May 18, 2016


- Both new and old characters may apply.

- Items from the faction's vendor should not be given to those outside of it. This and other forms of vendor abuse will be met with a harsh ban.

- No RDMing citizens under any circumstances. Never shoot first unless explicitly threatened.

- Rogue actions must be discussed with the faction leaders.

- You cannot apply with a character who has an ex-collaborator background (CP, loyalist, etc.) or is actively working undercover for the Combine. In-character background checks would see you rejected at best, executed at worst.

- Maintain serious IC behavior in all circumstances. Just because your character is a part of a repressive state apparatus doesn't mean you won't be punished for making tasteless memes about war crimes, etc. Treat the themes of the faction with respect.


Steam name & ID:
Character name:
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Are you interested in a leadership position?:
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
Steam name & ID: ProvingMedusa | STEAM_0:0:155006109

Character name: Georgi Atanas

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Georgi Atanas is a Bulgarian man somewhere in his late thirties. He didn't move around much during the Occupation but landed himself in City-44. He was never a "clean" person and always ended up getting himself involved in various small gangs and made quite a few connections for himself in the City.

His life of petty crime and being an overall shithead came to end when he pissed off the wrong group of Loyalists at the time by getting into a bar fight with a couple of the collaborators after they had stolen some of his belongings and a good sum of money. He lost the fight. Tremendously. The Loyalists found Georgi's display so pathetic they had him dumped off in CITY-45 to rot.

It was here in Bucharest where Georgi simply carried on with his ways, getting involved with certain groups of unsavoury individuals and carrying out crimes once more. You would think he'd be a better fit for the CTE but following the Bloody Week (Which he participated in quite significantly) he was proud of his work, liberating himself and many others from the scum that was the Loyalists, Collaborators and most importantly, the Combine.

Georgi is by no means a good person. He will insult, beat, and kill who he's told to. He's completely immersed himself in the idea that he's a heroic liberator of Bucharest, and so of course he'd want to keep Bucharest liberated by joining the National Guard. A firm believer the Clanul are a plague of Bucharest that needs to be treated, and the Combine Remnants a horde of Termites that wish to tear down the structure that is Liberated Bucharest.

By Horia Niculescu, he would do his best to keep this broken Democracy alive.

Are you interested in a leadership position?:


Jan 21, 2023
Steam name & ID: Bilack (STEAM_0:0:12479815)
Character name: Daniel Mureșanu
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Daniel grew up as a victim of the Communist regime. Most of his childhood comprised of being raised in orphanages, then filled to the brim as a result of Ceaușescu's strict policies. He kept on hearing from state officials about how great Romania was, how advanced it was as a country, and other similar lies that he'd see on black and white TV in the 80's in a time where basic house necessities like flour and bread were rationed. All of that propaganda didn't stick with him. By the time the revolution broke out, Daniel was 18, merely a boy, yet he was in Bucharest with a rifle in his hands exchanging gunfire with Securitate snipers.

After Ceaușescu's dictatorship crumbled, Romania was in a state of despair. The people were free from the regime, but not from the wave of nationwide melancholy that soon followed. The orphanages were still full, homeless kids were huffing glue underground, crime was rampant. It was a free yet shattered Romania, a foreshadowing of what would eventually come later down the years.

Daniel, inspired by the army's actions during the revolution, enlisted in the military himself. He served in an armoured brigade as a tank crewman for a couple of years.


(Attached is a picture of Daniel peering out of his tank during a training exercise, sometime in the late 90's.)

Eventually, burnout got to him, he decided to leave the army in order to return to civilian life. Dan skimmed across a few jobs, working an honest man, getting by as best as he could. Life was certainly starting to shape itself back to normalcy.

Until the Combine showed up.

In no time, Daniel was on a train getting relocated, and life under the Combine quickly started echoing the fraudulent howls of the regime he had fought against. Except this time, he didn't quite have a way to resist it... not for now. The seconds ticked by slowly. It was a dull cycle. Wake up, listen to Combine propaganda on the big screens around the city, eat rationed gray mush, etcetera and etcetera, until he got relocated and the cycle restarted again, just in a different city. That's how life was for him and for everyone, not too far off from how he lived under Ceaușescu's rule. He hated every second of it.

Fortunately for Daniel, he managed to luck out at just the right time, as his final relocation would end up being to his hometown, Bucharest, now known as City-45. Sure, he got on bad terms with some cops who had friends in high places, and his trip to City-45 was meant to be a punishment. Initially, it felt like it for Dan. But a new revolution broke out yet again, same as it did an odd 34 or so years ago. He really was the right man in the right place at the right time, all dots connected, and in the blink of an eye, Daniel once again held a rifle in his hands, battling against the oppressors, fueled by sheer anger and a glowing hope for new freedom.

After living so much of his life under two different yet equally brutal tyrannies, Dan was damn happy to be under the Free State, a free man, and considering he'd previously been part of the Romanian Revolution AND the army thereafter, Bloody Week wasn't quite his first rodeo. He's seen it all once and he's happy to see it again, albeit this time people weren't huffing glue in the sewers, no no. They were breathing in the wind of change, and for that, Dan owed his respects to the new leaders. He's sworn to serve them, and boy, serve them he will. It's his duty. His loyalties are cemented in stone. He fights as he hates what's in front of him (that being the CTE and the broken remnants of the Combine) because he loves what's behind him. The Free State.

It's the least he can do after they've helped liberate him from the Combine's iron-fisted rule.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yeah, sure. Why not?
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016

Steam name & ID: Maytree, STEAM_0:0:120965844
Character name: Elijah 'Ahiga' Bell

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: Elijah was a Native-American male, born in September 9th of 1987. He grew up in a foster-home, often raised under foster-care since the age of six. He was simply a nice kid but had serious anger issues stemmed from the factors of being bullied for being colored, or for simply raising without any biological parents. His anger manegement grew when he was transferred to a Texan foster-care facility at the age of 15, crammed in a neighborhood of violent activity. Elihah's mental issues worsened when he was often framed by the kids of the facility, sustaining physical beatings by the Facility Staff members. The wave of abuse from both adults and children alike lasted a full year, driving Elijah to run away hide amongst the violent neighborhoods. Elijah would soon join a gang of underage vigilantes, predominately pedophile hunters. Elijah would adopt the street name "Ahiga", meaning "Fighter" in the Navajo language. He was caught by police in a 3-day chase, having been initially caught by a family of four at a nearby Whataburger Joint when Elijah and his friends were beating an employee to death. Police eventually caught him in nearby traffic, being arrested and charged as an adult for Manslaughter.

