Recent content by Francis Trouble

  1. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    If it's your first time you are certainly best off being a player. See what other people do, that's how you learn, then you can work on DMing.
  2. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    you play if you wanna play my DUDE!
  3. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    hip, cool ill join too
  4. Francis Trouble

    Completed [Competition] Art of The Week

    inb4 "that is so0000000000 EDGY" - @Sixx cred for posing
  5. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    Did I also mention that it was unfinished xD
  6. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    I could make you a map if you want *media dev tag sways in the wind* but in all seriousness I've made one for my own campaign before. Here it is if you're interested: (sorry for the cancerous fonts I didn't quite finish it lol)
  7. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    Oh, my bad I didn't read it properly at all. I assumed that you were just doing a regular DnD campaign with sessions and so on.
  8. Francis Trouble

    Recruitment D&D TextRP

    4e is cancerous, Pathfinder is good, 5e is good, 3.5 is best. EDIT: I also noticed you were using a site I'd never seen before to do rolls. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this but it's like the best thing ever for dnd. It allows multiplt people to join a room in which you can...
  9. Francis Trouble

    Hex's Memes For Depressed Teens

    TnB my friend, TnB
  10. Francis Trouble

    Hex's Memes For Depressed Teens

    I know it's bad, you know it's bad, I'll post it anyway since I spent a while on it.
  11. Francis Trouble

    Hex's Memes For Depressed Teens

    Hey Vasey105, nice shirt!!
  12. Francis Trouble

    Hex's Memes For Depressed Teens

    Enjoy my shitty 'art' and some of my better 'art'. Half of this was me just messing around with random features of Photoshop anyway. If you like this shit then suggestions or requests, whatever you like to call them, I'll do that for you I have lots of spare time. And don't worry I don't cry at...