[CCC] Combine Overwatch - Complaints, Compliments and Concerns.


HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016


Complaints, Compliments and Concerns.
The Civil Protection Faction Edition

Keep things constructive, reasonable and contributive.
Refrain from posting topics that have already been addressed.
Shitposting, flamebait and blatant insults will be ignored and removed.

Post your gravest concerns or heartwarming compliments.
Private messages are also open on discord for those inclined.​

Bio Junior

Apr 26, 2016
cops shouldn't push all the way up to the maximum length they're allowed just because they saw a gathering of over 7 people without facemasks and social distancing
change my mind
I do agree, perhaps we shouldn't go past the tunnel that leads there? Might be a better solution
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Apr 26, 2016
Tonight's push was a little specific. It was originally going to be a smaller PT going over to intercept the peeps flashed by scanner, but another PT that was about to return to base decided to join them - hence the bloat into such a large squad. I was part of the latter squad mainly to see if we were going to push as far as I suspected we would.

Which we did, running all the way up to the warehouse of the railroad segment of the map. Some of us got shots on rebels across the trainyard, but they fled back into their zone. We stood around the SA+ permission border for a short moment, never pushing through it, until RL told us to return. Which we did.
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
I do agree, perhaps we shouldn't go past the tunnel that leads there? Might be a better solution
pk border should be at the end of the road tunnel or mid way through
rebel safe zone is small and already basically devoid of points of interest, and cops are constantly right at the edge and laying mines + using scanners to stop people from safely leaving. in comparison, cops and ota seem to basically get an entire half of the map to themselves (past tunnel next to gtc) because everyone knows its basically a guaranteed death trying to explore because of the distance between there and rebel safe zone. even going to gtc is like 50/50
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Jun 29, 2023
pk border should be at the end of the road tunnel or mid way through
rebel safe zone is small and already basically devoid of points of interest, and cops are constantly right at the edge and laying mines + using scanners to stop people from safely leaving. in comparison, cops and ota seem to basically get an entire half of the map to themselves (past tunnel next to gtc) because everyone knows its basically a guaranteed death trying to explore because of the distance between there and rebel safe zone. even going to gtc is like 50/50
The sign has been moved up.
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Mar 13, 2023
I've found that RPing with the Combine has become a bit tedious. As citizen or rebel, it's always just getting pressured into revealing information - which is understandable, that's why you detain people, but it's boring. I'd rather just get shot and NLR'd than sit for twenty minutes getting interviewed and pressured endlessly to reveal meta info, then achieve functionally the same outcome (lose my gun or end up stopping whatever I was doing, etc.). I don't want want to be the guy who sees Combine and just runs away without a care in the world every time, so I just don't go outside because I'd rather RP with the homies in the base. It's sort of hard for me to explain, really, I just know exactly what the outcome of every interaction will be - though maybe it's just a hump to get over, earn trust and what-not before they give me the interesting stuff.

On collaborator, I've had genuinely good RP most the time. Been a couple times I've just been doing nothing, it is after-all pretty hard to use a civilian in a war-zone, so I don't mind. Haven't got my collaborator set up on this map yet, staying with rebels atm to get some alternate RP with him going. Might stay there until the end, but I'll send an update if I do wiggle my way over. Given the presence of an actual refugee camp, I'd presume collaborator RP is on all-time high (typical it's the one time I decided to see how my guy did with the rebels lmao)

I've got to clarify - I think the cops are very good RPers, not much bad RP going on (that I haven't tried to politely mention) -it's just the same-old same-old. I don't know if anyone else has this issue. I suppose I probably feel it a bit more because I have multiple characters, who will inevitably end up going through the same process if I decide to RP with cops. I would also think the new wave is still finding their footing, so I don't really worry too much. I would wonder if cops find the same issue, running into the same situations with citizens over and over.

I'll give a heads-up to the likes of Jury-2 (I think) and whichever cop Andrew was playing around Agora. I think these guys are the kings when it comes to play proper bad/beat cops and keeping things interesting without crossing into the cartoonishly evil. If you're a new cop, speak to 'em. I'll give Union-7 a heads up even though it's my OOC friend, he's good example of the opposite of this so far. Being a slightly softer cop who doesn't give me PCSO vibes.

I would probably blame the lack of more unique interactions with the Combine to be a product of the total control they have atm and the s2k focus. Combine don't really have any reason not to harass, search or detain everyone they meet, no one is going to stop them.

