Accepted A. Simmons pk appeal

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Apr 30, 2023
Your Steam Name: Imperialist that Sneeds
Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:68000774

Character Name: Adrian Simmons
Member of staff who banned your character: @Lewis
Character/Player who carried out the PK (If known): DEFENDER-1 @OskarDemus

Describe how your character died: Was detained by CPs they confiscated my UMP-45 following accidentally setting off a hopper-mine, Was released and radioed that the frequency 291. had been compromised shortly after I noticed some following me from a distance behind and I then had a few running after me one did the hold it vc and then someone shouted neutrality my ass, And they started opening fire on me. I feel the need to explicitly point out NOT ONCE Did I act offensively towards them, Running away no weapons out is quite literally the opposite of acting offensively towards someone or something I might add.
Why do you believe your PK is invalid?: My Pk is invalid beacuse of the fact that no-where does it state that running away from CPs in the city and being gunned down by them after putting up no physical resistance to them is PK Criteria nowhere on the rebel discord does it outline that. It outlines if you attack or act offensively towards them and die then it's a PK, But it does not specify anywhere to my knowledge that it is.
Date of occurrence: 23/06/22
Evidence (screenshots, logs):

[An officer of the civil protection, s...] says "<:: Give him back the pistols. Keep the UMP, we use that gun. Keep the radio. ::>"
[An officer of the civil protection, s...] says "<:: Next time you'll be more careful. ::>"
[An officer of the civil protection, s...] says "<:: Security *officer*. ::>"
Adrian Simmons says "No."
Adrian Simmons says "The UM-"
*** [A Civil Protection Officer wearing a ...] intentionally emptied the Glock and handed it back to the man, holding it by the barrel.
Player Postal has joined the game
*** Adrian Simmons is tied.
[A Civil Protection Officer wearing a ...] says "<:: Oh- ::>"
Adrian Simmons says "Ridiculous."
[An officer of the civil protection, s...] says "<:: Yes. ::>"
[An officer of the civil protection, s...] says "<:: You are. ::>"
You cannot use another sidearm weapon!
Adrian Simmons yells "Hey."
Adrian Simmons yells "They have 291."
Adrian Simmons yells "Let the people know 291 is compromised."
Adrian Simmons says "Did you hear me?"
[LOOC] Alexander Gal: they jewed my storage space dang
Player maxiboy has joined the game
You have set this radio's frequency to 291.3.
You are not on a valid channel!
Adrian Simmons radios on 291.3: "Frequency is compromised."
Hunk has disconnected from the server.
Fawful™ has disconnected from the server.
Adrian Simmons radios on 291.3: "Cops got my radio frequency is comrpomised."
Player Fawful™ has joined the game
[A man that stands at around 6ft heavi...] radios on 291.3: "Damn!"
Adrian Simmons radios on 291.3: "So don't talk about sensntivie shit."
Adrian Simmons radios on 291.3: "Being arrested."
[A desperate unit speaking with a Germ...] yells "<:: NEUTRALITY? MY ASS. ::>"
[An officer of the civil protection, s...] yells "<:: Hold it! ::>"
[Stood average at the utmost 'slightly...] radios on 291.3: "You're dead lad."
Your NLR will expire in 15 minutes.

Any other parties involved: 2 other units?
Misc details:


Nov 5, 2019
You said the frequency was compromised while they could hear it, knew who you were, then ran off as they tried to chase you down
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Now in a relationship with Sectus
May 14, 2016
The act of killing people who spout out anything related to a compromised radio has always, since apoc ended up with said person getting shot the fuck up, I'm surprised it took this long for somebody to finally cop an actual punishment when they do it in the general vicinity of cops who then find the source of it.

The weight of balancing the action between denying one side radio communication access and the risk of your own life is a pretty straight and open road and just a massive self risk people take in order to achieve/deny something with the only expected punishment on themselves is YOU WILL RESPAWN SOON. It has got to stop.


