A Weary Soldier - Deacon Whitlock

contained postal dude

returned, for real this time
May 7, 2016




LAST NAME: Whitlock
ALIAS: 'Cleric'

AGE: Thirty Six
HAIR: Chestnut Brown
EYES: Amber
ETHNICITY: Caucasian

HEIGHT: Five foot ten
WEIGHT: One hundred and sixty two pounds

DATE OF BIRTH: 7/12/1987

PLACE OF ORIGIN: Luthersburg, Pennsylvania.



(WIP, there's a LOT)



(WIP, Comment to be added)

Name: Logan 'Poncy' Percy
Relation: Liked/Acquaintance
"Seems to be a good dude, although I don't know him very well. Works with guns- sort of. He makes the ammo for them, heh. Hoping I'll get the chance to know him better."

Name: Chase 'Sofa' Lange
Relation: Neutral/Acquaintance
"Tall ass German guy with a lot of piercings. We've only talked once or twice, but he seems nice enough."

Name: 'Carl'
Relation: Slightly Disliked/Neutral
"He's brought me back from the brink a few times, and for that I am eternally grateful. But it doesn't make him any less of an asshole, sometimes. I'll find a way to repay you for what you've done- no matter my opinions on you."

Name: Los 'L.A' Angeles
Relation: Respected/Good Friend
"Los Angeles. He was a good fucking man, and a true friend. He lived, and died, a hero. He was one of the best of this bunch, and the world isn't the same without him. I wish I could see him again just one last time, to tell him how much he meant to me. I'll see you again someday, friend."

Name: Kimberly
Relation: Friend
"I met Kimberly a week or two into this siege, and she's been a good friend. A fellow gunsmith like me, likes to get her hands dirty. She hasn't been around all that much, but hopefully that will change. Don't know a whole lot about her, but then again, not many people are too keen on reminiscing of the past."

Name: Cherna Morozova
Relation: Loved/Good Friend
"It's all gone so damn wrong, and it's my fault. I still care about her, hell, I still love her, but I can't be around her without feeling pain and regret. I wish I had kept my mouth shut back then- it wouldn't be so complicated now. Maybe it will get better with time. I just wish I could talk to her without feeling this ache."

Name: 'Kelly'
Relation: Good Friend/Admired
"Kelly is the first person I spoke to when I arrived in that little camp in Odessa. Her and Alexander, they both got me on my feet- practically made me who I am today. I wouldn't be where I am now without her, and I'm forever grateful for that small kindness. Since then, she's been a great friend, and someone I can rely on. Thanks, Kel'."

Name: Warren 'The Barrbarian' Barr
Relation: Good Friend/Respected
"Warren, my brother in arms and good friend. He's a soldier of Orsted, like myself, and in his time has proven time and again to be a reliable, honorable man. He's a fighter, and an overall great man. Almost thought I'd lost him when that cop put a slug through his mouth- but, being the tough bastard he is, he pulled through. Glad to have you by my side, man."

Name: 'Cy'
Relation: Friend/Respected
"Cyrene, man. She sure doesn't take shit from anyone, and I respect her for that. I don't know her super well, but from what I gather she's a kind, caring person beneath the bravado and attitude. Hope I get to talk with her more beyond our duties."

Name: Genjo Fai
Relation: Family/Admired
"Genjo, my brother. The cantonese giant, with a heart of gold. He's been there for me since the beginning, be it just talking shit, helping me with my problems, and fighting alongside me on the field. Even though he's younger than me, he's wise beyond his years. He always cheers me up, even if I don't show it. Don't know what I'd do without you, man."

Name: Jaana Braemoira
Relation: Good Friend/Admired
"The great German giant, or rather, giantess. She's probably the smartest person in the group, and she shows it every day. I always learn something new when I'm speaking with her, even if I don't realize it. She's taught me how to be a field medic, and she's teaching me German. Always wanted to learn a new language. Not to mention how often she's been there for me when I need someone, just like Genjo. Wouldn't be the same without her around."

Name: Kim Minh Trung
Relation: Good Friend
"Kim, or as I usually call him, Trung. When I first met him, he gave me an alias for a reason I'm not sure I remember correctly, but even then he helped me out, gave me a toolkit I'd been searching for ages for. Since that time, we've grown as friends, and while we've had our disputes, I still have a great deal of respect for him, even if we don't agree on some things. Guess I'm more like him now that I've lost an arm, an experience that has been intensely frustrating. I can't imagine what he must be feeling, after the loss of Los Angeles. I wish you the best, Kim."

Name: Hyun Yong-Sun
Relation: Acquaintance/Neutral
"Not really sure how I feel about him, to be honest. He's a good dude, an honorable soldier, and a capable leader. But given recent events, I can't see it going any further than just pleasantries and necessary conversation. That said, I wish him the best."

Name: Sarah 'Two' Foster
Relation: Family/Admired/Respected
"Where to begin. I haven't known Sarah nearly as long as some others, but that's only a testament to our bond. She's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had, and there's no words to describe just how much I care about her. She's had a rough go of things lately, and my own issues have added to that weight, I'm sure. But she hasn't given up hope on me. I'll always have her back, and she'll always have mine, no matter what."

Name: Mari Shijima
Relation: Family
"While I've seen her around for quite a long time- since Odessa, actually, we didn't become close until Sarah had introduced me to her. Me, her, and Sarah are like family to each other. She's not a soldier, and I'm glad for that. I don't know what I would do if anything were to ever happen to her. She always brightens my day when I see her, and I'm always glad to help her out when she needs me. I'll always be there for you, Mari."

Name: Cecilia Karras
Relationship: Respected/Admired
"A former member of Orsted, now the leader of her own group, Due North. She wants to change the world for the better, and if there is anyone who could do it, that's her. I don't know all that much about her, but from what I can tell she's an example for all of us to follow- an example of humanity, kindness, and compassion. I sincerely believe she can change the world, and I hope I live to see it."
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
ur prolly gonna need to put your relations in spoilers at this point
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contained postal dude

returned, for real this time
May 7, 2016
Alright, I've done enough editing on this for now, will add more people later today or tomorrow when I'm not busy.


stoner rp
Apr 26, 2016
Name: Sarah 'Two' Foster
Relation: Family/Admired/Respected
"Where to begin. I haven't known Sarah nearly as long as some others, but that's only a testament to our bond. She's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had, and there's no words to describe just how much I care about her. She's had a rough go of things lately, and my own issues have added to that weight, I'm sure. But she hasn't given up hope on me. I'll always have her back, and she'll always have mine, no matter what."
What nice words :)
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