As a very small note, what was up with the strider roaming about? It's a really cool visual and all but I feel it only pressures the rebels to stay in their base more. Not sure if that fits here though.

Not sure how well this is worded at all, so let me know if you want me to clarify anything. I've never been a professional CP man, I've always found being on the other side a lot more enjoyable.


Mar 13, 2023

I'm mostly just making this because I was being held at an additional OOC gunpoint by everyone in my VC to make a case about this. I suppose it's fair to let people know, so they can improve.

I understand people gotta die and wait not, it was only NLR and all so it doesn't even affect anything overall OOC or ICly. I'm not upset about being shot, don't care at all, really. more-so just immediately being isolated from RP. Given the other guy I was with got to RP and get an outcome in some way (despite doing the same thing as I did) whereas I was sent to wait in spawn for fifteen minutes. There wasn't any interesting build-up to being NLRed and imo it would've been a really good opportunity to make things interesting because neither party needs to worry about upsetting each other. Maybe it's the other way round, people view NLR deaths as not worthy of much effort.

It's mostly just a bit rubbish. That's it. Nothing happened, it wasn't done in a interesting way, nor was there any room for me to make any particularly interesting responses. It also just doesn't make sense why vandal A gets shot but vandal B doesn't. I would've liked my responses to be a bit better, I admit, but I couldn't really build on anything since I couldn't see the gunman about to deescalate the back of my head.

The whole line with the 'very convenient excuse' thing is, well, a bit rubbish too. I understand that 51B carries a death charge regardless and that we did mention doing unauthorised maintenance before (which they didn't really bother asking about or doing anything at all). There's reason I suppose to suspect us of not being truthful, because we weren't. We were lying, yeah - but there was nothing done about that. I won't deny the shooting can be justified, it just felt like they didn't want to bother roleplaying. It felt to me like they knew the possible outcomes but couldn't be bothered to RP towards any of them them, nor investigate anything. So they just did one simple but sort of weird action that semi-covered all the bases, I know you could sort of make a case for meta, but I think that's why they released the other guy, I suppose - then again, it was an NLR death so it isn't really a meta situation. They just sort of factored in everything but just chose an easy way out with minimal RP (sure it was also an easy way out for me, I didn't lose anything at all, nor did my buddy, really). There was just nothing done to progress, well, anything. I'm trying not to offend, so I'll stop going on about it soon but all-in-all, it felt like they came in disinterested or bored, so they didn't put any effort into it. This also meant none of the other cops could do anything of note.

I don't want to be the RP police but this isn't the first interaction with cops I've had that's just been plainly boring or felt like I was just being ignored. I think it's partly to blame on just general decline of things for the Combine to do, even in the city cops seemed a bit bored. I feel the decision to execute immediately was a little bit weird as well, given there was so much potential for further roleplay or even just to do, well, more to it? As I said before, maybe people view NLR deaths as just unworthy of much effort. I can't say much more on it, I'd like to give some constructive feedback but I'll hold off until anything comes in about how the situation was for the Combine so I can be more relevant with it. I could put some more feedback in about when I think interactions with cops started declining, but that's more relevant to my last post.

tl;dr rp no good, no story progress was made nor was it interesting. Sure, progress isn't too important, but actual effort is nice.
Feb 11, 2018
We were lying, yeah
You decided to sabotage a structure and got caught and killed-off. You've admitted yourself that you lied, so there's no issue present and quite-frankly no amount of word-soup will change that.
I feel the decision to execute immediately was a little bit weird as well, given there was so much potential for further roleplay or even just to do, well, more to it?
No, there wasn't. You're sabotaging equipment in the outlands that protects the combine from antlions, there's zero reason to keep you alive, especially considering we killed-off everyone you were with.
tl;dr rp no good
I don't know if you play Roger Woods or the other dude, but frankly your duo's ability to roleplay a character at all is terrible and your incessant complaining during roleplay in LOOC has proven tiring. Better yourself before you type out layers of text.


Mar 13, 2023
You decided to sabotage a structure and got caught and killed-off. You've admitted yourself that you lied, so there's no issue present and quite-frankly no amount of word-soup will change that.
Nothing was investigated ICly, and ICly we didn't actually sabotage anything. Sure, the other rebels did that and being implicated in that is fine. But you didn't RP anything.

