Information [2/8/19] Awakening - Directive [7:30PM BST]

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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016


Chapter #1 - Directive:
The guardians of Earth are awake.

Those of the combine overworld have begun to transition to a more active state than usual. Various entities usually contained within suspended and artifical seclusions are stirring. Their watchful eye and telepathic essence beginning to slowly intrude in the mundanity of post-occupational life. A result of a newfound desire, purpose and most of all - Need. For Earth and it's people. Their grossly apathetic ways seeking to seep back into the Universal Union and those who reside under it.

One of such incursions involved a man known as Vernon Antakov - The Sector Administrator for Sector Twelve, Western Russia. Against his will and best interests, he sought an audience with the Civil Authority located in a neighbouring region. In the midst of banquets and feasts, surrounded by strangers. Distressed and oozing his own blood, he managed to secure what was asked of him.

A deal.

The workforce of his neighbouring sector are to be temporarily relocated to a location in his sector; an abandoned combine blacksite located close to the Ural Mountains. This place, seemingly of signifiance to the guardians of Earth houses copious amounts of deactivated technology, knowledge and even left over supplies that remain unpilfered.

Antakov would have never allowed anyone back onto this site in his right mind, let alone strangers from a completely different sector; he's aware of what lies within this place. Yet, he's now aware of his place in the grand scheme of things. It is not his place to question, or contemplate the morality or sense of the situation. He realises he's nothing more than a mere servant and serve he will.

He sat alone in his private quarters after he made the call to the sector. Preprations were complete, the site was cleared and the stage was set. He relished in relief with a cynical smile. His part in this was done - he need only to sit back and watch it unfold.

The guardians of Earth are awake.

OOC information:
Hello once again everyone, hope you enjoyed the lore of the chapter! So, this is our next big event project for the entire server. We've been planning it, gathering feedback and coming up with ideas for a short while now. This section will give you some brief information on what to expect from it.

The map we will be using, is this map right here:

I will also note that our content pack has been updated with a bunch of new addons as well, so make sure you double check that your content is up to date. Special thanks to @Jaydawg and @Hiros

How is this going to work?:
We've decided to take a different approach to 110 slotters for a change, and we will be essentially flipping the script: Most citizens will be with the resistance population for this event; with all loyalist factions being together with cops, some cab members and maybe some stragglers who decide voluntarily to join the union installation.

You're probably wondering why this is? Well - it's a shake up from how we usually do these 110 slotter events, so it's an experimental change but it's also to prevent the issue of squashing the entire citizen population into a small area and expecting them to have fun. We will see how this goes and if it'll be worth doing again in future events.

This event on the union side will focus on cooperation between factions; CWU, UIL, UM, CP cooperation, working together on a common goal will be a focus for their side of the event.

The resistance side will vary - as the map is big enough for each cell to have a small area to call their own for the duration; with a singular zone dedicated to general resistance and citizen presence.

And of course the sides paths will cross, I'm sure of it. I consider it an inevitability.

In conclusion, I hope to give the event several 'key' parts; while also setting time aside for my staff and event team members to be creative with sidestories and plots, like I mentioned in the original awakening post. I want people to be creative and to have fun with the setting I'm providing them, as long as it's not disruptive or contradictory to what I personally am aiming for with the event. Hope you've enjoyed reading

Premium Members - One final thing!:
I've got some good news for you: both the Antlion whitelist and Bird whitelist will be available for the event, no application required. There will be a thread wrote up with some details about these, as well as a few ground rules but it's something I hope you look forward to! I am also looking to implement more premium features for the server in the close future. If you have a suggestion, use the premium board!

The amazing art: @Neythi for the poses and @Flanders for the editing. Thank you both so much

The staff and event teams for their help, feedback, suggestions and involvement

The friends and players who've motivated me to keep going with this project. Especially when the going gets tough.


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
Premium Members - One final thing!:
I've got some good news for you: both the Antlion whitelist and Bird whitelist will be available for the event, no application required. There will be a thread wrote up with some details about these, as well as a few ground rules but it's something I hope you look forward to! I am also looking to implement more premium features for the server in the close future. If you have a suggestion, use the premium board!
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