Recent content by Pandora

  1. Pandora

    Make Forums Phone Friendly?

    Will do. Thank you.
  2. Pandora

    Make Forums Phone Friendly?

    I'm currently away from my computer, but I like to catch up on the forums all the time on my phone. There's just one problem: IT'S GLITCHY AS FUCK. There are no problems on a computer, but when I try this on safari, It's just fucked up. The profile menu would overlap what I'm working on, And...
  3. Pandora

    Never stop to smell the roses.

    Never stop to smell the roses.
  4. Pandora


    Experienced HL2RP Player, Previous Earthfall Member for two years, serious Half-Life fan, You'll probrably find my characters playing chess in the Grotto. Hope to see you there.