I don't know if you play Roger Woods or the other dude, but frankly your duo's ability to roleplay a character at all is terrible and your incessant complaining during roleplay in LOOC has proven tiring. Better yourself before you type out layers of text.
No need to get toxic - I apologise if I came off a bit harsh to you. I do understand that our RP could be better, we are often fairly casual - but I don't think you've really seen much of our RP. If there's a problem, I'm more than happy to discuss it. Though I would note that just because you deem someone as a bad RPer, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try RP with them.
Feb 11, 2018
Blitz and co have done more across their characters to engage with the server's setting than most rebels
Simply 'doing stuff' does not factor one's ability to play a character well- in many scenario that has involved these two they've shown a consistent lack of care for their character's wellbeing that closely thins the line to flat-out Fail RP.


Mar 13, 2023
Simply 'doing stuff' does not factor one's ability to play a character well- in many scenario that has involved these two they've shown a consistent lack of care for their character's wellbeing that closely thins the line to flat-out Fail RP.
Can you give us some examples? I'm more than happy to try improve - like I said, I admit we are a bit casual at times.
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Mar 12, 2018
Simply 'doing stuff' does not factor one's ability to play a character well- in many scenario that has involved these two they've shown a consistent lack of care for their character's wellbeing that closely thins the line to flat-out Fail RP.
'doing stuff' is something that is crucial to the server. If you do not have people 'doing stuff' you do not have a server. Also, the statement regarding quality can be applied to a lot of people. Technically no one is showing care for their characters wellbeings considering the setting
Feb 11, 2018
Also, the statement regarding quality can be applied to a lot of people. Technically no one is showing care for their characters wellbeings considering the setting

That's a complete misrepresentation of what is meant by what I wrote and you're aware of it.

this is just flat out wrong.

I won't be flooding anymore of the CCC, but know that the complaints raised are absolute nothing-burgers and shouldn't be further acted-upon by management of the faction.
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May 18, 2016
My post was removed for being inflammatory (despite it being a response to an outright insult) but the point stands that it is beyond silly to lay accusations of poor rp upon the feet of a group of people who have been, for me, some of the most pleasurable to provide events and settings for (and more often than not they created their own rp regardless - and were in fact caught doing so at the time of this incident)

The discussion should be about the other points presented because this one doesn't hold weight
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Apr 26, 2016
Feel like there's a bit of a line where the Combine shouldn't be flogged for shooting someone who literally tried to deactivate the defences keeping them safe and admitting to lying, honestly. I don't really see an avenue where someone is let live for doing that, or how it really makes sense?

Not to pull a whataboutism but it was perfectly acceptable for rebels to shoot (and PK) pretty much any rogue on the grounds of it making sense, and I've not really seen any backlash to that?
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
Feel like there's a bit of a line where the Combine shouldn't be flogged for shooting someone who literally tried to deactivate the defences keeping them safe and admitting to lying, honestly. I don't really see an avenue where someone is let live for doing that, or how it really makes sense?

Not to pull a whataboutism but it was perfectly acceptable for rebels to shoot (and PK) pretty much any rogue on the grounds of it making sense, and I've not really seen any backlash to that?
The case is unfortunately a bit deeper as there's some absolutely horrible in-game attitudes.

I don't know how to respond to the complaint itself without flaming anyone so I simply called for an OOC intervention in private because the non-roleplay that's going on needs to be addressed one way or another.
I know people without whitelists aren't held to any standards but I really hope there is some palpable aftermath.
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Mar 13, 2023
Feel like there's a bit of a line where the Combine shouldn't be flogged for shooting someone who literally tried to deactivate the defences keeping them safe and admitting to lying, honestly. I don't really see an avenue where someone is let live for doing that, or how it really makes sense?

Not to pull a whataboutism but it was perfectly acceptable for rebels to shoot (and PK) pretty much any rogue on the grounds of it making sense, and I've not really seen any backlash to that?
I just wanted to back up my previous post about the RP with the Combine generally declining. Didn't even admit to lying IC, nor did they bother pushing it at all. Sounds like people are justifying meta at this point, even though I said myself I don't think it really matters.