Long after the Portal Storms and when the Combine took over Earth, Elijah Bell spent of his days becoming a member of a rebel cell in City 45, working as a funder and a ranger. He witnessed friends perished by the hands of MPF sewer patrols, either captured into nexuses and being shot on sight. During the fall of City 45, Elijah and his cell were crammed into band of fighters of all backgrounds. Ex-CP, max-tiered loyalists, and even EX-CAs. Despite being rogues themselves, Elijah was still vexed of their presence. Alot of them still spoke in code-words, or some still cling to beliefs that "The Union" had been good before, and even hearing them scoffing about the Resistance being the next generation of Earthly Leaders. Elijah partook with vengeful rebels behind everyone's backs, superstitious of these local Rogue units were part of the Surgical Strike Teams that constantly berating their Resistance Cell. One night, during their trainride out of the newly liberated city, Elijah and his team held everyone hostage, forcefully gunning down Ex-Combine on sight before making their grizzly escape into the wilderness.

Elijah and his cell grew apart, roaming from hill to hill until reaching a village of rejoicing Resistance Fighters. He spent his first months as a free man working under the town's sheriff. He eventually became the town's executioner before reading newspapers of a new National Guard of a now liberated City, calling themselves the Free State. Elijah saw great potential of this new National Guard, hoping to assist local citizens and making a career path of hunting down former loyalists in hiding. He enjoyed two things; help who needs helping and kill who needs killing. He made his quick departures with the Town's Sherif, and soon traversing his way to join the band of malicious soldiers. He would dedicate his time retiring his chaotic ways of life into a life of order, using his background to track down hiding loyalists and vermin alike.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: I was actually a lead of the CEC and the CIC in (the now dead RP server) Cataclysm. There's always room to grow as one of the leaders, so sure why not.​
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Reactions: List
Apr 30, 2023
Steam name & ID: Imperialist that Sneeds imperialist thatsneers

Character name: Adrian Simmons


(Border Security Supervisor A. Simmons stationed at GVRF. Checkpoint circa june 2023)

"The Gate and the State" - Zethes Security LLC. 2023-202-

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

A younger individual growing up during the occupation mostly with stories of their older peers Adrian was formerly a security guard employed with a paramilitary security force known as zethes security after a long strenuous contract in the alps and a series of search and destroy missions in city 24 most notably setting a bundle of handgrenades bound with a CP belt and destroying the Civil Protection Barracks Adrian had served as a gate guard and member of the security forces of green valley's outer perimeter serving as a supervising border security officer and in the absence of the GV Security team he had become the site security officer until the groups contract became null and void following the first disasterous battle of Agora and the dissolution of the Zethes company's operations in the region. Feeling dejected and abandoned Adrian made a brief stop at the RSR embassy following the brief re-capture of the town Adrian took his newly acquired vehicle and made for Bucharest in hopes of finding a way to use his experience as a security guard and paramilitary in-order to create a living for himself. Having left the valley for Bucharest a few weeks in the past he had thrown his hat in with the National guard program in-hopes of re-securing some form of an inkling of what his previous job as a security contractor used to give him.


(The journey to Bucharest, Circa Late June-Early July)

Following the termination of his contract in Agora and having lost a significant amount of equipment as he was caught up in a Civil Protection shake down within the city he decided to make his exit using a jalopy found on the side of the road its driver's fate unknown but for simmons it was only the start to a new beginning as the border guard turned contractor had set course to rebel controlled territory in search of a better life getting various radio broadcasts on the way to the free state eventually after two weeks of settling in he found his hatred of the combine and having to abide by Zethes's neutrality policy ultimately ended up robbing him of his hard earned gear and money but this anger would fuel his decision to go from a guerilla fighter and private security contractor into a willing cold tool of the free state carrying out his orders and tasks as efficiently and orderly as he had during his tenure in the swiss alps while employed by the Zethes Company along with this his skills in demolition which he had gained a very brief period of fame for in city 24 would find use in his new life and career.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Not particularly but if needed I can and will take said role if there's a shortage of hands.

feat. drill sergeant "Akzhmahs. Paul "Gunner" Vichini. Abdul "Mohammed Ali" Samir Kyle"Skitch" Denton
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Reactions: List


HL2 RP Administrator
Mar 9, 2018
Steam name & ID: Gyarik ; STEAM_0:0:179582349

Character name: Giuliano Carosella

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Not much about Giuliano's life before the Combine occupation is known, other than his father having ties with the 'Ndrangheta, an organized crime syndicate from the southern side of Italy, with Giuliano himself rumored to be taking part in their activities as well, ever since his later teens, mainly involved with extortion and being a loan shark. Despite his crime-filled years, he wasn't raised in an abusive or uneducated environment, on the contrary he followed through school all the way until adult age.

Following the Combine invasion, Giuliano has been completely cut off from his family, 'friends' and targets alike, who made him enough money to live happily throughout the years. Desperate to make a proper living for himself, he resorted to petty, small crimes that would hopefully go unnoticed by the watchful Civil Protection eyes... until he got caught. He attempted to steal out of a loyalist's shop while the clerk was looking away, a mere box of cigarette packs, but the owner noticed that, which resulted in cops swarming to the place and beating the living hell out of him. He couldn't take the 'disrespect' obviously, though he wasn't angry against the Combine as much as he was with the 'snitch' that enabled this to happen. His plan was simple: set the loyalist's apartment on fire, even if it meant burning the whole building out. Similarily to the stealing incident, it didn't work out: too many witnesses, he ended up being caught by Civil Protection officers once again, just as he was entering the apartment complex with suspiciously flammable materials in hand; it might have been the end of his story, however death did not come for him just yet, instead being sent straight to C45, indefinitely.

Realizing that the relocation to Bucharest was a punishment worse than the so called 'amputation', mostly because he is now forced to not only see those shit-faced bootlicker loyalists at every corner he turns, but also become their effective slave as they had more than enough power within the city to do just that, Giuliano's genuine hate and feelings of revenge would be fueled more and more, almost driving him to insanity; the only thing keeping him away from snapping was his fellow criminals, people who were thrown in there for being 'scum' in the Combine's view. He wasn't really compassionate or 'relating' to them in any sense, rather he saw the opportunity to thrive against the city's iron fist if he sticked around with his new buddies. By befriending the locals it was like he joined an underground gang, almost feeling like the old times, albeit in much worse living conditions.

Then came the infamous Bloody Week.
Giuliano felt almost ecstatic in taking part of this revolution, always dreaming of getting back at the loyalist bastards who put him in that position. Until then, he has never truly killed a person, face to face, but right off the bat he was forced by peer pressure to outright execute a group of captured loyalists, using nothing more than a machete. Despite his many wishes to kill his direct oppressors, this event was a hard pill to swallow for him: he faced the first soul, looking up to him like a scared, innocent dog. Giuliano struck once, his hands shaking. Screams of terror and pain filled the area. He's in utter shock, but he kept striking until no more noises came out of the victim. Then came the next one. He's still shaking, but he keeps going, his 'friends' were watching after all, and all the pent up rage was still there, inside his mind. It was over in the matter of a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity for Giuliano. Once the deed was done, he felt disgusted, yet growing ever so indifferent by the ongoing violence in the streets of Bucharest.

