Serious Could you still see yourself roleplaying in later life?

May 18, 2016
i've tried playing on smaller servers but i don't think they're my cup of tea tbh, idk, i just like it when there's more people around, that's just me though

basically, 90% of your experience is dictated by the particular brand of people you bump into. if you find 3-4 amazing roleplayers you suddenly have all the time in the world to flesh out your characters' arcs without getting interrupted too regularly, and often when you're having fun its easy to forget the rest of the map is actually empty

but if you just meet people who are mediocre or a chore to interact with you'll taper off quickly
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Apr 26, 2016
I think so, I mean I started really early at like 8 with roblox adopt me, pokemon, fantasy or warrior cats roleplay (and an abundant amount of tycoons). Roleplay has been present in my life longer than it hasn't. I think it's just baked in to my core identity almost, it's something I can and do find exciting and enjoyable. I'd probably have to actively unlearn the things that make my brain enjoy roleplay, and why would I do that.

It's also nice how extensive roleplay is as a hobby. I can go online and make accounts for forum roleplays, or I can play outdated games duct taped with love and spite, tabletop has proven to be really fun with the settings and I'm addicted to world of darkness, a large part is because of nostalgia being a kid and wanting to be a vampire. There's something quaint and warm about playing those epics you had in your head (like I've always wanted to live in the Pokemon world, and I got to play a TTTRPG for it 6 years ago now, even only for two sessions I still love that memory), and writing them for other people to join in on and play is an actual skill that I wish people would recognize.

That shared collective writing, a meeting of minds to all tell a story in their own vision is beautiful too. It's amazing to see people write their characters and share them with others, partake in a world that can almost feel real. It is a very real art, even if there's no manifested visual and that's special. It's productive, and it's healthy for you (probably).

Roleplay is just special, and the good thing is more and more people are being exposed to it. Sure they probably won't be coming to garry's mod roleplay servers, but they'll still tell their stories with others and that's great.

My roommate does bully me for roleplaying a Korean character on GTA:V RP though.
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
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Jun 26, 2020


Sep 9, 2022
An interesting question. My simple answer is probably.

So I will most likely continue for a few years as long as I can have some free time for it. I am one year into this kinda hobby and I have met most of the people I talk to online. Something about RP to me is very compelling. You are an actor (or actress) playing a role/story/character where you are in part writing the script in real time. But I also like looking at other people's works and stories. I tend to play the bad guy, fully knowing now that I am expected to lose (surprising how people fail to get that even after supposedly 5 years or more of doing that), but if I can bring the stakes to the good guys or even doubt if those who run the villain machine are absolute evil, then I am happy. TextRP is my focus, honestly. I like the slower and more personal pace over full improv with voice. Makes an easier time thinking as the character you have in mind.

Now, would I stick to servers or massive playercount experiences of continuous uptime format? Unless we get really good quality control in the future, then no. Clearly, my life will not give me as much free time to simply hop on in the evening/late afternoon every single day, so I'd really want my time well spent when that inevitability comes.

But for now RP itself is driving me forward in my own creative ambitions and an excuse to learn some stuff I wanted to learn for a long time, so who knows what will happen due to it. Or who knows how the mediums for all of that change as I do anything.

mucho texto
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