Serious The possibility of something

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1392
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Deleted member 1392

Hi, I just wanted to write this down because I've been having a bunch of stress and trouble in real life and I just want to open up a little.

I think I have anxiety/social awkwardness and insomnia. I cannot sleep at night very well and my thoughts have always been the worst of the worst. Whenever speaking to new people I barely add anything to the conversation and feel like if i say x or y it's weird so i basically refrain from speaking to people. Gladly this does not happens when I am at work, so that is a very small relief. I have found some medication that my mom takes to sleep which is lorenin, basically it stops me from being completely nervous and I've been taking it to go to sleep and it does bring me comfort. I know this is a gaming community but I would like suggestions on how I may improve and decline these negative effects. Should I take the medication when going to school as well or should I not?

Please reply with serious only responses, thanks Neb.
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ruben slikk

life aint shut but a fat vagin
Apr 26, 2016
anxiety/social awkwardness and insomnia
xanax or weed will fix that on the short term

on the long term i recommend you nut up and stop complaining about your problems on the internet, either you go talk to someone irl or go on a crusade of self improvement because nobody anywhere on the internet will help you in any meaningful way. sounds harsh but its the truth
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Apr 26, 2016
Hi, I just wanted to write this down because I've been having a bunch of stress and trouble in real life and I just want to open up a little.

I think I have anxiety/social awkwardness and insomnia. I cannot sleep at night very well and my thoughts have always been of the worst of the worst. Whenever speaking to new people I barely add anything to the conversation and feel like if i say x or y it's weird so i basically refrain from speaking to people. Gladly this does not happens when I am at work, so that is a very small relief. I have found some medication that my mom takes to sleep which is lorenin, basically it stops me from being completely nervous and I've been taking it to go to sleep and it does bring me comfort. I know this is a gaming community but I would like suggestions on how I may improve and decline these negative effects. Should I take the medication when going to school as well or should I not?

Please reply with serious only responses, thanks Neb.
Go to a GP or a doctor or something and get some professional advice, if you need medication they can give you it and tell you how much you need and when to take it etc. They can also give general advice and could refer you to a counsellor or therapist who can help you as well.
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Deleted member 1392

Go to a GP or a doctor or something and get some professional advice, if you need medication they can give you it and tell you how much you need and when to take it etc. They can also give general advice and could refer you to a counsellor or therapist who can help you as well.
The thing is that they can see this as a joke or "teen rough time" as I dont really know if I officially have these type of.. stuff.

Deleted member 6062

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Apr 26, 2016
The thing is that they can see this as a joke or "teen rough time" as I dont really know if I officially have these type of.. stuff.
You can only know that if you try, if you go and they say "nah man you're just a kid fuck off" then you can say that you did what you could. But I doubt they would say that, and if they did I'd suggest finding a better GP. I had friends in sixth form (like high school i think for people not in UK) who went through a variety of nasty shit including depression, anxiety and depersonalisation and each of them eventually went to a GP / Doctor and got through it with professional help.
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Apr 27, 2016
self-diagnosing yourself is dumb and pointless

got to a doctor/shrink, talk about your shit and get whatever it is they say you need

dont wear the label and stop fucking around on the internet looking for validation and you'll improve without needing to take anything

work out and get a job outside of your family's restaurant and network, get some friends from said new workplace and it'll go smoother
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Deleted member 1392

I've spoken with a friend about this too many times, he tells me there is nothing to worry about. Said I only worry too much of what other people think about myself and to be honest, he is quite right. After all, he knows me pretty well so.

Also yeah Evil it's pretty gay to self-diagnose


Dec 30, 2016
i appreciate that people have the trust in us to be able to speak about their very deep real problems, but we are people who roleplay as characters much less than us in a 10+ year old game, not doctors and psychologists with real degrees.
go see one of them, they will have shit to say that is 50x more helpful than anything anyone has to say on here, unless they are actually involved in such a profession.

gl duder.
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Deleted member 4795

Hi, I just wanted to write this down because I've been having a bunch of stress and trouble in real life and I just want to open up a little.

I think I have anxiety/social awkwardness and insomnia. I cannot sleep at night very well and my thoughts have always been the worst of the worst. Whenever speaking to new people I barely add anything to the conversation and feel like if i say x or y it's weird so i basically refrain from speaking to people. Gladly this does not happens when I am at work, so that is a very small relief. I have found some medication that my mom takes to sleep which is lorenin, basically it stops me from being completely nervous and I've been taking it to go to sleep and it does bring me comfort. I know this is a gaming community but I would like suggestions on how I may improve and decline these negative effects. Should I take the medication when going to school as well or should I not?

Please reply with serious only responses, thanks Neb.

Therapist are really cool. You can talk to them about anything and it stays between the two of you. I'm sorry to hear that you stress about stuff. I myself can relate. Even when I'm on here (nebulous) I worry about what I might say like if it sounds stupid or what others will think. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter, it's important to be comfortable with who you are and what you do. And if you don't feel comfortable there exist lots of sources that help you feel more at ease. :)
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Sep 13, 2016
Lorazepam (Ativan/generic Lorenin/not the shit you get in Portugal) is all well and good for anxiety in the short term, much better than xannies or any of the other benzos out there, I used to take the shit a little myself, but honest to goodness in the long term facing up to my own anxieties and talking about them with those close to me helped a lot more than actually continuing down the self-medicating path I was on.

I'd say the best way I've found to combat anxiety in my day to day life is keeping myself physically busy, get to the gym and go lift some heavy shit, talk to people and maybe even pick up a second job/an actual hobby besides videogames, slowly but surely you'll start to feel better.

