HL2RP unofficial archive of times long gone


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
Since people have started posting archived RP documents and other things of the now inaccessible HL2RP archive on that one suggestion thread, I figure it's best if we have a thread specifically just for reposting them.

Feel free to share anything you still have from the archives here, to preserve it longer and publicize it (atleast, until this subforum gets archived later on)

Here's some of the stuff I still have (thanks to BQ)
(unfortunately some of the text formatting is a little scuffed now)


donnie morenos
A man who'd truely seen all sides that the chaotic, occupied world has to offer, from a rich douche writing newspapers and movie scripts, to the average worker's class man hailing from the rat infested sewers, a man simply known as Donnie Morenos.



The Departure


portrayed by Mike65536
I've known this 'ese for about... I dunno', 6 hours? At least that's what I thought, turns out the guy was in the same 'education' camp as me, we were both 16 years old at the time, scared n' uncertain of what was gonna happen, but hey, look at us now, it's been over a decade and we're still standin' upright, for now atleast.


portrayed by owlmom
Her electric parrot's interestin', even if I don't understand a single fuckin' bit about it. B'sides that, it's nice to have someone else from México around 'ere. The 'AI' is a bit of a dick, though.


portrayed by Dr. sandu
The most trust-worthy vort' I know. He fixed my little infection problem, I got 'im some food in return. We talked 'round the campfire, told 'im my story n' all, he‘s a good man, well, not a man, but y‘know what I mean.

We've been through much t'gether, especially in Vladivostok. I was afraid that we lost 'im when I saw 'im splattered in his own blood, after gettin' hit by a rocket. Thankfully, he survived, Ost's thick skinned y'could say. He's a valuable soldier, and a good friend. I'll miss Ost' once I'm in LA.



portrayed by Thood74
Pole, or whatever his real name is, is a weird guy. He‘s a friend’a mine, that‘s for sure. We’ve jus‘ been talkin‘ here n‘ there. I don‘t have much to say 'bout him, but I 'precciate his help like storin‘ my shit and all. Kinda fuckin' off that he joined the cause outta 'boredom', pretty sure he‘s lyin', 99% sure. Everyone‘s got a reason they‘re done 'ere, boredom ain‘t one really. I‘ll probably find out the true reason sometime soon, but that‘s not really on my to-do list.

We were too late to save 'im from Camp Jouchi. I'm sorry, Pole, we let y’down, the cops paid for it.


portrayed by Jerry_Dasher
A fuckin' no-good snake. I know she ratted on me, I jus' fuckin' know it. She's lucky that she those 'Rangers' let 'er go, she would've been gone if it was up to me. Y'better be careful not to cross paths with me again, puta.

I finally did what I‘ve been longing for, for so many hours of my life. I‘ve finally done it, but I don’t know if it was worth it. Beating you to a pulp didn‘t make a difference, but I‘m finally relieved of trying to make plots on how to get rid of you.

[I lost the image for Alyssa]
portrayed by frentium again
Alyssa's definietly trust worthy. If it weren't for 'ere, I wouldn't have even known who ratted on me up in the city. I owe 'er one, too bad we don't talk a lot, though.


portrayed by Jackround12353
What the hell is it, what the hell does it want from me? Why me?! So many questions, yet no answers. I wish things would make sense nowadays.



portrayed by Phil from MyPillow
When I first met Wallace, t'last thing I expected was that I‘ll be fightin' alongside 'im against cops in russia. We‘ve been through so much together ever since he recruited me into the Marshals back in City 24. I’ll miss this guy once I’m in L.A...Y'are one hell of a leader, Wally. Never change.



portrayed by Gazra
I've known this guy for quite a bit, we fought together in Vladivostok. He‘s a respectable man, and a good fighter. I‘ll miss him.



