

Who ?
Jun 10, 2016
Worst/Best Breakup Story.
Well, I would rather not get into detail but it wasn't pleasant for me at least

Tips to avoid the big down phase
Honestly, only this helped me to go through my depressions

  1. Talking to people I trust and getting their opinion on it, but talk to people you really trust. Like I didn't even talked to my family about my problems, only like four or five people knew about and it.
  2. Listening to music (Depressed or not) but that's occasionally, it works for some people but for some it won't work.
  3. Watching TV or TV series/Netflix. Sometimes it takes your mind off the problem.
  4. Spending time with friends, getting off the phone/PC and just fucking around, have some good time and don't over-analyze things. I did it in the past and it hurt even more than should've
  5. If you feel like you can't hold your emotions, just cry. I admit I was crying multiple times when shit went down in my life and I am not really ashamed of it. It helped me to vent shit out, basically crying and listening to music.
Ways to find motivation.

If you hear this sentence "There is plenty fish in the sea" and you still don't believe it. Take a break from relationships, and give it time. Time will heal some of the wounds but not all of them and I know that from my experience.

Ways to get on.

Honestly, I don't know myself, yet again time. Try to not think about it, talk to people who experienced the same problems and went throught the pain you are in

If you will feel like you want to talk, add me and we can talk. I know how it is to feel that pain and so on. So yeah feel free to hit me up and we can talk more on Steam.
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Aug 12, 2017
Reading the post I don't know if it's a good thing for people to discuss their deepest problems like this on a forum. It's confusing and super personal. I'm thinking mostly of Dingtar. It's super intimate. It may be good to talk about it, but from there to fully expose oneself, I do not think it is a solution. On the contrary, it can even bring a lot of judgments and preconceptions about the person.
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Feb 4, 2017
I found the love of my life in disney world on mickeys dick smasher.


Apr 26, 2016
Also, although it's a video, I found it quite helpful at the time

Not gonna lie, actually motivates me to start taking more time even if its just half an hour to work out since I don't got much time due how I just feel tired most days from work
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Reading the post I don't know if it's a good thing for people to discuss their deepest problems like this on a forum. It's confusing and super personal. I'm thinking mostly of Dingtar. It's super intimate. It may be good to talk about it, but from there to fully expose oneself, I do not think it is a solution. On the contrary, it can even bring a lot of judgments and preconceptions about the person.

most people know not to go on a massive tirade about old lovers that died

if you try to tug on a roleplayer's heartstrings you'll just get memed on
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Aug 12, 2017
most people know not to go on a massive tirade about old lovers that died

if you try to tug on a roleplayer's heartstrings you'll just get memed on

I don't know, I think it's a little creepy. And some people could even be memed about what they say, which would be all the more humiliating and demeaning.
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Apr 26, 2016
I don't know, I think it's a little creepy. And some people could even be memed about what they say, which would be all the more humiliating and demeaning.

I reckon Dingus post is creepy and definently required psychiatric help.

As for others, it's mostly just members and former members putting forward their experiences to help out a guy who's reaching out to them. Everyone reacts to a breakup different after all.
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Apr 27, 2016
That's the biggest yikes I've seen on the forums before.

For me, I found the supposed 'love of my life' last year when I first moved schools. Within one to two weeks, I was completely blind by the girl. She enjoyed everything that I liked. Arctic Monkeys, Queen, all of that. Every music I had ever found out before and had a liking into, she had too. It was fucking surreal. And the best of all, which is funny, is that she was a gamer. I wanted to game with her on PS4, share my music and the world with her. During the first month or so, it was goddamn splendid and booming.

It all changed, though. I became obsessed, I became a maniac of some sort for her attention. I liked her, I loved her too much. It didn't turn very healthy, you know? After telling her what I felt, it all crumbled down. She refused kindly, and she was sincerely kind to me on her refusal. She said she was flattered but in the end, she denied it because she got out of her first relationship that lasted around half of her life. That was the moment that I sunk in. I started drinking on alcohol, I abused on it, I was a rude loudmouthed motherfucker to people and I was a nuisance. I didn't care, my grades went down and so did everything else. I got drunk twice in school, and at the second time she told it to the teachers and showed up a bottle of whiskey that I gave her because she lied to me by saying "Hey, I make a collection of those. Can you give me one?" So, foolish me gave her it. I went to the office with the teachers, they talked me down and I just shrugged it off. I was given a psychologist and I had to meet up with her on a weekly basis. That was the start of my healing.