Anxiety around the ages of 17-25 is one of the most normal side effects of being an adult coming into the mess that is Earth for the first time, just keep your head up and you'll be fine, and just know you're not alone, loads of us on here are going through a lot of the same shit.
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Resident xenophile
Apr 26, 2016
It always get's better though, even when you think it can't.
with all due respect, anybody who says this is a fucking idiot

sometimes life just keeps sucking for a long time, and i'm a believer that if you constantly disappoint yourself by thinking that if you just do nothing long enough, shit will change for the better, you just stand to make your problems worse

most of the time, situations don't change until the person changes, one way or another, and that includes doing shit like talking to a doctor or forcing yourself into situations to adapt to them

hell, ymmv but personally after trying a few different SSRIs prescribed by my doctor, i also started feeling a lot less of the gnawing paranoia that i had dealt with beforehand, so sometimes it really does help to just speak to somebody and try something
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Corporal Barry Hutson

Gorillaz Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2018
with all due respect, anybody who says this is a fucking idiot

sometimes life just keeps sucking for a long time, and i'm a believer that if you constantly disappoint yourself by thinking that if you just do nothing long enough, shit will change for the better, you just stand to make your problems worse

most of the time, situations don't change until the person changes, one way or another, and that includes doing shit like talking to a doctor or forcing yourself into situations to adapt to them

hell, ymmv but personally after trying a few different SSRIs prescribed by my doctor, i also started feeling a lot less of the gnawing paranoia that i had dealt with beforehand, so sometimes it really does help to just speak to somebody and try something
Well, obviously it's not like i'm saying if you give up it will still get better. I'm just saying, as long as you keep trying it does, It has for me, and the same for most people. Sorry if I pissed you off though.


Resident xenophile
Apr 26, 2016
Well, obviously it's not like i'm saying if you give up it will still get better. I'm just saying, as long as you keep trying it does, It has for me, and the same for most people. Sorry if I pissed you off though.
not pissed off, just saying that it doesn't always "get better"

sometimes, life just sucks and it keeps sucking, and there's nothing you can do but adapt
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Deleted member 1392

not pissed off, just saying that it doesn't always "get better"

sometimes, life just sucks and it keeps sucking, and there's nothing you can do but adapt
life does suck ass but i normally look at other things to at least distract myself from the sadness like gaming or my cool friend john

Deleted member 1381

I think I have anxiety
best to find out what you're anxious about. health, social stuff etc
and insomnia
unlikely to be a completely separate issue and is probably a result of whatever anxiety you have

Whenever speaking to new people I barely add anything to the conversation and feel like if i say x or y it's weird so i basically refrain from speaking to people.
sounds like social anxiety then. at the end of the day you are who you are and realistically you should be grateful that you've not got a cloned personality that the majority of people have. chances are that what you're saying isn't actually weird, just different to what everyone else says or thinks. bring something to the table when you're with your mates and if they really think that you're 'weird' or whatever then they're not exactly good mates

I have found some medication that my mom takes to sleep which is lorenin
i don't know anything about it but id recommend going to a chemist or whatever first to make sure you're at the very least getting the right dosage. i cant force you to do anything but self medication only causes more damage in the long term
I know this is a gaming community but I would like suggestions on how I may improve and decline these negative effects.
dont listen to the people flinging shit at you for posting here because you have to start somewhere, you've probably bottled all this up for at least a good 6 months or more and its tough to talk about it even if it's on somewhere like here. it's not as easy as just 'going to the doctors' and anyone who tells you that most likely hasn't experienced anything like this themselves. start off somewhere like here, then talk to a friend, then if you can; muster up the courage go to the doctors and say what's going on, they deal with people with those sorts of issues all the time and at the end of the day they're not going to think any less of you for what you tell them. if you've ruled out going to the doctors then one thing that helps is literally just browsing the web on your condition and reading other peoples' experiences and how they cope. its not something that'll be fixed overnight, or in a few weeks or even a few months. it'll take probably half a year before your head clears completely so don't be worried about things not working

chin up man and don't let this sort of shit dictate your life, good luck
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Deleted member 1392

best to find out what you're anxious about. health, social stuff etc

unlikely to be a completely separate issue and is probably a result of whatever anxiety you have

sounds like social anxiety then. at the end of the day you are who you are and realistically you should be grateful that you've not got a cloned personality that the majority of people have. chances are that what you're saying isn't actually weird, just different to what everyone else says or thinks. bring something to the table when you're with your mates and if they really think that you're 'weird' or whatever then they're not exactly good mates

i don't know anything about it but id recommend going to a chemist or whatever first to make sure you're at the very least getting the right dosage. i cant force you to do anything but self medication only causes more damage in the long term

dont listen to the people flinging shit at you for posting here because you have to start somewhere, you've probably bottled all this up for at least a good 6 months or more and its tough to talk about it even if it's on somewhere like here. it's not as easy as just 'going to the doctors' and anyone who tells you that most likely hasn't experienced anything like this themselves. start off somewhere like here, then talk to a friend, then if you can; muster up the courage go to the doctors and say what's going on, they deal with people with those sorts of issues all the time and at the end of the day they're not going to think any less of you for what you tell them. if you've ruled out going to the doctors then one thing that helps is literally just browsing the web on your condition and reading other peoples' experiences and how they cope. its not something that'll be fixed overnight, or in a few weeks or even a few months. it'll take probably half a year before your head clears completely so don't be worried about things not working

chin up man and don't let this sort of shit dictate your life, good luck
It's not that hard to talk about it, at least with friends and shit- I just don't feel really connected with my family etcetera so uh yeah dude. I appreciate the kind words, really.