By the time the Bloody Week faded away, he was finally a free man, yet he felt a glooming presence filling the air around him...
"Fucking loyalists, they're out there scheming... They want to get to ME... Won't happen. NEVER. EVER AGAIN." he thought to himself. A sign of mental instability for sure; nonetheless he wanted to make sure the opposing parties would stay the hell out of Bucharest, now wanting to sign up for the newly established National Guard, the perfect role to fulfill his lingering needs.

The character is meant to portray an anti-social ex-criminal who cares only about ensuring the free state is clear of any Combine or loyalist remnant due to obvious personal grudges against both, specially the loyalists. Friends only exist for his personal gain, though obviously he acts like one, specially towards any brother in arms. Following orders would be his daily bread, as long as it aligns with punishing dissidents and opponents. He doesn't act like a narcissist or feeling superior to anyone, however he thinks there's an image to uphold for himself, and by extension he has the urge to uphold the National Guard's law, using it as a tool for personal respect, "just like the good old times".

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Nope.
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Jul 29, 2018

Steam name & ID:
Random (STEAM_0:0:78541525)

Character name:
Lucion Albescu

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Lucion was born in the early 1980s. He was present during the fall of the communist regime that ruled over his country and watched as the soldiers of his beloved homeland fought for freedom and liberty for his country. As soon as Lucion turned 18, he enlisted in the Romanian army, serving as a marksman in an infantry squad.

During the 7-Hour war, Lucion fought alongside his brethren, trying to combat the threat as best as possible. Though they ended up surrendering, he still fought everywhere possible for his homeland.

Once the news hit Lucion that the city he was born in was liberated from the combine, he packed all his things and returned to his former home. Once he arrived, it took him a long time to recover from what the combine did to the city and turned it into ruins.

After a few months of living in the city, he offered his services to the city, attempting to keep it clear of any scum that might try to ruin this place he calls home.

Seeing as more and more immigrants moved into the city, he applied for the Romanian National Guard. Having past experience with the Romanian armed forces, it wasn't hard for him to adjust to the fighting style of the National Guard.

Now he patrols the streets of Bucharest, keeping the streets clear of all who oppose its freedom, beauty, and history.

Are you interested in a leadership position?:
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Jan 26, 2017
Steam Name & ID:
AzzA | STEAM_0:1:148410150

Character Name:
Andrei Bogdan.


- Picture of Rifleman Andrei Bogdan, taken during the Seven-Hour-War. -

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Born into a poor Romanian family during the 1980s, there was little question that Andrei would ultimately follow in his Father's footsteps, descending into a life of petty crime.

By the time he was twenty-one, Andrei had been in-and-out of various institutions and prisons for a large chunk of his life; for a miss-match of petty crimes. He was, for all intents and purposes, a low-life scumbag.

This, for better or worse, changed when he enlisted in the Romanian Army, serving as a simple Rifleman for the duration of his service, serving alongside Lucion Albescu, and Anton Ifrim, becoming steadfast comrades.

Following the Combine's invasion of Earth, and the conclusion of the Seven-Hour-War, Andrei's unit surrendered to the overwhelming Combine force.

With news of the liberation finally reaching him, Andrei returned to the capital of his homeland, Bucharest - and, alongside his old Comrades, sought to enlist in the National Guard of Bucharest, yearning for the same comradery and purpose that his time in the Military bestowed upon him.

Are you interested in a leadership position?:
Not really, no.


Mar 13, 2023
Steam name & ID: Blitzoo12 - STEAM_0:1:79277566

Character name: Anton 'Big Dog' Ifrim


Anton during a training exercise.

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Born into a military family in Romania in the early 1980s. His father pushed his patriotism on his son, thus it was inevitable for Anton to join the RLF. He was always picked on for his height, an unfortunate 5'2" and he'd develop a rough exterior from the constant hardship, he wouldn't let his height hold him back. Anton worked hard, trained harder and at the age of 18, he joined the Army - a fight in of itself, having to get a letter from the head office to let him serve.

He'd train initially as a vehicle crewman, crewing BTRs and tanks for a half a year. It wasn't for him though, a small man in a big tank was typical - he wanted to prove his worth on an even field. Swapping to infantry, he found his element - nothing brought him more joy than showing up the bigger guys. Anton served in various roles, machine gunner, anti-tank, grenadier - if it was big, loud and fun, he wanted it - matched his personality, he'd say.

He "fought" in the Seven Hour War, alongside two of his close friends; Albescu and Bogdan. They didn't achieve much, given how short the war was. If the Combine had advanced only a few more kilometres, they'd probably be in the ground. Post-war, he was never the most well-behaved, but never did anything too serious, a loud voice. Cast away from City 44 to 45 for his trouble, he suffered familiar hardship. He was all too proud to put the damned loyalists in their place. Little in the way of family left, it was a miracle when his old comrades returned - emblazoned with the same national pride.

Given all that - a spot in the National Guard was a dream come true. Almost a return to his old life.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Not really, unless there's no one else.

I know the pictures too old for 1990s, but I like this one :).
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Mar 26, 2017
Steam name & ID: Judge Dredd The Techno Viking STEAM_0:1:17800525
Character name: Dosia Sienieński
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: non-native bucharestian involved in heavy conflict in the carpathian mountain range for several months; eternal hatred of the Combine and the dozens of mafia groups vying for power; power-hungry streetrat

Regular thug before the war for small-time gangs, never left the culture during the subsequent occupation/uprising. Years of experience to back up a dirty fight or a mugging.

From France. Speaker of Polish from occupation years/war. Upheld by a will to see a unified city under their control, with several plans to see it through.


Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yes.


Apr 26, 2016
jambez, STEAM_0:0:41828242
Kristian Roev

Born in the mid-1980's, few years short of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, within the family of a carpenter, Kristian would not be greeted with gloom by the end of the Millenia, as he'd find himself dropping from highschool and engaging in minor thievery and batteries to satisfy his needs in a post-communist bulgarian economy - accompanied with a sentence or two.​
With the dawning of the new Millenia, soon followed by the 7-Hour war, life for the pitiful thug would not change much past the Combine Invasion - apart from the Officers wearing gasmasks and being more eager to beat him up than previously. Amongst pickpocketry, he had, unfortunately, stumbled upon beating once the wrong restaurant owner over a thin-nerved exchange of insults.
This was the final straw that had him sent to City 45.​
Relocated to a divided "shithole", Roev would soon find himself growing more contemptful around his environment, as the loyalist's reign would bog his life down further in paranoic fear and repressive anguish. His malice was starting to be less and less motivated from survival instincts, and more from disgruntlement of the collaborationists' terror over low-lives like him.​

Then came the revolution.
Once the dust (and ashes) had settled down, with the newly established Free State, Roev decided to opt-in for once to more communal work, one that benefited his interests:

Paying back the loyalists' favour with service within the National Guard, all in the name of Bucharest - and himself.​
Duty, Freedom and Payback - all in one convenient package,

"What could a man want more?"

