Serious 12 Rounds


Jun 23, 2017
12 Rounds

Society thinks of us to be fools to be uneducated has-bins, but we will keep proving them wrong just as we have always done throughout the ages.

We are known by many names but the most common ones are pugilists and warriors but society in its immature nature continues to call us dissidents. Still we sacrifice and bleed more than the common man.
It is we that endure the twelve round fight, whilst society stands behind the ropes awaiting the outcome, they stand at awe while two of the so-called dissidents battle it out.

As the two pugilists stand across each other in the ring, the only thing that crosses their minds is; “Its your time to taste your own blood mate!”
When the bell rings “ding” then all traces of 'civilized manner' disappears. In the ring the only things that count is willpower, determination and brute strength.

There is no trace of humanity left when that bell rings “ding” every punch thrown is thrown with the intention to kill!

There can only be one champion at the end of the fight, when that bell rings “ding ding ding” society will have to choose a side, and society mostly sides with the victor.

After the fight society will praise the ones they called dissidents, they will speak as if they were always in the fighters corner but in reality they are so blind to the painstaking truth staring them right in the face.

Society can never be trusted for they change allegiances like a baby changes diapers. No, a Pugilist can always only count on himself he can only rely on his own willpower, determination and brute strength.

The road of a warrior is the hardest road there is because its only you that can pick yourself up if you fall however its the most rewarding road for it shapes character in you. It forges something so rare something that is unobtainable, something that can only be found when you have withstood the full impact of the twelve round fight.

Society can say what it wants to about us. Something that will always remain the same is that society will always need its Pugilists to do the dirty work.
How long must we still prove ourselves to this broken society?

This question has been asked since the beginning of time, but yet it still remains unanswered.

The unspoken truth however is that we are Phenomenal!

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