
  • Thread starter Deleted member 22
  • Start date

Deleted member 22

Kiev, Ukraine
Outskirts of City Seventeen

Credit to @GenericPlayer for the poses

An undisclosed resistance outpost nestled in and around the canals
Status: Neutralized
Objective: Recover Doctor Keller


The APC pulls up to the desecrated outpost. It is a rendezvous point. Exactly seventeen days ago a Willard Industries staff member, Doctor Keller went missing.

Through the seventeen days, the CAB worked closely in making sure the scientist was located and recovered. A magnificent joint operation between the Civil Protection and proselytes occurred with the option of transhuman deployment, but this was not needed due to their stunning efficiency.

Many individuals are crammed into the APC. Units, proselytes, and three men recovered and spared on the behest of the proselytes and Civil Protection officers. This group, against the warnings of fellow Civil Protectors agreed to bring the men unannounced to the rendezvous point. Even stranger, they violated basic protocol of returning them to the city in favor of meeting a heavy handed Department of Civil Defense official so he could personally testify he saw to the safe transportation of the valuable target back to his city.

He waits there in the debris nearby the original battle zone, a confident but admittedly cocky stance amid the diffused chaos. A dropship hums behind him. Transportation for the doctor and the doctor alone.

The APC comes to a halt, the proselytes and Civil Protection exiting the vehicle first. The hot headed RL UNION-4 steps out from the vehicle with the doctor in hand.

"Doctor Keller, I'm CAB"


The Doctor approaches with the Civil Protection officer, and he is halted.

<:: He wasn't alone ::>

A scoff escapes from the disbelieving CAB member. He can start seeing the proselytes and units unloading three figures from the back of their APC.

"You don't get to bring friends"

The transhumans put their hands on the Doctor, ushering him over to the dropship. He spins his head around and states bluntly

"They are not my friends"


<:: Don't worry, no charge for them ::>

There are now three men assembled behind the unit, all in rebel attire. Each has a bag over their head. Smart, but at the same time a bold move, transporting three unknown men with little warning to this exact location. He wasn't expecting having to fit many people on the dropship, but he was already knocking plans around in his head now to deal with this. Why they were not executed yet was beyond his knowledge, there had to be some sort of explanation.

The CAB man pivots over towards the unit as he remains a disbelieving but slightly amused look.

"And why would I want them?"

<:: They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man. ::>



To be continued


Apr 26, 2016
Congratulations, you got your nebulae

Now where's the next post of your master plan?