Suggestion shift the server focus away from s2k megabattles on this map, and make the combine more RP-oriented (for now)


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
Suggestion: title. though specifically:
the combine and the rest of the server, for this map at least, shouldn't be getting engaged in these huge multi-hour-long S2K battles. you cant just go to a city setting and strip away the biggest source of RP, being the city itself, and let it become a huge battlefield until either one side gets bored or the other gets told by admins to stop. the focus of the map and the city is for a cooler, quieter RP experience, a city experience. having all the combine live in the sewers and pop up every few days to absolutely siege the city, then just disappear and do it all over again a few days later, is a really unfun experience and can often get a lot of people caught up in NLR deaths when they were just trying to move across the city or happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a squad of OTA happened to storm them.

a large portion of people i've met and RPed with just get pissed after dying in an S2K battle, especially S2K battles they did not ask to be in and accidentally stumbled into (which is a lot easier than it sounds when the combine don't just stay in the quarantine zone and venture further into the city). most people don't want to be caught up in this and then be effectively forced to wait for 15 mins til their NLR ends, just to jump back into battle (intentionally or accidentally) and die again quickly. this isn't ww3rp after all, people are looking forward to an RP focus for this map.

and speaking of that RP focus, i mentioned it in an earlier suggestion but the idea of having Civil Protection go plainsclothes and 'infiltrate', actually do some real espionage, is something that can not only give the combine faction some RP to do but also give them a better presence in the map that doesn't make people dislike them for disrupting their RP. it's been years since we tried leaving the mentality of Civil Protection existing to disrupt RP behind. bringing it back like this doesn't help at all.

Why it would be worth adding:
because the server is genuinely struggling when its a big popular night, people get on to roleplay, and then bam, its national guard vs combine again and the combine is storming through the city with pulse weaponry and plenty of armour, as well as a HUD/ESP that isn't accessible to the other side. naturally they are going to succeed in a lot of cases, but that just ruins the RP for a lot of people who just want to stick around in the city and enjoy the city rather than the fight fest.

if you want to run events like that, have them be small and contained. maybe an hour or so at most of fighting, and only in one general area; or, change the approach and make it more RP-based. maybe the National Guard have caught wind of some Combine data hub that's been kept in one of the houses in the QZ, and they need to try to find a way to disable it/destroy it, or possibly reverse it and have there be a spot that the National Guard are getting supply goods from (i know there's a road that leads to a blacked out tunnel somewhere), and the combine have to damage it and stop the supply, etc. etc.

Necessary content:

shift the focus from s2k battles into the city RP, and change the implementation of combine on this map to be less S2K focused and more RP-integrated. after all, they're taking the role of rebel here, and you'd rarely see a squadron of fully-armoured rebels coming into the city every few days just to occupy a building and then fuck off.


Apr 30, 2016
Just a footnote; Undercover cops are very real and are doing a lot of shit. Naturally it's hard to tell when undercover cops do shit because they're indistinguishable from random rebels or gang members doing similar espionage on each other.


Apr 26, 2016
territories should be split and settled by rap battle, fuck wit the s2k holding my third person hostage

the horrors
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Apr 26, 2016
Shed your chains. Embrace 1P gaming. You are your own jailer.

embrace some bitches how obout


Jul 24, 2023
no add back third person i literally cannot play this game or exist in this plane of reality without it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
it is a bit jarring when I thought we got told it’d be occasional skirmishes and shit

i am not really that bothered, but it does get annoying very fucking quickly when ANY downtime to rp on this rp oriented map is immediately interrupted by a massive spurt of gunfire

and all the “u don’t have to get involved” stuff is like

it’s kinda hard not to get dragged into it

ok bye
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
this isn't ww3rp after all
yet we are forced into constant first-person JUST like ww3rp…………..

Bio Junior

Apr 26, 2016
ANY downtime to rp on this rp oriented map is immediately interrupted by a massive spurt of gunfire
As OTA I'll tell you right now, we're only allowed to actually do something once every week pretty much. We even joke around and ask "When are we getting deployed?", "In 100 years"

For everyone that read this suggestion:
If you want to limit us even further, I'm sorry to say but you're selfish people who have no consideration for the other side, almost hypocritical because of the times some people decided to say "hurr durr, don't limit us wtf, have some consideration" when nerfs were applied.

We have skirmishes because it's the only thing that is provided to us, we barely get events catered to ourselves, can't go undercover like cops, some people say "Oh you get the quarantine zone" like anyone thinks it's fun to shoot NPCs.
We RP with people whenever they show up on our side, not everyone gets glacked right away.

So I appreciate you all have some consideration for the people playing the one side that isn't getting anything for the past 2 maps


ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
As OTA I'll tell you right now, we're only allowed to actually do something once every week pretty much. We even joke around and ask "When are we getting deployed?", "In 100 years"

For everyone that read this suggestion:
If you want to limit us even further, I'm sorry to say but you're selfish people who have no consideration for the other side, almost hypocritical because of the times some people decided to say "hurr durr, don't limit us wtf, have some consideration" when nerfs were applied.

We have skirmishes because it's the only thing that is provided to us, we barely get events catered to ourselves, can't go undercover like cops, some people say "Oh you get the quarantine zone" like anyone thinks it's fun to shoot NPCs.
We RP with people whenever they show up on our side, not everyone gets glacked right away.

So I appreciate you all have some consideration for the people playing the one side that isn't getting anything for the past 2 maps
it’s not just the combine, i didn’t mention that once lol

im just tired of the shooting
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give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
limit constant patrols to 2-3 man strike teams and sneak through the city to glack an enemy and run, it’s good fun and causes the occasional ruckus without being too disruptive
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Mar 26, 2017
As OTA I'll tell you right now, we're only allowed to actually do something once every week pretty much. We even joke around and ask "When are we getting deployed?", "In 100 years"

For everyone that read this suggestion:
If you want to limit us even further, I'm sorry to say but you're selfish people who have no consideration for the other side, almost hypocritical because of the times some people decided to say "hurr durr, don't limit us wtf, have some consideration" when nerfs were applied.

We have skirmishes because it's the only thing that is provided to us, we barely get events catered to ourselves, can't go undercover like cops, some people say "Oh you get the quarantine zone" like anyone thinks it's fun to shoot NPCs.
We RP with people whenever they show up on our side, not everyone gets glacked right away.

So I appreciate you all have some consideration for the people playing the one side that isn't getting anything for the past 2 maps
you still have cop chars