NightVeil Oct 11, 2017 Well, I've given up on joining the server again. Life, time constraints, etc. To all those who remember me (and anyone), I hope the best!
Well, I've given up on joining the server again. Life, time constraints, etc. To all those who remember me (and anyone), I hope the best!
NightVeil Jun 3, 2017 Seems that a terrible thing has occurred at London Bridge. Hope everyone is ok.
NightVeil Mar 31, 2017 It's ok, China was not attacked. It's just that the Chinese Grand Prix is coming up soon
NightVeil Mar 23, 2017 Doing my traditional "flag of the attacked nation"; it seems like such a common occurrence now
NightVeil Jan 30, 2017 Just days after that immigration ban and 5 people in an Islamic center are dead