The Current State of Civil Protection: A Critique

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Sep 25, 2021
With the bad apples out of the way for a moment, I'd like to give a quick shoutout to @Ron for being the golden apple of the faction, honestly my favourite RL and it was always a pleasure to flag on when he was on.



john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
With the bad apples out of the way for a moment, I'd like to give a quick shoutout to @Ron for being the golden apple of the faction, honestly my favourite RL and it was always a pleasure to flag on when he was on.

yeah yknow what im gonna say it

give me one good reason why Ron shouldn't be leading the combine fac rn
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Jun 1, 2017
since pretty much everyone here is unloading I guess I'll do the same minus the ''''naming'''' part, a fair share of people will know who I'm about to talk about anyway

back when I was staff on the linntrix iteration, I very vaguely remember one of the people currently in charge of managing civpro saying something along the lines of this in op chat, which @Subeh and others who were staff at the time can confirm:

'i don't care about player pop, im just here to run cp'

it's beyond me and everyone else I told this about why this person has a position of power when they're going to discard the fun of everyone for the sake of treating their role in a gmod rp server like an actual career path, it's quite cringe and borderlines on general weirdness

I've been bringing up WW3RP a lot recently but what's being done now is exactly a major part of what kills it every single time, the internal bias, shit-stirring and the 'WE MUST WIN112@!!!!1' mentality with total disregard for the fun of others, all being the result of bringing the retard 'old guard' that exhibit lp era elitist behavior

the person I spoke about earlier in this post is going to read this and they'll know exactly who they are, and it's quite a shame that the bigheads in staff are keeping around morons like these instead of people like @PeaceAndMagick89 who contributed to the current iteration for both ends of the stick far more than those morons did
Nov 27, 2022
its an easy ass fix man

the culprits are obvious, there's people who can replace them

decision's just gotta be made
Innovators. I think innovators need to helm CiviPro, I think CiviPro desperately needs a reform and I believe this reform should be crafted so as not to lose the spark of CiviPro that keeps it functional, a threat not to be taken lightly, but one that leaves breathing space for something that transgresses any idea of CiviPro that has ever been put into function. I'd be glad to work in tandem to resurrect that idea Numbers and I had plotted for Civil Protection before we even knew if we'd have a serverbox, something new, something exciting and scary, something that takes the best out of the dead horse format and leaves all the incompatibilities by the wayside. We need innovation now more than ever, and we need someone who knows the ins and outs that can be pragmatic enough to bring ideals and realities together so that we don't have to deal with leaning too heavily to one side or the other.

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
'i don't care about player pop, im just here to run cp'
I've been bringing up WW3RP a lot recently but what's being done now is exactly a major part of what kills it every single time, the internal bias, shit-stirring and the 'WE MUST WIN112@!!!!1' mentality
the person you quoted was the co-lead for warsaw pact for a time, on the server that died precisely because the s2k mentality killed what was left of people's enjoyment & nostalgia when it stopped being lead by interesting things (civ carbombing/terrorism campaign) and more by stupidity (one side deciding to send a patrol out for the sixth time in twenty minutes).

funny how that worked.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
@PeaceAndMagick89 said it better than I ever could

last night’s emergent fight ended with an angry OP message saying “nice thermals retard fuck yourself” and a rage quit, followed closely by an equally as angry second one, THEN a campaign to get the guy banned with almost no evidence. if there was evidence then fine but I’m yet to see it

that’s one example of the problem that’s been going on since day one

it is fucking insufferable and borderline painful to deal with, for everything this server does right I cannot for the life of me understand why nothing has been done about this when PRACTICALLY EVERYONE has been complaining about it for MONTHS

there is no “oh but the rebels” here because the rebels aren’t a faction, they’re not regulated, they’re not supposed to be setting some standard and example to an already exclusive group

i genuinely don’t understand why some people that play continue to try and leech something out of this server when it’s so clearly not for them and it’s only pissing other people off

it’s not even like i have an issue with some of the people personally but for them to be in this position when they’re acting this way is just stupid, because it’s been happening literally since day 1, it came to a head in c24, and i thought it might’ve got better but no


Jun 1, 2017
the person you quoted was the co-lead for warsaw pact for a time, on the server that died precisely because the s2k mentality killed what was left of people's enjoyment & nostalgia when it stopped being lead by interesting things (civ carbombing/terrorism campaign) and more by stupidity (one side deciding to send a patrol out for the sixth time in twenty minutes).