The goal of the character is to, hopefully, portray a corrupt thug put within the lines of the National Guard, looking towards pushing both his own and the government's interests further.
Simple and concise.​

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May 18, 2016
Steam name & ID: ProvingMedusa | STEAM_0:0:155006109

Character name: Georgi Atanas

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Georgi Atanas is a Bulgarian man somewhere in his late thirties. He didn't move around much during the Occupation but landed himself in City-44. He was never a "clean" person and always ended up getting himself involved in various small gangs and made quite a few connections for himself in the City.

His life of petty crime and being an overall shithead came to end when he pissed off the wrong group of Loyalists at the time by getting into a bar fight with a couple of the collaborators after they had stolen some of his belongings and a good sum of money. He lost the fight. Tremendously. The Loyalists found Georgi's display so pathetic they had him dumped off in CITY-45 to rot.

It was here in Bucharest where Georgi simply carried on with his ways, getting involved with certain groups of unsavoury individuals and carrying out crimes once more. You would think he'd be a better fit for the CTE but following the Bloody Week (Which he participated in quite significantly) he was proud of his work, liberating himself and many others from the scum that was the Loyalists, Collaborators and most importantly, the Combine.

Georgi is by no means a good person. He will insult, beat, and kill who he's told to. He's completely immersed himself in the idea that he's a heroic liberator of Bucharest, and so of course he'd want to keep Bucharest liberated by joining the National Guard. A firm believer the Clanul are a plague of Bucharest that needs to be treated, and the Combine Remnants a horde of Termites that wish to tear down the structure that is Liberated Bucharest.

By Horia Niculescu, he would do his best to keep this broken Democracy alive.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: NO, SIR.

Steam name & ID: Imperialist that Sneeds imperialist thatsneers

Character name: Adrian Simmons


(Border Security Supervisor A. Simmons stationed at GVRF. Checkpoint circa june 2023)

"The Gate and the State" - Zethes Security LLC. 2023-202-

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

A younger individual growing up during the occupation mostly with stories of their older peers Adrian was formerly a security guard employed with a paramilitary security force known as zethes security after a long strenuous contract in the alps and a series of search and destroy missions in city 24 most notably setting a bundle of handgrenades bound with a CP belt and destroying the Civil Protection Barracks Adrian had served as a gate guard and member of the security forces of green valley's outer perimeter serving as a supervising border security officer and in the absence of the GV Security team he had become the site security officer until the groups contract became null and void following the first disasterous battle of Agora and the dissolution of the Zethes company's operations in the region. Feeling dejected and abandoned Adrian made a brief stop at the RSR embassy following the brief re-capture of the town Adrian took his newly acquired vehicle and made for Bucharest in hopes of finding a way to use his experience as a security guard and paramilitary in-order to create a living for himself. Having left the valley for Bucharest a few weeks in the past he had thrown his hat in with the National guard program in-hopes of re-securing some form of an inkling of what his previous job as a security contractor used to give him.


(The journey to Bucharest, Circa Late June-Early July)

Following the termination of his contract in Agora and having lost a significant amount of equipment as he was caught up in a Civil Protection shake down within the city he decided to make his exit using a jalopy found on the side of the road its driver's fate unknown but for simmons it was only the start to a new beginning as the border guard turned contractor had set course to rebel controlled territory in search of a better life getting various radio broadcasts on the way to the free state eventually after two weeks of settling in he found his hatred of the combine and having to abide by Zethes's neutrality policy ultimately ended up robbing him of his hard earned gear and money but this anger would fuel his decision to go from a guerilla fighter and private security contractor into a willing cold tool of the free state carrying out his orders and tasks as efficiently and orderly as he had during his tenure in the swiss alps while employed by the Zethes Company along with this his skills in demolition which he had gained a very brief period of fame for in city 24 would find use in his new life and career.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Not particularly but if needed I can and will take said role if there's a shortage of hands.

feat. drill sergeant "Akzhmahs. Paul "Gunner" Vichini. Abdul "Mohammed Ali" Samir Kyle"Skitch" Denton

Steam name & ID: Gyarik ; STEAM_0:0:179582349

Character name: Giuliano Carosella

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Not much about Giuliano's life before the Combine occupation is known, other than his father having ties with the 'Ndrangheta, an organized crime syndicate from the southern side of Italy, with Giuliano himself rumored to be taking part in their activities as well, ever since his later teens, mainly involved with extortion and being a loan shark. Despite his crime-filled years, he wasn't raised in an abusive or uneducated environment, on the contrary he followed through school all the way until adult age.

Following the Combine invasion, Giuliano has been completely cut off from his family, 'friends' and targets alike, who made him enough money to live happily throughout the years. Desperate to make a proper living for himself, he resorted to petty, small crimes that would hopefully go unnoticed by the watchful Civil Protection eyes... until he got caught. He attempted to steal out of a loyalist's shop while the clerk was looking away, a mere box of cigarette packs, but the owner noticed that, which resulted in cops swarming to the place and beating the living hell out of him. He couldn't take the 'disrespect' obviously, though he wasn't angry against the Combine as much as he was with the 'snitch' that enabled this to happen. His plan was simple: set the loyalist's apartment on fire, even if it meant burning the whole building out. Similarily to the stealing incident, it didn't work out: too many witnesses, he ended up being caught by Civil Protection officers once again, just as he was entering the apartment complex with suspiciously flammable materials in hand; it might have been the end of his story, however death did not come for him just yet, instead being sent straight to C45, indefinitely.

Realizing that the relocation to Bucharest was a punishment worse than the so called 'amputation', mostly because he is now forced to not only see those shit-faced bootlicker loyalists at every corner he turns, but also become their effective slave as they had more than enough power within the city to do just that, Giuliano's genuine hate and feelings of revenge would be fueled more and more, almost driving him to insanity; the only thing keeping him away from snapping was his fellow criminals, people who were thrown in there for being 'scum' in the Combine's view. He wasn't really compassionate or 'relating' to them in any sense, rather he saw the opportunity to thrive against the city's iron fist if he sticked around with his new buddies. By befriending the locals it was like he joined an underground gang, almost feeling like the old times, albeit in much worse living conditions.

