Flanders Aug 6, 2021 Resigned in solidarity for how Chezburger was treated, I don't want to be apart of a team that tolerates that. May lurk the forums
Resigned in solidarity for how Chezburger was treated, I don't want to be apart of a team that tolerates that. May lurk the forums
dallahan Mar 30, 2021 the song in the screenshot thread is 2:59 minutes long is that a sign also please unmute me blackquill i beg you
the song in the screenshot thread is 2:59 minutes long is that a sign also please unmute me blackquill i beg you
Flanders Mar 28, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVnm1KwEfWk just got my character auth thats been pending for half a year approved
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVnm1KwEfWk just got my character auth thats been pending for half a year approved
Simman102 Mar 13, 2021 What's the point of banning somebody *explicitly* malicious for four weeks only?
Flanders Mar 10, 2021 bruh i watch -one- shitpost status meme with one of those hentai girl joke thumbnails and now my entire page's thumbnails of porn what the
bruh i watch -one- shitpost status meme with one of those hentai girl joke thumbnails and now my entire page's thumbnails of porn what the