

jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016


The train's just left the station.
Got your suitcase and CID? Good.
Keep an eye out for scalpers.
That suitcase is worth more than you think.

Two streets.
One's long, looks like in the distance there might be some apartments.
Other one's the city centre. You can even see the nexus.
Just don't run. Civil Protection doesn't like runners.

Past the UM.
The TVs have come down, there's a crowd.
Some kind of broadcast. Loyalty. Rations.
No point staying to watch, just boring crap.
Wait... does that CAB have a bullsquid?

There's a small restaurant near the CWU depot.
Sells the usual. Cans. Bread. Cheese.
Pins and notepads, too.
I hear you can get them for free from the CWU.

Now there's a line, it's rations.
Civil Protection armed with batons.
They're keeping it moving along, nice and easy.
Get in, get your ration, get out.

Shot of a gun, pistol it sounds.
Jackboots go storming, wasn't one of them.
Sounds like it's coming from those far off apartments down the street.
Can't hurt to take a peak.

Down an alley, white masks en masse.
Looks like some restaurant's on blast.
Big sign on the front.
'Grizzly Grotto'.

Things pass, CPs are gone.
Got a few tokens from the ration, let's spend.
Go inside, order a drink.
Shit, spilled some, let's go wash up.

Turn on the sink.
Look in the mirror.
Sound of a flush...
That stall's looking a lot darker.

We've come this far, why not a bit more?
Down the ladder, darkness, then light.
But it's not from a bulb.
Someone's just said 'goodnight'.

Sounds of pain and screen of black.
No respawning, just dead like that.
Open up the menu, start again.
And repeat it again, front to back.
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