Anti-Trump Riots


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I bet there's going to be a assasination coming soon.
The only thing that got assassinated was Hillary's chances at Presidency by the American people.

Also good luck, if Trump dies you're stuck with Pence; someone worse.
You don't have too, just have it make some form of sense.
Communism is poop.


og black duck man
Apr 26, 2016
The only thing that got assassinated was Hillary's chances at Presidency by the American people.

Also good luck, if Trump dies you're stuck with Pence; someone worse.
Communism is poop.

pardon mon, but it seems like you just tried to insult communism by being neoliberal prol! worry not friend, we would gladly hear your opinion on said topic.

also, i adore how trump cucked the altright dumbos, and brexiters that wank to him are even more mistaken!

like lmao, trump played all of them
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Self-Identified S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Sep 13, 2016
The only thing that got assassinated was Hillary's chances at Presidency by the American people.

Also good luck, if Trump dies you're stuck with Pence; someone worse.
Communism is poop.


Apr 26, 2016
i'm glad the electoral college is a thing else every fucking election would be new york and california

the electoral college actually makes your vote matter

also when the fuck are they gonna barricade the streets and throw molotovs at law enforcement? step it the fuck up americans, even the french are better than you at riots

The French probably have good reasons for their dramatic riots. This is unfounded liberal ignorance-fueled rage.

Destructive, toxic, and generally foolish are the people rioting right now. Instead of peacefully protesting in non-disruptive areas like decent folk, they insist on going to the highways of constant traffic in which hard working men, women and children attempt to go home and get some well-deserved rest- Essentially holding them hostage, as they block the only roads with their collective bodies, preventing people from driving away.

Much like those in the middle-east, they light models of Trump's head on fire and parade general hate speech, ignorance and death threats. It is absolutely disgusting that these scum insult the liberal/feminist term, turning something that once was proud and positive into something hated and disgusting.

It absolutely infuriates me that these poor, decent people were forced to be held up from returning to their families in LA traffic because these brainwashed college students can't stay open minded and respect our democratic system that was the cause of their very existence. Well...


...Most of them, anyways.


i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
The French probably have good reasons for their dramatic riots. This is unfounded liberal ignorance-fueled rage.

Destructive, toxic, and generally foolish are the people rioting right now. Instead of peacefully protesting in non-disruptive areas like decent folk, they insist on going to the highways of constant traffic in which hard working men, women and children attempt to go home and get some well-deserved rest- Essentially holding them hostage, as they block the only roads with their collective bodies, preventing people from driving away.

Much like those in the middle-east, they light models of Trump's head on fire and parade general hate speech, ignorance and death threats. It is absolutely disgusting that these scum insult the liberal/feminist term, turning something that once was proud and positive into something hated and disgusting.

It absolutely infuriates me that these poor, decent people were forced to be held up from returning to their families in LA traffic because these brainwashed college students can't stay open minded and respect our democratic system that was the cause of their very existence. Well...


...Most of them, anyways.

This is sarcasm, no?


Apr 29, 2016
Destructive, toxic, and generally foolish are the people rioting right now. Instead of peacefully protesting in non-disruptive areas like decent folk, they insist on going to the highways of constant traffic in which hard working men, women and children attempt to go home and get some well-deserved rest- Essentially holding them hostage, as they block the only roads with their collective bodies, preventing people from driving away.

Tbh yeah, they should stage a protest if they want to but the only people they are disrupting are middle class workers who don't have any power to change what happened. All they're doing is pissing people off and not really achieving anything


i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
Well, they're not -ALL- liberals, like I said. I was also including the illegals in the country who pose as meaningful members of society. But uh, no. It wasn't sarcasm.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but you genuinely believe that the rage carried out in the riots are the result of feminists and liberals not getting their way with Hillary being elected. Along with the idea that they shouldn't block highways simply because it causes an inconvenience and that they should 'respect the democratic system'?

So it's nothing to do with the fact that members of the working class have been shafted many times in the USA and the election as Trump as the ruler of one of the most powerful countries in the world (Mind you, a man who hasn't worked a day of hard labour in his life. A man who dodged the draft during the Vietnam war by fleeing the country and the man with rape allegations)? Even with Hillary, the same outcome would happen. Anyone remember when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were friends?



she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
People who protest elections are retards, this is not a 'Liberal' problem, it's just a general problem, people in it come in all shapes and sizes, easily comparable to football hooligans.
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Apr 26, 2016
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but you genuinely believe that the rage carried out in the riots are the result of feminists and liberals not getting their way with Hillary being elected. Along with the idea that they shouldn't block highways simply because it causes an inconvenience and that they should 'respect the democratic system'?

