Suggestion Add more fishing locations and more fishmongers.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Currently we only have one fishmonger in Sandy Shores, and the only locations displayed on the Fishing app are near Sandy Shores as well.

While this is kinda fine, it limits where players can successfully fish and sell their fish. My solution? Add more fishing locations and at least two more fishmongers.

Where, you ask?

Location #1: Paleto Bay Pier

This location is closer to Paleto Bay allowing players who would like to be more Paleto orientated a place to fish.


As you can see, there is an extensive pier at this location along with a dock for boats (could be nice to move the Paleto boat vendor to here as well).

And I also believe this is where we should have our second Fishmonger. At the start of the dock, there is actually a bait and tackle store! (I think he'd fit well right where I'm standing).


Location #2:

Yes, Del Perro Pier. At the end, there's a nice spot that would be good for fishing into the sea, and would give the pier some actual usage!


And for the third Fishmonger? I think the best place would be:


La Spada, a medium italian seafood restaurant located fairly close to the Boat Rental location for the city, and not too far away from Del Perro Pier!


And lastly...

Location #3: The Deep Sea

I don't have any funny pictures for this one, but it would be cool if the deep sea (as in, anywhere off of where the map is drawn) is a 24/7 hotspot for fishing and would give the player either a lot of fish or expensive fish for each successful catch, as to offset the cost of renting a boat (I know the LSPD have their own boat and they also have the heli so if people start stealing boats then it can be dealt with).

Now the obvious question people are gonna ask me is "nobody goes fishing so why bother" well I think this is only due to how it's been implemented. If you look back at the early progress threads there was loads of people ranting and raving about wanting to do fishing, but there aren't any. I think this is just due to how limited it is. There isn't much in Sandy (at the minute) and for me, I want to get into Fishing on my EMS character Dr. Lively but I, as an EMS, cannot be all the way in Sandy all the time, but Del Perro Pier? That's not too far away.

If there's more locations to sell your fish, and more locations to get good catches, then I honestly think more people will go fishing. I've yet to work out the prices of all the available fish so if they need tweaking at all I'll probably make a new thread for that, but for now I think it's just a matter of how far away it is for fishing.

(Also, if this goes through I will personally oversee the creation of a fishing club on Lively and maybe host fishing tournaments on Current Affairs.)

(I also might add more locations as I explore the map for good fishing spots, so stay tuned.)
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
(I know the LSPD have their own boat
LSPD does not currently posess a boat, our employees with gov connections can retrieve one if they are around and it's needed but there's no consistent way to get boats deployed or certs for boats by the average cop.

As such when we need one, we most commonly either rent a boat or 'lawfully seize' one for the duration.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
LSPD does not currently posess a boat, our employees with gov connections can retrieve one if they are around and it's needed but there's no consistent way to get boats deployed or certs for boats by the average cop.

As such when we need one, we most commonly either rent a boat or 'lawfully seize' one for the duration.
I know for certain I saw an LSPD boat in the garage at one point


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
I know for certain I saw an LSPD boat in the garage at one point
I'm not saying there's no LSPD boats on the server/in the city. There is just as of current no means for anyone without government connections (A.k.a admin powers) to deploy those boats anywhere. They aren't in our garage either but if they were getting them to the ocean would be next complication without some dock spawn.

The only two instances I've seen the PD boat:
One time it was in a corner of the MRPD garage.
One time it was deployed and used in a pursuit after we were chasing someone in a boat for a long time and we were lucky enough to have someone with gov connections around to deploy it.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I'm not saying there's no LSPD boats on the server/in the city. There is just as of current no means for anyone without government connections (A.k.a admin powers) to deploy those boats anywhere. They aren't in our garage either but if they were getting them to the ocean would be next complication without some dock spawn.

The only two instances I've seen the PD boat:
One time it was in a corner of the MRPD garage.
One time it was deployed and used in a pursuit after we were chasing someone in a boat for a long time and we were lucky enough to have someone with gov connections around to deploy it.
I got you
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