Accepted Dr. sandu's Vortigaunt Application

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Dr. sandu

Aug 25, 2016
Steam name: Dr. sandu
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34707974
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:

Several years of playing biotic and free vortigaunt (free preferred when available), mostly on Neb.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?


Character Name:

'Ostarion' Alla'Gan Vahh

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

Ostarion is a historian at heart and believes all knowledge to be sacred. They carry with them an encyclopedia's worth of text in the form of a notebook written with runic vortigese. They are quite indifferent towards humans, even going as far as to call them an inferior species.

Despite this Ostarion has found that co-operation with the natives of Earth is the only path towards true freedom from under the shadow of the Combine, and as they and their kinsmen stand on the tipping point in history that intertwined destiny will be tested.

Brief Backstory:

Hailing from the vortigaunt homeworld and before the invasion of the Combine, 'Ostarion' or Alla'Gan Vahh was a creature of curiosity. They spent their days in the library of their own collection, desperate to understand the inner workings of the universe around them. At day they collected items of interest and other curios, and at night they mapped the shining starry skies. Several centuries passed and the wealth of knowledge in the great library increased, until cataclysm struck.

The invasion was swift and without mercy, the library burned and reduced to ash. Ostarion could only watch at the roaring flames consuming their life's work as they stood among the bodies of the dead, grasping a single surviving book in their claws. However this was not the end of Ostarion, as the survivors were rounded up by the Nihilanth and warped an immeasurable distance away, towards the borderworld Xen.

As their body and mind were shackled Ostarion could only hold a feeble grip on the last book of the great library as they were put to work and reduced to a mere drone. Weeks turned to months, then years, then centuries, and still the work never ended, the mundane tasks never finished. Ostarion could only hold the last book close as their sense of the passage of time faded and their wit dulled.

But still this would not be the end of Ostarion, as the Nihilanth set their sights on the distant third planet of Sol. A stroke of luck would have it that Ostarion was among the last to be sent through and thus evaded the initial carnage of Black Mesa. The last tome of the library still surviving in their grasp, Ostarion's shackles snapped open, and their mind was yet again filled with thoughts of their own. They then set out into the desert and started a long journey on this brave new world.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

Primarily other vortigaunts and then human resistance cells, depending on which are present. Ostarion's primary motivation is curiosity and understanding of new things, and as such they often opt to stay behind and offer support instead of fighting on the frontlines.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

I'm not sure if this would be specific to Ostarion only, but if possible they can write and decipher meaning in layered runic vortigese which increases the total knowledge of a written sentence about hundred-fold when compared to normal writing. Only beings that are connected to the vortessence are able to read text written in this form.
Reactions: List
May 18, 2016
Accepted. Ask for either the Free Vortigaunt or Conscripted Biotic whitelist ingame depending on how you want to start out.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

I'm not sure if this would be specific to Ostarion only, but if possible they can write and decipher meaning in layered runic vortigese which increases the total knowledge of a written sentence about hundred-fold when compared to normal writing. Only beings that are connected to the vortessence are able to read text written in this form.

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