Then came the infamous Bloody Week.
Giuliano felt almost ecstatic in taking part of this revolution, always dreaming of getting back at the loyalist bastards who put him in that position. Until then, he has never truly killed a person, face to face, but right off the bat he was forced by peer pressure to outright execute a group of captured loyalists, using nothing more than a machete. Despite his many wishes to kill his direct oppressors, this event was a hard pill to swallow for him: he faced the first soul, looking up to him like a scared, innocent dog. Giuliano struck once, his hands shaking. Screams of terror and pain filled the area. He's in utter shock, but he kept striking until no more noises came out of the victim. Then came the next one. He's still shaking, but he keeps going, his 'friends' were watching after all, and all the pent up rage was still there, inside his mind. It was over in the matter of a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity for Giuliano. Once the deed was done, he felt disgusted, yet growing ever so indifferent by the ongoing violence in the streets of Bucharest.

By the time the Bloody Week faded away, he was finally a free man, yet he felt a glooming presence filling the air around him...
"Fucking loyalists, they're out there scheming... They want to get to ME... Won't happen. NEVER. EVER AGAIN." he thought to himself. A sign of mental instability for sure; nonetheless he wanted to make sure the opposing parties would stay the hell out of Bucharest, now wanting to sign up for the newly established National Guard, the perfect role to fulfill his lingering needs.

The character is meant to portray an anti-social ex-criminal who cares only about ensuring the free state is clear of any Combine or loyalist remnant due to obvious personal grudges against both, specially the loyalists. Friends only exist for his personal gain, though obviously he acts like one, specially towards any brother in arms. Following orders would be his daily bread, as long as it aligns with punishing dissidents and opponents. He doesn't act like a narcissist or feeling superior to anyone, however he thinks there's an image to uphold for himself, and by extension he has the urge to uphold the National Guard's law, using it as a tool for personal respect, "just like the good old times".

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Nope.

Steam Name & ID:
AzzA | STEAM_0:1:148410150

Character Name:
Andrei Bogdan.


- Picture of Rifleman Andrei Bogdan, taken during the Seven-Hour-War. -

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Born into a poor Romanian family during the 1980s, there was little question that Andrei would ultimately follow in his Father's footsteps, descending into a life of petty crime.

By the time he was twenty-one, Andrei had been in-and-out of various institutions and prisons for a large chunk of his life; for a miss-match of petty crimes. He was, for all intents and purposes, a low-life scumbag.

This, for better or worse, changed when he enlisted in the Romanian Army, serving as a simple Rifleman for the duration of his service, serving alongside Lucion Albescu, and Anton Ifrim, becoming steadfast comrades.

Following the Combine's invasion of Earth, and the conclusion of the Seven-Hour-War, Andrei's unit surrendered to the overwhelming Combine force.

With news of the liberation finally reaching him, Andrei returned to the capital of his homeland, Bucharest - and, alongside his old Comrades, sought to enlist in the National Guard of Bucharest, yearning for the same comradery and purpose that his time in the Military bestowed upon him.

Are you interested in a leadership position?:
Not really, no.

Steam name & ID: Blitzoo12 - STEAM_0:1:79277566

Character name: Anton 'Big Dog' Ifrim


Anton during a training exercise.

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Born into a military family in Romania in the early 1980s. His father pushed his patriotism on his son, thus it was inevitable for Anton to join the RLF. He was always picked on for his height, an unfortunate 5'2" and he'd develop a rough exterior from the constant hardship, he wouldn't let his height hold him back. Anton worked hard, trained harder and at the age of 18, he joined the Army - a fight in of itself, having to get a letter from the head office to let him serve.

He'd train initially as a vehicle crewman, crewing BTRs and tanks for a half a year. It wasn't for him though, a small man in a big tank was typical - he wanted to prove his worth on an even field. Swapping to infantry, he found his element - nothing brought him more joy than showing up the bigger guys. Anton served in various roles, machine gunner, anti-tank, grenadier - if it was big, loud and fun, he wanted it - matched his personality, he'd say.

He "fought" in the Seven Hour War, alongside two of his close friends; Albescu and Bogdan. They didn't achieve much, given how short the war was. If the Combine had advanced only a few more kilometres, they'd probably be in the ground. Post-war, he was never the most well-behaved, but never did anything too serious, a loud voice. Cast away from City 44 to 45 for his trouble, he suffered familiar hardship. He was all too proud to put the damned loyalists in their place. Little in the way of family left, it was a miracle when his old comrades returned - emblazoned with the same national pride.

Given all that - a spot in the National Guard was a dream come true. Almost a return to his old life.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Not really, unless there's no one else.

I know the pictures too old for 1990s, but I like this one :).

Steam name & ID: Judge Dredd The Techno Viking STEAM_0:1:17800525
Character name: Dosia Sienieński
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: non-native bucharestian involved in heavy conflict in the carpathian mountain range for several months; eternal hatred of the Combine and the dozens of mafia groups vying for power; power-hungry streetrat

Regular thug before the war for small-time gangs, never left the culture during the subsequent occupation/uprising. Years of experience to back up a dirty fight or a mugging.

From France. Speaker of Polish from occupation years/war. Upheld by a will to see a unified city under their control, with several plans to see it through.


Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yes.

jambez, STEAM_0:0:41828242
Kristian Roev


The goal of the character is to, hopefully, portray a corrupt thug put within the lines of the National Guard, looking towards pushing both his own and the government's interests further.
Simple and concise.​

Accepted as Private.

Steam name & ID: Maytree, STEAM_0:0:120965844
Character name: Elijah 'Ahiga' Bell

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: Elijah was a Native-American male, born in September 9th of 1987. He grew up in a foster-home, often raised under foster-care since the age of six. He was simply a nice kid but had serious anger issues stemmed from the factors of being bullied for being colored, or for simply raising without any biological parents. His anger manegement grew when he was transferred to a Texan foster-care facility at the age of 15, crammed in a neighborhood of violent activity. Elihah's mental issues worsened when he was often framed by the kids of the facility, sustaining physical beatings by the Facility Staff members. The wave of abuse from both adults and children alike lasted a full year, driving Elijah to run away hide amongst the violent neighborhoods. Elijah would soon join a gang of underage vigilantes, predominately pedophile hunters. Elijah would adopt the street name "Ahiga", meaning "Fighter" in the Navajo language. He was caught by police in a 3-day chase, having been initially caught by a family of four at a nearby Whataburger Joint when Elijah and his friends were beating an employee to death. Police eventually caught him in nearby traffic, being arrested and charged as an adult for Manslaughter.

Long after the Portal Storms and when the Combine took over Earth, Elijah Bell spent of his days becoming a member of a rebel cell in City 45, working as a funder and a ranger. He witnessed friends perished by the hands of MPF sewer patrols, either captured into nexuses and being shot on sight. During the fall of City 45, Elijah and his cell were crammed into band of fighters of all backgrounds. Ex-CP, max-tiered loyalists, and even EX-CAs. Despite being rogues themselves, Elijah was still vexed of their presence. Alot of them still spoke in code-words, or some still cling to beliefs that "The Union" had been good before, and even hearing them scoffing about the Resistance being the next generation of Earthly Leaders. Elijah partook with vengeful rebels behind everyone's backs, superstitious of these local Rogue units were part of the Surgical Strike Teams that constantly berating their Resistance Cell. One night, during their trainride out of the newly liberated city, Elijah and his team held everyone hostage, forcefully gunning down Ex-Combine on sight before making their grizzly escape into the wilderness.