I started healing myself up. I was still depressed, I was still sad, angry and upset at life. I was skinny for barely eating, I was so fucked in the brain due to the massive rollercoaster that I went on through and God fucking damn, was I an idiot. I started skipping the meetings with the psychologist, she didn't help me with anything and I was feeling already good. I was still sad inside, and I still had no care for myself. Couldn't give a damn, didn't want to eat, didn't treat myself right and it was a big "whatever lol" phase. I used to let my hair grow massively, went to school like it was nothing and skipped up a lot too.

The final part, but the final good part. We were going to go camping, and at that point I texted her down all of my thoughts and wishes for her. I finally let go of her. I sliced ties, I stopped texting her and stopped noticing her. It was gone. No more friends, no more love for her. Vanished and gone into ashes. Our entire class went camping with school in bungalows. I got pissed drunk since the second day of it was my birthday. I couldn't breathe, my skin was pale and I was cold. It was if I was dying, and I was. I had overdosed myself on alcohol. I passed out cold, no one knew what to do. People forced me to vomit, gave me showers multiple times, cold ones. I puked goddamn black and green shit all over the place. At one point I couldn't puke anymore. I gave myself up. The next day I woke up smiling with a smug, my head was fine but my stomach was fried. I think my stomach will always get fried when it comes to getting face fucked with alcohol. That was it, and I healed myself up and here I am now. I'm good, we no longer talk that much. We may say an occasional "hey" or "sorry" for bumping into each other, but that's it.

I remember some good moments. When she was sad, sat down on a corner and I kneeled down with the biggest grin I ever held in my face, with the most confidence I ever felt I booped her head, she tilted it up and looked at me, nearly crying. I asked what was wrong, she said nothing was wrong, but I clearly knew something was up. I got her a bar of chocolate that she liked a lot, returned with the biggest grin possible and said "Hey dumbo, here's some chocolate to cheer you up. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen to my entire life is your smile. So smile." and for that moment, she smiled and I could see she was grateful for me trying to cheer her up.

Another good moment was when we started singing out loud at McDonald's. We sang a song from Queen. It was fantastic. Or when we started watching anime together.

I spent good moments, cried a lot and felt a lot. Fucking goddamn miss it and I'm sad I've ruined it. Sometimes when I see her, I think about how good it was at the beginning. How fucking good it felt.

I miss you and our friendship. It was a strong one. Moon and Wolf. :grinning:
I'm sorry Dingus but this is really fucking weird, man. Genuinely made me uncomfortable. I think you've got some deep, unresolved issues.

This isn't a post made in an attempt to roast, but out of genuine concern.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
dingus is the real life arthur fleck is what i've gathered
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Deleted member 1392

I'm sorry Dingus but this is really fucking weird, man. Genuinely made me uncomfortable. I think you've got some deep, unresolved issues.

This isn't a post made in an attempt to roast, but out of genuine concern.
What are you on about

Deleted member 1392

You are nowhere near baseline.
Can you actually say what is on your mind. Im confused over to what it is. Sure, I became obsessed with her for a moment but then I looked back at what I did and fixed myself. What is wrong with that?


Apr 26, 2016
Can you actually say what is on your mind. Im confused over to what it is. Sure, I became obsessed with her for a moment but then I looked back at what I did and fixed myself. What is wrong with that?

Would you like me to?


Apr 27, 2016
Can you actually say what is on your mind. Im confused over to what it is. Sure, I became obsessed with her for a moment but then I looked back at what I did and fixed myself. What is wrong with that?
Obsessed is a very mild interpretation of what you said you did in that post, Dingus. Starving yourself, alcoholism not only at home but also at school, acting out verbally and physically, skipping psychologist appointments and literally bordering hospitalization (probably should've been admitted) because of overindulgence in said alcoholism over someone you weren't even in a relationship with is REALLY abnormal.

People who aren't dealing with some heavy shit don't react this way over a rejection, Dingus.

Again, this isn't a jab, it's genuine concern for your mental wellbeing