So it's nothing to do with the fact that members of the working class have been shafted many times in the USA and the election as Trump as the ruler of one of the most powerful countries in the world (Mind you, a man who hasn't worked a day of hard labour in his life. A man who dodged the draft during the Vietnam war by fleeing the country and the man with rape allegations)? Even with Hillary, the same outcome would happen. Anyone remember when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were friends?

Trump has been superbly progressive even before he was elected. His attempts to prevent Ford from moving their Detroit factories was a direct movement to aid the middle class, not to mention his superb support of US security and our veterans.

Say you're listening to the news. You hear about the war, the awful tragedies, looking back to World War two, and then you hear people are being forced into combat for a pointless war that America had no business being in. Would you not do your best to avoid being forced into a bloody battle that could cost you your life? No one- NO ONE- should be forced into a battle, certainly not one they don't believe in.

Another mistake in your claims is you calling Trump the ruler of America. That's just wrong altogether. He's no overlord or tyrant, that's not how the presidency works.

Being a CEO of a massive company is not easy what so ever. That in its own is work, and now he's stepped down from his rich life style to work EVEN FURTHER to become a president. Saying he has never known hard work is like saying humans don't breath air.

Also, when you're a millionaire and someone else is a millionaire/president, would you not be friendly to them? You could befriending a rapist/criminal right now, and you wouldn't know it.
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
The only thing that got assassinated was Hillary's chances at Presidency by the American people.

Also good luck, if Trump dies you're stuck with Pence; someone worse.
Communism is poop.
They're pretty much aware of Pence, I bet that they'll assassinate him too.
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Music Junkie
Apr 26, 2016
It's because of his actions with Ford's facility re-locations. He basically intimidated Ford with tariffs on their products if they move their factories to Mexico. Honestly, this whole thing makes me disgusted that I live in the same state as these liberal toilets.

He sucked the dicks of the automotive unions. He threatened a 35 or something percent tariff on all cars made in Mexico. Ford hasn't given that much of a shit. They clearly don't want to deal with that but it's not stopping them. Realistically speaking Trump isn't going to do much about them as it could very well risk the plants on Michigan (which would fuck with my family as most of them do work for Ford in every area of the company. Hell I work in the logistics side of a trucking company that delivers a lot of their parts) and the plants they're opening up for the new cars they're building up here.


i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
Trump has been superbly progressive even before he was elected. His attempts to prevent Ford from moving their Detroit factories was a direct movement to aid the middle class, not to mention his superb support of US security and our veterans.

Say you're listening to the news. You hear about the war, the awful tragedies, looking back to World War two, and then you hear people are being forced into combat for a pointless war that America had no business being in. Would you not do your best to avoid being forced into a bloody battle that could cost you your life? No one- NO ONE- should be forced into a battle, certainly not one they don't believe in.

Another mistake in your claims is you calling Trump the ruler of America. That's just wrong altogether. He's no overlord or tyrant, that's not how the presidency works.

Being a CEO of a massive company is not easy what so ever. That in its own is work, and now he's stepped down from his rich life style to work EVEN FURTHER to become a president. Saying he has never known hard work is like saying humans don't breath air.

Also, when you're a millionaire and someone else is a millionaire/president, would you not be friendly to them? You could befriending a rapist/criminal right now, and you wouldn't know it.

You're assuming that creating difficulties for competing businesses is progressive, and if it is, then we as a society have stepped back around seventy years. It wasn't a move to aid the middle class (Which as a whole has been decreasing due to white collar automation with the development of artificial intelligence), and as for the veterans, most of them actually despise them (as far as I can find Mostly following the mockery Khizr and Ghazala Khan, along with McCain, there are also those of which that support him for his alleged promises).

As for the wars and tragedies, he hasn't ever really cared. Hell, he wants boots on the ground in Syria, a bloody invasion. Sure, Hillary wanted a no-fly zone with Russia (Which could've lead to nuclear war), but he will only delay it.

Ruler doesn't mean emperor. I never indicated that he is the de-facto lead. Although, he did win over congress and the senate, so he will probably get his way.

Being the leader of a massive company that has claimed bankruptcy is rather easy actually, especially when you give all the work to subordinates instead of doing it yourself.

And in your last sentence, you've just described the idea of bourgeois politics. Only ever running against each other for minor interests, and behind the curtains, working together to screw over the lower classes.

TL;DR - Trump's a greedy bastard that only cares for himself.