Elijah and his cell grew apart, roaming from hill to hill until reaching a village of rejoicing Resistance Fighters. He spent his first months as a free man working under the town's sheriff. He eventually became the town's executioner before reading newspapers of a new National Guard of a now liberated City, calling themselves the Free State. Elijah saw great potential of this new National Guard, hoping to assist local citizens and making a career path of hunting down former loyalists in hiding. He enjoyed two things; help who needs helping and kill who needs killing. He made his quick departures with the Town's Sherif, and soon traversing his way to join the band of malicious soldiers. He would dedicate his time retiring his chaotic ways of life into a life of order, using his background to track down hiding loyalists and vermin alike.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: I was actually a lead of the CEC and the CIC in (the now dead RP server) Cataclysm. There's always room to grow as one of the leaders, so sure why not.​

Steam name & ID:
Random (STEAM_0:0:78541525)

Character name:
Lucion Albescu

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Now he patrols the streets of Bucharest, keeping the streets clear of all who oppose its freedom, beauty, and history.

Are you interested in a leadership position?:

Accepted as Lance Corporal.

Steam name & ID: Bilack (STEAM_0:0:12479815)
Character name: Daniel Mureșanu
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Daniel grew up as a victim of the Communist regime. Most of his childhood comprised of being raised in orphanages, then filled to the brim as a result of Ceaușescu's strict policies. He kept on hearing from state officials about how great Romania was, how advanced it was as a country, and other similar lies that he'd see on black and white TV in the 80's in a time where basic house necessities like flour and bread were rationed. All of that propaganda didn't stick with him. By the time the revolution broke out, Daniel was 18, merely a boy, yet he was in Bucharest with a rifle in his hands exchanging gunfire with Securitate snipers.

After Ceaușescu's dictatorship crumbled, Romania was in a state of despair. The people were free from the regime, but not from the wave of nationwide melancholy that soon followed. The orphanages were still full, homeless kids were huffing glue underground, crime was rampant. It was a free yet shattered Romania, a foreshadowing of what would eventually come later down the years.

Daniel, inspired by the army's actions during the revolution, enlisted in the military himself. He served in an armoured brigade as a tank crewman for a couple of years.


(Attached is a picture of Daniel peering out of his tank during a training exercise, sometime in the late 90's.)

Eventually, burnout got to him, he decided to leave the army in order to return to civilian life. Dan skimmed across a few jobs, working an honest man, getting by as best as he could. Life was certainly starting to shape itself back to normalcy.

Until the Combine showed up.

In no time, Daniel was on a train getting relocated, and life under the Combine quickly started echoing the fraudulent howls of the regime he had fought against. Except this time, he didn't quite have a way to resist it... not for now. The seconds ticked by slowly. It was a dull cycle. Wake up, listen to Combine propaganda on the big screens around the city, eat rationed gray mush, etcetera and etcetera, until he got relocated and the cycle restarted again, just in a different city. That's how life was for him and for everyone, not too far off from how he lived under Ceaușescu's rule. He hated every second of it.

Fortunately for Daniel, he managed to luck out at just the right time, as his final relocation would end up being to his hometown, Bucharest, now known as City-45. Sure, he got on bad terms with some cops who had friends in high places, and his trip to City-45 was meant to be a punishment. Initially, it felt like it for Dan. But a new revolution broke out yet again, same as it did an odd 34 or so years ago. He really was the right man in the right place at the right time, all dots connected, and in the blink of an eye, Daniel once again held a rifle in his hands, battling against the oppressors, fueled by sheer anger and a glowing hope for new freedom.

After living so much of his life under two different yet equally brutal tyrannies, Dan was damn happy to be under the Free State, a free man, and considering he'd previously been part of the Romanian Revolution AND the army thereafter, Bloody Week wasn't quite his first rodeo. He's seen it all once and he's happy to see it again, albeit this time people weren't huffing glue in the sewers, no no. They were breathing in the wind of change, and for that, Dan owed his respects to the new leaders. He's sworn to serve them, and boy, serve them he will. It's his duty. His loyalties are cemented in stone. He fights as he hates what's in front of him (that being the CTE and the broken remnants of the Combine) because he loves what's behind him. The Free State.

It's the least he can do after they've helped liberate him from the Combine's iron-fisted rule.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yeah, sure. Why not?

Accepted as Corporal.

You will all be invited to a discord by @slick soon.

Your characters' presence may be required during the map swap, but your attendance is not mandatory.
Reactions: List


Apr 30, 2016
Steam name & ID:
ID: STEAM_0:0:86755999
Character name:
Ingus Bergmanis

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Formally a Latvian local, Ingus found themselves gripped in the turmoil around City 45 for decades leading up to the establishment of the Free State. From a humble factory worker to a Runner for various local underground criminal organizations; their motives were always based on a loose set of morals revolving around 'Honor of the Pre-World'. From what little contraband the man could scrounge up as well as the stories from the elderly, brewed a fascination (then Obsession) on pre-war Music, Comics and the Arts. But to bring around the change they wanted to see, he needed to be more 'proactive' in the anti-combine scene. To finally liberate the city, so that his freedom of expression could be permitted was the initial goal.

Eventually the old cabinet of elites were deposed of, the city found itself overthrown from combine rule for the time being, and Ingus was among many his age to step forward in the resurrection (and establishment) of the free Bucharest National Guards. They were keen to exploit the situation to get their 'foot in the door' early, so that they may land a cushy desk job in the future. Where they hesitate, however, was the recession into the oppressive force; not unlike the Civil Protection, that the National Guards utilized when attempts to quell civil unrest. As the city churned with dissent, an uneasy feeling brews inside Ingus, with the actions they are forced to commit on their fellow man. But in such an insane word, 'this' type of 'Freedom' is better than what the Combine could offer. To suggest anything different would be the ramblings of a mad-man.

And so, Ingus Bergmanis holds his guard. Keeping a keen eye on the citizens knowing damn well that collaborators seek to undermine everything he, and his comrades, have worked for. Nothing should be taken for granted knowing that the Combine would kill them all if given the chance. There is no time to slack, no reason to relax. Vigilance will keep himself and the City alive.