portrayed by deathwolf
It's been a while since he got snitched on, feels like it was yesterday. Renjiro deserved better, way better. I still remember that train derailment mission, when he nearly died fallin' into ice water tryin' to grab a AK... good old times. Y'may 'ave had the intelligence of a goldfish, but y'had the courage of a lion, Renjiro.



portrayed by NightLock
Been a while since this guy died too, we were on that train mission too. He deserved better, jus' like Renjiro. It was sad t'see 'im go, he was a good guy.


portrayed by FreeSpy443
One of the two survivors of my crackden job I gave out a couple'a months ago. He was badly injured, and I'm still sorry 'bout it, especially about Digger's death. Kelly 'imself is a good guy, joined PSI 'cause'a me, he said. Hopefully he survives long enough t'move to LA aswell.


portrayed by fabevil
He sacrificed 'imself for me, kicked a cop in the nuts when they held me back from the group. It's been a while since then, and he's the most respectable man I've ever known to this day. I just wish his sacrifice was for a better moment. Rest well, Norman.

Tony Gibson

A bike connoisseur, and a amateur boxer, T. Gibson has a reputation as the local City V punk, his appearance is far from subtle. Being a young man at the age of 28, most of his stint in the Combine way of life was fulfilled behind gates in a Child Camp. The man of many catchphrases has built up a great life, a large fortune for a man like him, a succeeding business and multiple friends, but just how long will his life be on the rise?






A friend I‘ve known since I was a kid, Johnny‘s been with me for so many years, I couldn‘t imagine what life might be like without the J'ster, hopefully I don‘t have to find out anytime soon! Knock on wood

As of lately though, his life‘s kinda been in shambles, he‘s losing his cool, and involved me into a shit situation. Either way, he‘s still my friend.


A mysterious lawyer with a silver tongue, why the combine even allow lawyers to defend people, I dunno'. Jasper‘s a good guy, I trust him, but he‘s a little weird, doing deals with seemingly everyone who wrongs close people. I dunno' what he does to them, and frankly, I don‘t care.


I never wanted this, I didn‘t want to be involved in this.


Me and him had a 5-star boxing match yesterday, both of us fell at least 3 times. Before the match, he was Ox‘s assistant, but he‘s changed sides now, and I can look past his history and see a solid guy.
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
(Reached the 50 images limit with the original post)

Trey Young
Street Kid
Guerrilla Freedom Fighter
of the Refuge


Years Old
From Chicago, Illinois

1. Growing Up

Trey grew up on the streets of Chicago, Illinois. His father was missing at the time of his birth, leaving him alone with his mother. His first few years were the toughest, due to low-income he started working as soon as he could, but struggled finding reliable, legal, ways of income. Trey soon drifted into the dirty life of Chicago, dealing drugs such as meth and more. The life was a risky one, but one that kept Trey afloat.

However, he soon learned that this life wasn't for him.

2. Climbing Up
At the age of only 17 years old, one of his best friends was shot and killed in a drive-by. Mourning the loss of his late friend, he swore to himself to drop out of the life he was living, however it wasn't as easy as said. Trey didn't give up though, he knew he was going to end up like his friend one day if he didn't change his way of living, and soon, he was given a job as a dockworker. His life was finally starting to get better after years of the criminal life, however this new found luck wasn't going to be forever...

3. The Invasion

In the year 2012, Trey's life, everyone's life... was going to have a big change. Storms started appearing on the horizon, the streets flooded with foreign beings no man has ever seen before. Many people's life's were lost in the tragedy of 2012, however that may have been a brighter end than what was to come...

A war was on the horizon...

4. The Seven-Hour War

Seven dreaded hours, that was all it took for humanity to be overtaken by a interdimensional regime, the combine.

After the war, Trey, along his dockworker colleagues were to be shipped off to a 'Nonmilitant Watercraft', practically a city on a boat. The conditions were harsh on these ships, food and water were lacking in supplies, many people suffered from seasickness, and the civilians living on these boats had to work regularly on boat maintenence. However, a opportunity was to arrive for Trey and his colleagues.

