors that have “use opens” disabled, which was done so that they could open combine doors while non combine factions couldn’t (Such as nexus doors on city maps).

(Also the video isn’t working for me)
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 13, 2023
if possible i would like to clarify a few parts of this to make certain things clear and potentially get answers for a few things
Hello. I ran the command with @FreeSpy 's greenlight to go to appeal.

I decided to take this death to appeal due to the following reasons:
-an APC and a team of OTA are considered an overwhelming force, and initiating hostilities (you raised a pistol at an armed soldier upon him entering the door) in such a case leads to a PK. You saw the APC through transparent glass and radioed in ''OTA AT ZETHES''. There's a possibility you didn't see the rest of the OTA team through the glass despite them being there, but even then, the radio would imply that, even if you hadn't seen the rest of the OTA, you were seemingly aware of the presence of a team, and initiated hostilities.

-I was informed that doors with ''this door is locked'' or ''cannot be opened'' that are map entities can be opened by OTA if the door itself is unlocked, regardless of the precedent text. In this case, another player had left the mechanism door unlocked, allowing OTA to pass through freely, which allowed them to reach you and kill you. The OTA whitelist, by mechanic, is able to open any entity doors on maps.

The deciding factor of whether this PK is valid is down to the door. Clarification is required by PK management:
-Can OTA pass through doors that explicitly state they are locked if they are not collided/physically locked in the game?
1. I radioed "CPS AT ZETHES" not as me knowing of any more or expecting any more OTA but as a generalized statement because if I said there's one guy here I would have been wrong I did not know there were more, I thought that the solo soldier was the APCs driver.

2. I accidentally tested the mechanical door lock when I went to ensure all the other doors were locked like the green one that was kicked down, I forgot you had to open the door via button and tried to open it, in short, it did not open because you need to use the button unless that is not what you are addressing here. I believe there should be some form of change made to prevent cases like this in the future because other players did not know OTA and such can open these doors, in fact, I have met a person who has commented about this very thing, I cannot mention their name at this moment because I do not have their permission at this time.

3. I believe there should be a change to the text present at the door or a rework to a mechanic to as previously stated prevent a situation like this from happening again.


remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
the information i've gathered is ota can open that door because ota can open any ent doors on map and a separate player had left the actual entity door unlocked
whether that is permissible or not is up to the people responsible for writing such rules or writing the text on the door (which should pronounce themselves, i'll look to see who that was)

otherwise, regardless of the impression you had upon initiating combat, the secondary topic is IF the ota could manage to get to your position from where they were through that door - whether you had or not initiated hostilities by raising a weapon when an OTA had their aim on you already


remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
Spoken to relevant parties: text above is overruled. Door could not be opened, even if OTA have the in-game mechanic to do so. No video evidence to confirm rambo, player was in a defensive position.

This appeal is accepted (pending @FreeSpy if he has anything else to add)


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 13, 2023
Overruled. Door could not be opened, even if OTA have the in-game mechanic to do so. No video evidence to confirm rambo, player was in a defensive position.

This appeal is accepted (pending @FreeSpy if he has anything else to add)
I thank you a hundred times for assisting me in this, I will exercise more caution in the future with situations like this again many thanks. Do you want me to delete this thread now? And do you have any idea when my character will be unbanned, sorry if it seems like I'm impatient i just really want to play
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Mar 12, 2018
Spoken to relevant parties: text above is overruled. Door could not be opened, even if OTA have the in-game mechanic to do so. No video evidence to confirm rambo, player was in a defensive position.

This appeal is accepted (pending @FreeSpy if he has anything else to add)

the video was deleted by the original uploader for unknown reasons so we can't really confirm it being as true

in addition, the door should've not been opened or atleast there should not have been a pk. we were under some different knowledge at the time which is why i greenlit it.

so as rod said

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