News Awakening.

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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016


Chapter 0 - Prologue:

For those still keeping track: The year is Twenty-Twenty-Six.

Earth. A planet torn down then rebuilt in the image of an almost unstoppable empire. The old way of life nothing more than a foggy memory in the minds of those who dare to remember it.

An inter-galactic empire known simply as 'The Combine' invaded, occupied and left their mark. Taking off to continue their never ending conquest leaving Earth a husk of what it once was. A ‘reformed’ society filled to the brim with rampant corruption, oppression and cut-throat lifestyles. Urban centers filled with a broken yet complacent population who have been quelled or otherwise coerced into submission by the several governing bodies that act on and represent the Combine's interests. Known to all as the Universal Union.

The figurehead of which being the interim administrator of the planet: Dr. Wallace Breen. A man who resides safely in the Citadel located in City Seventy-Six, doing so for many years. His health has taken a turn for the worse in recent times. It’s only a matter of time before he completely takes a step back and someone else is granted the title of interim administrator.

As for the opposition - not everyone has given up. Hope remains strong among sections of mankind. There are various resolute resistance groups carrying out operations across the globe from West to East. North to South.

Since the slumber of the advisors and their departure from the planet, there has been a struggle to have an everlasting impact on the Combine empire itself. The Universal Union may have been weakened in several regions to the point where rebel forces actually control parts of the globe and have built civilisations for themselves.

Deep down, they all know it’s all for naught if they cannot figure out a way to permanently hinder the Combine empire’s influence over their planet. To see their work rendered completely worthless is their greatest fear, a tie that binds. Clashes of ideology and methodology aside, all of humanity really want the same thing.

What does it all mean in the end? Has mankind reached it's end?

In essence, the answer would’ve been a definitive yes however the landscape is about to change. The so-called ‘guardians’ of the combine installation on Earth, previously remaining in a slumber have suddenly began to awaken. They’re seeking an audience with all of the forms of government. From the interim to the Civil Authority.

But why?

Could it be that Earth is actually needed by the Combine?
Could it be the purpose of the Earth installation is being made clear?
Could it be that something poses a threat to the Combine’s seemingly impenetrable influence?

Or perhaps it’s something that not even the combine fully understand yet?
What's the bigger picture to all of this?

Things are only just beginning to unravel, everyone has a role to play. They just don’t know it yet; they need only open their eyes and awaken.

Brief OOC Information:
What is this?:
This is the beginning of a long-awaited overarching story, one that will aim to have twists, turns as well as contributions, stories and most importantly events made by staff, the event team for you - the players.

How long will this go on for?:
At the time of writing, it doesn’t have a defined ‘end’ as it’s only the beginning of the first arc. If you want to contribute something, feel like you have some ideas or simply want to spitball some ideas my way; please feel free to do so.

It’s not all set in stone, I want players to have involvement and a level of influence over it from an IC perspective when applicable.

Who will this involve?:
The basic premise will try to give involvement to all factions at one point or another; events on a bigger scale will try to tailor to specific factions instead of trying to squash them all together while smaller (and closed) events, will focus on individual factions and/or groups and give them a part to play in the bigger picture, so to speak.

The lack of a date on this particular thread is intentional - as this is the prologue to things to come. Events tied to this will have their own threads, sign ups or otherwise information related to this story arc. Essentially; it's beginning now.

Why are you doing this?:
Because I’ve wanted to do something like this, and for once - I’ve got a decent semblance of an idea and I feel like people in the community can make the most of it. I should’ve done something like this from the start of helix but for one reason or another, I just couldn’t.

I hope that, with the help of everyone - we can create a decent narrative and story for ordinary players to enjoy and partake in, as well as contribute to if they so desire.

Will this have actual impact on the server?:
Yes, that’s what I’m aiming for - it’ll be more than background stuff. It might not happen immediately but I am hoping to have things that occur impact the server in various ways. Some visible, some maybe a lot more subtle.

One final thing:
I just wanted to make something clear to everyone; I hear you. I've been looking at feedback on the server, how things are and ways to improve the enjoyment for everyone and I've been working with many people to look at the areas that need improving first above all else. Lore was something that kept cropping up time and time again, lack of a story and so on - so this is our first step.

Your feedback is important to me, I obviously can't promise everything and I can't respond to everything all the time but know that work is being done and I am trying my best. I'm sure the same extends to my staff team who are all trying to pitch in and help same as the players are.

So yeah, hope you enjoyed the read - more chapters will come as everything unravels. If you have constructive criticism, do let me know.


Writing: Mostly a mix of sleep deprived me and fully rested me, some ideas from @Jaydawg and @alex thrown into the mix

Artwork: The media developers, more specifically: @Erkor and @Flanders

Thread theme: @dee pixel recommended, thanks.

Everyone who's stuck with neb through hard times.



I asked to be banned
Aug 30, 2016
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