5. Conscription

The citizens on board were given the chance of becoming soldiers for the combine's newly founded Conscription Service. They were promised better food, and living conditions in exchange for fighting against insurgents all the way down in Mexico. With some doubt, most residents accepted the opportunity, and were shipped down to Mexico.

The tours were dangerous, however it was better than remaining on the ship. Trey was elected as the 'Field Medic' even though he wasn't officially trained as a medic. They spent almost 6 months in Mexico, 3 of the 12 soldiers died, 6 more of them injured. So was Trey, he had a injury in his right leg due to a trap made by the insurgents. The conscripted citizens were sent back to City 92, being given medical treatment for their wounds. The tours had paid off, they were in safety, with better living conditions. Trey spent most of his life in City 92 in the shadows, and wasn't very active, nor social.

6. The Industrial District

A few years later, Trey was relocated to the industrial district of City 17. He lived mostly in the shadows, not doing much, until he met two people who were going to change his life for the better. One was a vortigaunt, the other one a man called Nick. They hanged out in the construction site of Industrial 17, and made a small little campfire. Little did they know, that campfire would be the start of something big.

Lots of construction site dwellers came to their campfire site. Due to the popularity of the place, they dubbed it 'The Refuge'. The place was popular among the construction site, sometimes reaching up to 15 visitors. It was a great place, however it was soon to die out. The two co-founders of the Refuge disappeared, leaving Trey alone with it.

Soon, the residents were shipped out to Korea, however Trey remained in the shadows for most of their stay. After the return to Industrial 17, Trey decided to stay in the sewers down below the city. But once again, there would be a change in his life to come...

7. A New Beginning

Trey took it upon himself to leave the city completely, getting in touch with the 'TRIDENT' to get out. Along with some friends of his, Trey took the long way outside of the city wearing a gasmask, and soon arrived outside of the city, in the so called 'canals'.

8. The Rise and Fall

In a effort to fight for humanity, and free a city of it’s liberation, Trey decided it was in his best interest to take the fight to the combine in City 505, Sudan. There, he soon made a name for himself, getting his hands on a weapon, and befriending the leader Leo, he partook in dangerous yet successful operations. After a lot of fighting, the Rebellion finally liberated the city, but this was just the beginning. The Combine wasn‘t one to back down, and charged the City on the last day. Trey defended the town, which cost him his life in the progress, he was wall-banged by the leader of the local Civil Protection. However, his efforts weren’t meaningless, and the breach was successfully defended by the rebellion, and the Civil Protection leader was then soon executed.

Now, Trey lives on in the memories of his friends, foes, brothers and sisters. His death was unfortunate, but Trey can finally Rest In Peace, knowing that his fight was a meanful one.

Farewell, Trey.



SFM recreation of a screenshot








„I went from one blistering hot shithole, to another one on the other side of the ocean just in a matter of a few years, only difference is, I‘m on the 'right' side of affairs now.“








"I've known David for some time now, he's a good friend of mine. I trust him, and I hope he trusts me aswell.

Why'd you fuckin' do it, man? Why'd ya' die for that? That ain't the Dave I know, y'wouldn't have pulled the trigger, I know it. God-fuckin'-damnit, what a waste..."



"I've known Josh since we went out to the canals together, said he was out here way before Trident and all. He's a decent guy, in my opinion.

We blew those assholes to kingdom come! They’re gonna think twice before they fuck with us again, as long as you’re on our side.“

echs dee

"I haven't known Paez for a long time, but I already can see he's a good man with a bad business. In a weird way, he reminds me of myself.

What a way t'go... Sacrificed 'imself for a miracle, I'm jus' still confused on how a baby was born in a time like this."

„He‘s a worthy leader, he got us through this shit, n‘ we couldn‘t have done all this shit without him. I wouldn’t mind dyin‘ side by side with Lee'.

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