Accepted Chris' Vortigaunt Application

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Apr 27, 2016
Steam name: Chris
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29180550
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
I've had plenty experience with vortigaunts and enjoyed playing my various characters in the past. I've run into a lot of roadblocks in the past due to staff forcing me to change my backstory and motivations on the fly so I consider myself quite strong when it comes to improvisation
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?
Yes, I really enjoy how freeing the new systems are and the simplicity of it leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

Character Name:
'The Heretic'

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

My character's primary focus will be tending to a often overlooked part of the game mode. That being, death. Or rather the tending to the dead. I want people to feel comfortable knowing that even if they die, my character will at least take care of their body and be able to add a bit of permanence in the world. This distinguishes them because his counterparts may not fear death as humans do but they may find his abilities unsettling as they go against the core of the Vortigaunt world view.

Brief Backstory:

The explosion caused by the destruction of City Seventeen's citadel, While a unanimous victory for the inhabitants of Earth. Seemed to cast a long shadow over the future. For the song of the vortessence is complex and no one being can know the entire melody...

Though for one, the explosion resulted in a vision. A vision so profound, it altered his very being. He no longer craved for the freedom of his people but instead now cared only for the realm beyond all realms. The void. While his kind does enjoy the small comfort that non-existence is an illusion. He himself saw the promise of a new reality. A chance to start again.

This shift in philosophy, caused no end of unease of those in his company. To consider that the cycle of death and rebirth could be broken proved rather eccentric with his own kind, who found themselves unable to understand his thoughts and so - reluctantly, they cast him out. Branding him forever - "Heretic".

Now he is alone... Though this does not deter him - for he seeks only to use his limited life to guide others and perhaps himself, on their journey into the void...

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

He is a loner and intended to be a strictly neutral party. Eccentric, strange and his subject matter which he as a character attends himself to should grant an air of taboo of his company. Though I hope to build him into a character everyone, regardless of affiliation can turn to if they want a satisfying ending to their character.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

Due to his obsession with the void, I want to have the ability to seance with dead characters who have been PK'd so if that player chooses - they can play as their character one last time and say the things they wanted to say in life to others who they considered their friends.

Obviously, I understand this sort of power would be pretty busted without a few caveats and it would need some form of authorization if say the dead player wanted to impart some vital information that could result in metagame. Which I would leave to whatever oversight that may be. I want it to be solely for characters to reconnect after they're dead.

So in order to do this I came up with a few rules.

1. The body of the deceased MUST be with The Heretic. No body means no connection.

2. The character(s) wishing to seance with the dead party MUST have a clear intention, question or topic for the dead they want to discuss. They can only choose one. Players are encouraged to gather those who shared memories with the deceased so they can gain more out of the experience but individual sessions can be negotiated if that's what both parties want.

3. The character(s) wishing to seance must have had common events in their history that were noteworthy (What this actually is defined as is up to myself and staff discretion)

4. The dead player must agree to the following:
4a. They must actively want to return to this world (So no bringing someone back who is at peace).
4b. They must decide what they wish to say to each character participating ahead of time. As a form of parting advice. More characters mean they can say more and thus play their character for a little longer.
4c. They are NOT allowed to divulge any information that can result in metagame such as their killer, hidden items or combinations or anything that would give the characters participating an unfair advantage from their death. UNLESS given explicit staff approval.

Obviously I don't want a scripted performance from the dead character but at the same time, my character will be unable to speak or interact during the entire event. I'd rather have players cut straight to the meat of it and then return to their daily lives.

I'm open to discussions or alterations to this ability if need be which we can discuss here or in PMs.
Reactions: List
May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

Due to his obsession with the void, I want to have the ability to seance with dead characters who have been PK'd so if that player chooses - they can play as their character one last time and say the things they wanted to say in life to others who they considered their friends.

Obviously, I understand this sort of power would be pretty busted without a few caveats and it would need some form of authorization if say the dead player wanted to impart some vital information that could result in metagame. Which I would leave to whatever oversight that may be. I want it to be solely for characters to reconnect after they're dead.

So in order to do this I came up with a few rules.

1. The body of the deceased MUST be with The Heretic. No body means no connection.

2. The character(s) wishing to seance with the dead party MUST have a clear intention, question or topic for the dead they want to discuss. They can only choose one. Players are encouraged to gather those who shared memories with the deceased so they can gain more out of the experience but individual sessions can be negotiated if that's what both parties want.

3. The character(s) wishing to seance must have had common events in their history that were noteworthy (What this actually is defined as is up to myself and staff discretion)

4. The dead player must agree to the following:
4a. They must actively want to return to this world (So no bringing someone back who is at peace).
4b. They must decide what they wish to say to each character participating ahead of time. As a form of parting advice. More characters mean they can say more and thus play their character for a little longer.
4c. They are NOT allowed to divulge any information that can result in metagame such as their killer, hidden items or combinations or anything that would give the characters participating an unfair advantage from their death. UNLESS given explicit staff approval.

Obviously I don't want a scripted performance from the dead character but at the same time, my character will be unable to speak or interact during the entire event. I'd rather have players cut straight to the meat of it and then return to their daily lives.

I'm open to discussions or alterations to this ability if need be which we can discuss here or in PMs.

We'll PM you about this soon. For now play as if you don't have access to it. This is for the sake of letting you play the opening event without delay.
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