Are you interested in a leadership position?:
Reactions: List


Jul 23, 2023
Steam name & ID: lechochlique |STEAM_0:0:205620574
Character name: Horia Iglis

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Horia is an asipiring 30 year old man born in Chisinau, Moldova. By the time when the Black Mesa Incident's consequences were at their high, rampaging through all Earth, Horia, along with his family, have ran off to the small town of Braila, just south of the Moldovan capital. Miraculously he managed to avoid the relocation to any of the local Combine-controlled urban centres after the war. For the most part, he and his family were living off of the land for the first 3 or so years, but in the end, Combine did manage to find them. He and his father were moved back to Chisinau, while his mother was relocated somewhere, but he never knew where, though if rumors are true, she was likely sent either to Bucharest or Odessa. For many years Horia spent his time as any other Citizen of the Combine, kept his head low, working a menial job for a crappy pay and a crappier meal. But, ever since they uprising in City 17, and Combine's position on Earth crumbling, he saw it as an opportunity. There wasn't much left to do in Chisinau, so he settled for Bucharest instead, hearing of it's subesquent liberation. For his whole life Horia has been missing "the thrill", but finally he saw a chance to get a chance for something more interesting. That's why he signed for the National Guard, not really because of any moral ideals or a need to play a role in the fight, he just wanted to fight, to feel the adrenaline, to finally do something interesting in his life.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Not as of now, for now I wish to get the grips of how everything works, but if I learn and come to like it - who knows?
Last edited:
Reactions: List
Sep 25, 2021
Steam name & ID: rob, STEAM_0:1:444474920
Character name: Cristi Cojocaru
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: Cristi Cojocaru, born and raised in a small Romanian village, is a man hardened by years of oppression under the Combine rule. His disdain for the regime emerged when his parents, being vocal critics, mysteriously disappeared. In the following years, Cojocaru transformed into a stoic survivalist, learning to evade the cruel city guards and cunningly navigate the intricate networks of resistance.

Driven by a boiling detestation for the Combine and their pitiful puppets, Cojocaru is resolute in his intent to rally with the National Guard. His unwavering resolve, born from the inexplicable loss of his parents, seeks not to harm these guards but to strengthen their ranks. His burning ambition is to pulverize the Combine from the face of his homeland, to repay their brutalities in kind, and to ignite a spark of fear within those who've terrorized the Romanian people unchallenged.
Are you interested in a leadership position?:
Reactions: List
Oct 12, 2020
Steam name & ID: Dazor

Character name: Jean Goutier

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

A Frenchman through and through, Goutier has suffered at the hands of fate. Throughout the 7-hour war and occupation, Goutier was content with surviving the whole ordeal letting others fight for freedom while he has done his best to live comfortably under Combine rule. While others risked their lives, Goutier spent the vast majority of his time working the black market to accumulate as many pre-occupation luxuries while selling off whatever he didn't need and holding his trade with unnecessary brutality. Just before the uprising, Goutier was forced to flee with his whole operation being exposed by loyalists but it was too late for them anyway as the Combine rule was divided by war with the rebels.

Goutier found himself searching for a free city where he could re-establish his operation and the Free State National Guard provided that opportunity. Embedded in the National Guard, he uses his position of authority to source even better trade deals.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yes
Reactions: List


give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name & ID:
ID: STEAM_0:0:86755999
Character name: Ingus Bergmanis

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Formally a Latvian local, Ingus found themselves gripped in the turmoil around City 45 for decades leading up to the establishment of the Free State. From a humble factory worker to a Runner for various local underground criminal organizations; their motives were always based on a loose set of morals revolving around 'Honor of the Pre-World'. From what little contraband the man could scrounge up as well as the stories from the elderly, brewed a fascination (then Obsession) on pre-war Music, Comics and the Arts. But to bring around the change they wanted to see, he needed to be more 'proactive' in the anti-combine scene. To finally liberate the city, so that his freedom of expression could be permitted was the initial goal.

Eventually the old cabinet of elites were deposed of, the city found itself overthrown from combine rule for the time being, and Ingus was among many his age to step forward in the resurrection (and establishment) of the free Bucharest National Guards. They were keen to exploit the situation to get their 'foot in the door' early, so that they may land a cushy desk job in the future. Where they hesitate, however, was the recession into the oppressive force; not unlike the Civil Protection, that the National Guards utilized when attempts to quell civil unrest. As the city churned with dissent, an uneasy feeling brews inside Ingus, with the actions they are forced to commit on their fellow man. But in such an insane word, 'this' type of 'Freedom' is better than what the Combine could offer. To suggest anything different would be the ramblings of a mad-man.

And so, Ingus Bergmanis holds his guard. Keeping a keen eye on the citizens knowing damn well that collaborators seek to undermine everything he, and his comrades, have worked for. Nothing should be taken for granted knowing that the Combine would kill them all if given the chance. There is no time to slack, no reason to relax. Vigilance will keep himself and the City alive.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Sure.
Accepted as a Corporal.
Steam name & ID: rob, STEAM_0:1:444474920
Character name: Cristi Cojocaru
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: Cristi Cojocaru, born and raised in a small Romanian village, is a man hardened by years of oppression under the Combine rule. His disdain for the regime emerged when his parents, being vocal critics, mysteriously disappeared. In the following years, Cojocaru transformed into a stoic survivalist, learning to evade the cruel city guards and cunningly navigate the intricate networks of resistance.

Driven by a boiling detestation for the Combine and their pitiful puppets, Cojocaru is resolute in his intent to rally with the National Guard. His unwavering resolve, born from the inexplicable loss of his parents, seeks not to harm these guards but to strengthen their ranks. His burning ambition is to pulverize the Combine from the face of his homeland, to repay their brutalities in kind, and to ignite a spark of fear within those who've terrorized the Romanian people unchallenged.
Are you interested in a leadership position?: No.
Accepted as a Private First Class.
Steam name & ID: lechochlique |STEAM_0:0:205620574
Character name: Horia Iglis

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Horia is an asipiring 30 year old man born in Chisinau, Moldova. By the time when the Black Mesa Incident's consequences were at their high, rampaging through all Earth, Horia, along with his family, have ran off to the small town of Braila, just south of the Moldovan capital. Miraculously he managed to avoid the relocation to any of the local Combine-controlled urban centres after the war. For the most part, he and his family were living off of the land for the first 3 or so years, but in the end, Combine did manage to find them. He and his father were moved back to Chisinau, while his mother was relocated somewhere, but he never knew where, though if rumors are true, she was likely sent either to Bucharest or Odessa. For many years Horia spent his time as any other Citizen of the Combine, kept his head low, working a menial job for a crappy pay and a crappier meal. But, ever since they uprising in City 17, and Combine's position on Earth crumbling, he saw it as an opportunity. There wasn't much left to do in Chisinau, so he settled for Bucharest instead, hearing of it's subesquent liberation. For his whole life Horia has been missing "the thrill", but finally he saw a chance to get a chance for something more interesting. That's why he signed for the National Guard, not really because of any moral ideals or a need to play a role in the fight, he just wanted to fight, to feel the adrenaline, to finally do something interesting in his life.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Not as of now, for now I wish to get the grips of how everything works, but if I learn and come to like it - who knows?
Steam name & ID: Dazor

Character name: Jean Goutier

Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

A Frenchman through and through, Goutier has suffered at the hands of fate. Throughout the 7-hour war and occupation, Goutier was content with surviving the whole ordeal letting others fight for freedom while he has done his best to live comfortably under Combine rule. While others risked their lives, Goutier spent the vast majority of his time working the black market to accumulate as many pre-occupation luxuries while selling off whatever he didn't need and holding his trade with unnecessary brutality. Just before the uprising, Goutier was forced to flee with his whole operation being exposed by loyalists but it was too late for them anyway as the Combine rule was divided by war with the rebels.