funny how that worked.
bro that mf was literally using admin logs to check whether or not he was getting kills during active engagements yet they still kept him around LOL
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
@PeaceAndMagick89 said it better than I ever could

last night’s emergent fight ended with an angry OP message saying “nice thermals retard fuck yourself” and a rage quit, followed closely by an equally as angry second one, THEN a relentless campaign to get the guy banned with almost no evidence. if there was evidence then fine but I’m yet to see it

that’s one one example of the problem that’s been going on since day one

it is fucking insufferable and borderline painful to deal with, for everything this server does right I cannot for the life of me understand why nothing has been done about this when PRACTICALLY EVERYONE has been complaining about it for MONTHS

there is no “oh but the rebels” here because the rebels aren’t a faction, they’re not regulated, they’re not supposed to be setting some standard and example to an already exclusive group

i genuinely don’t understand why some people that play continue to try and leech something out of this server when it’s so clearly not for them and it’s only pissing other people off

it’s not even like i have an issue with some of the people personally but for them to be in this position when they’re acting this way is just stupid, because it’s been happening literally since day 1, it came to a head in c24, and i thought it might’ve got better but no
ok so we can pretty much fucking ascertain who the problem causers are

so who's gonna grab the situation by the nuts and make the fucking call then?
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Apr 30, 2023
I've been bringing up WW3RP a lot recently but what's being done now is exactly a major part of what kills it every single time, the internal bias, shit-stirring and the 'WE MUST WIN112@!!!!1' mentality with total disregard for the fun of others, all being the result of bringing the retard 'old guard' that exhibit lp era elitist behavior
Losing can be fun. Depends how it goes down though, I'd rather lose say in the fall of a combine city as resources run thin and morale goes icly in the shitter and people start jumping ship and going into hiding while Overwatch fight to the bitter end as opposed to Losing being me getting spawn camped by a guy with an AK74 or MP7 or something idk.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
so who's gonna grab the situation by the nuts and make the fucking call then?
careful, they might threaten to mass resign again

someone really needs to call that bluff, if your best excuse to keep your leadership role is "IF YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO REMOVE ME I'LL QUIT FIRST!! AND MY FRIENDS WILL TOO!!!" go do something with your life other than clicking pixels on a screen.
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Apr 30, 2023
losing is insanely fun if its done right

christ some of the best development ive gotten across a multitude of rp servers came about because my character or my character's side lost
Not Nebulous but, Terminator RP did this Incredibly well. When playing as the Opfor to the protagonists it's fun to lose, Occasionally you put up a hard fought battle so that the victory the underdog gets feels even sweeter.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
like genuinely away from combine and anything else i don’t have an issue with anyone in this community except @maxi

i just hate how things are run and what apparently happens in that discord only proved my point


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
last night’s emergent fight ended with an angry OP message saying “nice thermals retard fuck yourself” and a rage quit, followed closely by an equally as angry second one, THEN a campaign to get the guy banned with almost no evidence. if there was evidence then fine but I’m yet to see it
also yea i just wanna say that that fight being a catalyst for this is honestly laughable. i forgot about that fight like 5 mins after flagging off and its unbelievable that some of them couldnt take a loss like that, hacking or no hacking (and i honestly doubt it, from previous patrols)
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
also yea i just wanna say that that fight being a catalyst for this is honestly laughable. i forgot about that fight like 5 mins after flagging off and its unbelievable that some of them couldnt take a loss like that, hacking or no hacking (and i honestly doubt it, from previous patrols)
never understood how people take s2k seriously on a roleplay server

have we forgotten that s2k was always just meant to be a fuckin supplementary "we dont have a better idea for combat" system?
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remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
There's an inherent problem with creating an iteration that is designed to be a counterpoint to the mistakes that have been done in the past and then subsequently allow icons from that past to partake in the direction of the counterpoint.

If there was any intention to change in this behavior, it would have manifested itself way earlier throughout the years rather than right now. Anyone can say that they have changed in order to place themselves in a superior position than others.

Just enough wiggle room was given for bitching and moaning to be a sufficient excuse to maintain this leadership for months on end and here we are.

I don't even think half of the people that are perceived as problematic actually are. My belief is that they are forced to act a specific way when confronted or accompanying the truly unfit and negligent individuals. I personally know a lot of people that are currently in the cop and ota faction which I am personally friends with and I don't have bad things to say about any of 'em. But, their behavior changes drastically when the time comes to cooperate with these individuals.

There was even a small time period where I myself suffered that, which is why I committed to peering into both perspectives as a rebel and as a cop, and I couldn't have made a better choice.
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
There's an inherent problem with creating an iteration that is designed to be a counterpoint to the mistakes that have been done in the past and then subsequently allow icons from that past to partake in the direction of the counterpoint.
its called grandfathering
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