Not to pull a whataboutism but it was perfectly acceptable for rebels to shoot (and PK) pretty much any rogue on the grounds of it making sense, and I've not really seen any backlash to that?
I didn't make a post but I also complained about the instant execution of the cop who got captured in VC while chilling with the homies (including staff). That was the exact same situation here, an avenue of RP immediately cut off with very little effort or proper justification. Of course, the cop getting killed was 100% worse because it was an actual PK.

I just wanted to give some feedback and encourage better roleplay. I didn't expect such a malicious response - that's what kicked this all off to seem like a flogging - hell I tried really hard in my post to make it not be a flogging. I rewrote the thing like nine times just trying to be more chill about it. Maybe I just made the thing a bit too soon, so I was a bit more assertive than I'd otherwise be.

The case is unfortunately a bit deeper as there's some absolutely horrible in-game attitudes.

I don't know how to respond to the complaint itself without flaming anyone so I simply called for an OOC intervention in private because the non-roleplay that's going on needs to be addressed one way or another.
I know people without whitelists aren't held to any standards but I really hope there is some palpable aftermath.
I appreciate this, thank you. I was hoping you could forum PM me if you had any comments about my own RP, I'm more than happy to try and develop it.
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Nov 4, 2016

I'm mostly just making this because I was being held at an additional OOC gunpoint by everyone in my VC to make a case about this. I suppose it's fair to let people know, so they can improve.

I understand people gotta die and wait not, it was only NLR and all so it doesn't even affect anything overall OOC or ICly. I'm not upset about being shot, don't care at all, really. more-so just immediately being isolated from RP. Given the other guy I was with got to RP and get an outcome in some way (despite doing the same thing as I did) whereas I was sent to wait in spawn for fifteen minutes. There wasn't any interesting build-up to being NLRed and imo it would've been a really good opportunity to make things interesting because neither party needs to worry about upsetting each other. Maybe it's the other way round, people view NLR deaths as not worthy of much effort.

It's mostly just a bit rubbish. That's it. Nothing happened, it wasn't done in a interesting way, nor was there any room for me to make any particularly interesting responses. It also just doesn't make sense why vandal A gets shot but vandal B doesn't. I would've liked my responses to be a bit better, I admit, but I couldn't really build on anything since I couldn't see the gunman about to deescalate the back of my head.

The whole line with the 'very convenient excuse' thing is, well, a bit rubbish too. I understand that 51B carries a death charge regardless and that we did mention doing unauthorised maintenance before (which they didn't really bother asking about or doing anything at all). There's reason I suppose to suspect us of not being truthful, because we weren't. We were lying, yeah - but there was nothing done about that. I won't deny the shooting can be justified, it just felt like they didn't want to bother roleplaying. It felt to me like they knew the possible outcomes but couldn't be bothered to RP towards any of them them, nor investigate anything. So they just did one simple but sort of weird action that semi-covered all the bases, I know you could sort of make a case for meta, but I think that's why they released the other guy, I suppose - then again, it was an NLR death so it isn't really a meta situation. They just sort of factored in everything but just chose an easy way out with minimal RP (sure it was also an easy way out for me, I didn't lose anything at all, nor did my buddy, really). There was just nothing done to progress, well, anything. I'm trying not to offend, so I'll stop going on about it soon but all-in-all, it felt like they came in disinterested or bored, so they didn't put any effort into it. This also meant none of the other cops could do anything of note.

I don't want to be the RP police but this isn't the first interaction with cops I've had that's just been plainly boring or felt like I was just being ignored. I think it's partly to blame on just general decline of things for the Combine to do, even in the city cops seemed a bit bored. I feel the decision to execute immediately was a little bit weird as well, given there was so much potential for further roleplay or even just to do, well, more to it? As I said before, maybe people view NLR deaths as just unworthy of much effort. I can't say much more on it, I'd like to give some constructive feedback but I'll hold off until anything comes in about how the situation was for the Combine so I can be more relevant with it. I could put some more feedback in about when I think interactions with cops started declining, but that's more relevant to my last post.

tl;dr rp no good, no story progress was made nor was it interesting. Sure, progress isn't too important, but actual effort is nice.
IMO should've been given a PK. Nothing personal.

You were caught actively sabotaging Combine equipment and subsequently shot for it, you're lucky to have even been given the opportunity to NLR such a reckless and negligent act.

(Btw, how can he NLR a humanitarian aid guy? Isn't that like... idk... completely impossible since they're likely all gone OOC factors aside)