Goutier found himself searching for a free city where he could re-establish his operation and the Free State National Guard provided that opportunity. Embedded in the National Guard, he uses his position of authority to source even better trade deals.

Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yes
Accepted as Privates.

You will all be added to a forum conversation with the Discord links, set up your names in there and I'll set up your whitelists whenever you're in game.
Reactions: List


Nov 18, 2019
Steam name & ID: STEAM_1:0:169969052
Character name: Billy McTaggart
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:

Billy McTaggart is a hardy Northern Irish man who endured the tumultuous era of the Combine's occupation. During those dark times, he fought alongside the resistance, determined to liberate his homeland from the alien oppressors. Billy's resilience and unwavering commitment to the cause made him a respected figure among his peers. As the Combine's grip on the region began to crumble and their forces dwindled, hope emerged on the horizon. With the Combine nearly defeated, Billy decided to move from his small town of Banbridge and set his eyes to a newly formed free state emerged Bucharest. Billy, having lost friends and family during the occupation, was eager to contribute to the rebuilding and security of the free state. With a desire to continue serving and protecting his fellow citizens, Billy set his sights on joining the national guard. His experiences as a resistance fighter had honed his combat skills and leadership abilities, making him an ideal candidate for the fledgling defense force. Determined to ensure the free state's survival and prosperity he was more than ready to embrace this new chapter in his life. Now he hopes to embark on a journey with the national guard, Billy carries the weight of his past experiences while looking forward to a brighter and more hopeful future for his homeland.
Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yes
Reactions: List


Apr 5, 2018
Steam name & ID: LRZ // STEAM_0:1:189882721
Character name: Beryx Requel
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: In short: a man with a not-so-peaceful and conflicted background. Originally from Romania, his family was always the anarchist type, not known for their pleasant resolutions with locals or the law. Although his behavior sounds generically apathetic to humanity, he holds loyalty to the people he cares for the most, and despite his questionable views on politics and the government, he does care for human life as one should. This carried on ‘til the Seven Hour War. Being unprepared and shit-scared, a feeling of self-preservation took control, hiding away as his family and friends either died or fled elsewhere. This burden stuck to him even when he was detained by Combine Forces, now living out his miserable days in City Seventeen. Barely holding on to his previous beliefs, he now understood how good he had it. Seeing constant abuse and torture from the Combine scared him, but most importantly, it made him resent them. His family was missing, probably having died from a stray bullet or a building collapse, there was no point for him to continue serving under the oppression he didn’t want to support. Guilt-ridden for his past deeds and failure to protect his loved ones, Beryx decided to end it all by hanging himself in an abandoned Residential Block…
… That is until the uprising occurred. Something like this he couldn’t expect, from what he once saw, the enemy was invincible. Wanting redemption for his cowardly acts, he found a new will to live - kick the invaders off this planet, and return to the life he had before. However, this was a long stretch, most insurgents he met didn’t even believe Earth could return to how it once was. But that didn’t stop him. He wanted his old life, and he’d do anything to regain the peace he wasted. One thing leads to another as months of traveling set him in Romania. The idea of The Free State was precisely what he was looking for, and he pledged his health and soul to serve the National Guard in an attempt to restore his country to its former glory.
An ironic portrayal of someone so lawless becoming so patriotic.
Are you interested in a leadership position?: That's a negative.
Reactions: List


give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name & ID: STEAM_1:0:169969052
Character name: Billy McTaggart
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard:
Billy McTaggart is a hardy Northern Irish man who endured the tumultuous era of the Combine's occupation. During those dark times, he fought alongside the resistance, determined to liberate his homeland from the alien oppressors. Billy's resilience and unwavering commitment to the cause made him a respected figure among his peers. As the Combine's grip on the region began to crumble and their forces dwindled, hope emerged on the horizon. With the Combine nearly defeated, Billy decided to move from his small town of Banbridge and set his eyes to a newly formed free state emerged Bucharest. Billy, having lost friends and family during the occupation, was eager to contribute to the rebuilding and security of the free state. With a desire to continue serving and protecting his fellow citizens, Billy set his sights on joining the national guard. His experiences as a resistance fighter had honed his combat skills and leadership abilities, making him an ideal candidate for the fledgling defense force. Determined to ensure the free state's survival and prosperity he was more than ready to embrace this new chapter in his life. Now he hopes to embark on a journey with the national guard, Billy carries the weight of his past experiences while looking forward to a brighter and more hopeful future for his homeland.
Are you interested in a leadership position?: Yes
Steam name & ID: LRZ // STEAM_0:1:189882721
Character name: Beryx Requel
Describe your character's background & motives for enlisting in the National Guard: In short: a man with a not-so-peaceful and conflicted background. Originally from Romania, his family was always the anarchist type, not known for their pleasant resolutions with locals or the law. Although his behavior sounds generically apathetic to humanity, he holds loyalty to the people he cares for the most, and despite his questionable views on politics and the government, he does care for human life as one should. This carried on ‘til the Seven Hour War. Being unprepared and shit-scared, a feeling of self-preservation took control, hiding away as his family and friends either died or fled elsewhere. This burden stuck to him even when he was detained by Combine Forces, now living out his miserable days in City Seventeen. Barely holding on to his previous beliefs, he now understood how good he had it. Seeing constant abuse and torture from the Combine scared him, but most importantly, it made him resent them. His family was missing, probably having died from a stray bullet or a building collapse, there was no point for him to continue serving under the oppression he didn’t want to support. Guilt-ridden for his past deeds and failure to protect his loved ones, Beryx decided to end it all by hanging himself in an abandoned Residential Block…
… That is until the uprising occurred. Something like this he couldn’t expect, from what he once saw, the enemy was invincible. Wanting redemption for his cowardly acts, he found a new will to live - kick the invaders off this planet, and return to the life he had before. However, this was a long stretch, most insurgents he met didn’t even believe Earth could return to how it once was. But that didn’t stop him. He wanted his old life, and he’d do anything to regain the peace he wasted. One thing leads to another as months of traveling set him in Romania. The idea of The Free State was precisely what he was looking for, and he pledged his health and soul to serve the National Guard in an attempt to restore his country to its former glory.
An ironic portrayal of someone so lawless becoming so patriotic.
Are you interested in a leadership position?: That's a negative.
Both accepted as Private.
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