Kind of showed up a little late, didn't find out it was a fucking train heist till we jumped onto the train. Which was fucking hilarious for me. Not so much Neil but who cares. The train jump was cool, then being on the train, slowly crawling through each car and scaling and such was fun. Still fucking scary. I think we could have used some more cars but I understand if we didn't have more to work with. I'm also not sure if that Combine Locker in the very first car was ever said to the player that it was that. Considering we had the shoot out with the cop and then we moved cars. I just assume people didn't know or got distracted. I feel like it could have been good to point it out since some people might not know what it is considering not everyone has played Alyx. Then when we finally entered the final car... I gotta say the ramshackle barricade with the lazy fuck hiding behind it, i think it could have been just more combine barriers. I dont really get why i was just a bunch of random shit put together. Xen was awesome, finally got to go there. A real OPFOR moment. Kind of wish we got to do more in Xen but I feel like we will... probably. Antlion nest was neat. I think like EL said, a little too many people but then again, a 6 man operation is an alright idea. Just required using more than brute force and maybe doing what raiden did which was ask what people had so they could build around that. So then people can be useful. Also I cannot believe Maytree lost the fucking stunstick. Worst parkourist ever.