Official Guide Antlion Whitelist Information

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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018

Welcome, dear reader.
The following thread should, hopefully, answer all the questions you may have regarding playing an antlion on the server.

What is an antlion?

If you are new to the server or the setting, it is strongly recommended you refer to the Half-Life Wiki article about antlions and the one about Antlion Soldiers, since it's the role you will initially assume. Guidelines regarding how you are expected to behave on the server will be listed later on.

How do I get started?
First, you need to be a Premium member and not be banned from holding the whitelist. Other than that, there is no application system in place - simply request the whitelist with a /help request. Create a character with a unique name, as you would for for any other character.

The abilities?
You have access to the following abilities:
Simply left-click with the "Creature abilities" SWEP selected.
Your jump makes use of your wings, making you fly for a very brief moment. You cannot take fall damage, your wings slow you down.
Burrowing may be used to execute ambushes. It can only be done on flat ground and you (un)burrow by pressing CTRL. After unburrowing, swap to your hands and back to your creature abilities, otherwise you will not be able to attack.

Yes. You can use any of the following as you wish.

Adhere to the following rules:

1. All standard server rules apply, especially those regarding RDM, NLR and P2L.

2. Do not act alone.

Antlions are social creatures, ideally you should operate in groups of three minimum. Pairs are acceptable if you are unable to find more companions.
You work in a herd. Aiding other members of the hive is more important than your own performance.

3. Do not go out of your way to kill anyone.
If you are outside an area antlions are currently in control of (the hive and its vicinity), your only goal should be to find food.
If someone distracts you with food and attempts to escape, you should let them.
If you end up alone and there are more antlions somewhere on the map, your goal should be to reconnect with them as soon as possible.
You should, generally, play to lose. The only exception is when you engage in a close quarters combat 1v1 duel with a human who does not attempt escape - you may kill them for their foolishness. The same applies if you overrun somebody as a group.
If someone interferes with the hive, kill them.

4. Do not sprint with other players nearby.
Sprinting (holding SHIFT) will accelerate you to immersion-breaking speed. Use it only to traverse the map if necessary and do not use it near other players.

5. You are blind.
You operate basing on the vibrations around you. If you lose track of somebody and they stand still, you cannot sense them.
If there is an active thumper nearby, you are to run out of its range immediately.
Contraptions emitting strong vibrations (engines, generators, etc.) will fool your senses, do not attack players in their immediate vicinity.

6. You cannot swim.
You cannot swim, but you cannot detect water either. If you run into water, you will drown and die.
If a player runs into water, you follow them and die.

7. Doors are small, you are not.
With effort, you can squeeze through standard doorways, but it will significantly slow you down.

8. Do not pick up any scripts other than food, which you must roleplay eating.

9. Do not use IC chat, you cannot speak. Either use PMs to communicate with other antlions or a third-party application.

10. You may use the F3 function to make S2RP easier for everybody involved.

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