Mar 12, 2018
So, can someone clearly tell the actual PK reason? I'm hearing different things. Clear and concise.

That's still not an offensive action though.
While people will dumb rate sneeds' post for... god knows what reason, this is correct. An offensive action is classified as an action that is immediately hostile to another group (think attempting to capture, ambushing, or just firing at someone).

a massive self risk people take in order to achieve/deny something with the only expected punishment on themselves is YOU WILL RESPAWN SOON. It has got to stop.
This is something that I agree with. There should be risk, and it's already risky enough that you are at risk of being captured, but resisting capture has never been a pk risk. If you as a player try to resist a capture, you are acting defensively, thus not really qualifying for the lone wolf rule PK.

Some people have said FearRP, but in general fearrp pks are a different issue. Let me clarify that PKs are not punishments, they never have been, and should never be. The only real exception is NLR breaks, but even then that is a gray area and has been one or the other. These are server rules, not really PK rules. These are issues which should be dealt with from an administrative point of view, not a pk management one.

That being said, this appeal will be processed at some point within the weekend. When someone clarifies the actual reason for the PK, it will be discussed by the team and we'll put out a verdict when we've found our conclusion to the situation.


Mar 26, 2017
You got got with a radio on and used a secondary radio you had to tell everyone the frequency is compromised - your survival instincts kicked in, and you told everyone without distancing yourself from cops first. They knew, since it's you, and they shot you for it when you booked it.
That's your PK reasoning - you basically leaked the frequency inadvertently, and then told everyone it was leaked, and were shot for spreading the news so soon.
Nobody's really laid that out yet, I'm afraid.
If you end up leaking the frequency, you just can't do it so soon as police walking away from you. That's the mistake you made. The enemy element knew exactly who was telling everyone that their radio channel was compromised, and cut-off that loose end. I'm sorry.
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
yeah not involved at all but just wanted to make a point

isnt it a bit crumby to pk somebody over a fucking frequency

like the frequency situation is so fucking boring and stupid and the fact somebody's been pked over it seems kinda shit to me. last time i checked it changes more often than not as it is and for the longest time we just straight up stopped caring about changing it cus it was getting leaked that often

doesnt it seem like a bit of a stretch to pk somebody over something as unimportant and retarded as a radio frequency that u know full well will just end up getting changed a few days later (at most) anyway?

dunno just my thoughts
Apr 26, 2016
In the end, we're all here to have fun. and we are a community, not some corporate trying to strike each other out.
and since we know every pk appeal is personalized like mario64, we can either be Corporate about this, or Gentlemen of understanding.

You can either deny a man's character (that he cared enough to appeal for, means it isnt a cheap replacable), despite making a rookie mistake which he undoubtly won't repeat it, due to forum pk appeal ptsd
or keep it high level of sour detected.
(the only person who really minds this man remaining PK'd is someone who is sour about it, despite not being involved, but a mere forum reader)

the man has learnt his lesson, and so did everyone who saw this thread, let it still be pk'able in such situations in the future
but this man, deserves a pardon,
maybe a pardon in a form of RP,
that he ought to RP a SERIOUS INJURY handicap of some sort for a period, with him keeping his character rather than being wiped out forever.
despite never exchanging a single word with this man, if i were in his spot, that's what i'd deserve, and want.

You learn from experience, not from loss
this is what encourages newer players to transform into high quality roleplay. opportunity
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Nov 5, 2019
Gave it a look and there's no specific section of the rules or anything that would cause this to fall under PK-ableness.

If captured, sure, but they were gunned down while fleeing so it doesn't count (Nothing stated in rules)
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Mar 12, 2018
this is now accepted, but to put a pin into this issue of people avoiding capture, with the new rules, these types of appeals where people act recklessly will result in a pk and it will most likely be denied.

Your character's life is important, and doing things to subvert it is reckless. FearRP is a server rule, keep that in mind.
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