Suggestion % Chance to be injured instead of dying


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
I imagine the suggestion is in good faith but I can hardly think of a more dreadful experience than mechanically dying in combat, then being dragged somewhere else at the end of my bleedout timer, having my inventory stripped of all scripts and only then getting NLR'd or perhaps even worse
Just doesn't seem like something in the spirit of the server even if inherently not a bad suggestion
This is probably one of the reasons where it being an opt-in choice would be a good path as for the good faith part, I might be slightly blinded by my interest for the scenarios that stem from this to notice potential frustrations with the dynamic. (Being captured, Being left behind and having to crawl your way back, Being rescued and brought back and potentially some more scenarios).

This actually reminds me of a scenario during the final event of the first helix iteration, where my reb-scout/rogue-CP got ambushed by one of those xenian creatures along with someone else and then waking up in it's nest. Trying to find our way out without becoming dinner.


Apr 30, 2016
Ok so I had this thought while I was taking a shit, so you know it's good

I think the whole 'getting capture' mechanic can only really be fleshed out when Combine and Rebels do more with captured people. Right now, both sides pretty much slap them into a cell and abandon them until the PK timer runs out which isn't fun for anyone.

The Combine, realistically, would want to re-establish their city boundaries and get people back into bluesuits awaiting to be shipped to a more stable city. So to begin with, captured Rebels would be conscripted into Workers (Where they will carry out shit like equipment maintenance, xen infestation clearing or food making) and it provides a good reason to keep the local administrators from liquidating the civil protection force

Rebels naturally will try and convince cops to change sides, giving a better IC way to introduce 'rouge cops' through rehabilitation. Captured OTA are probably going to be trickier as you can't exactly make them rouge, but will probably come in handy for scientific experiments to figure out how they're actually made or tap into Overwatch frequencies while they're still alive. An avenue for rebel players to explore. But doing so also brings the risk of 'Rescue Operations' conducted by Phase Twos, even if that's just to try and kill the source of the 'leak'.

Right now, getting captured is just a slow burn to getting PK'd, which none too many people are willing to do. If the system is fleshed out where you only get put 'on the timer' once you do something that's ICly Risky, will we actually begin to see more engaging Capture RP. Naturally people can opt for an NLR if they really want to, but the option should be open.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
i like the idea that, if capturing becomes commonplace, the rebels and combine would trade POWs
it would allow for some RP between the groups that isn't inherently hostile, rebels and cops snarking at each other while they hash out an agreement for the amicable trade of their prisoners
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May 14, 2016
Add it and remove the "get captured get PKed" attitude.
Back then on WW3RP, you could choose whenever to get NLRed after getting captured or roleplay as a POW and that was awesome roleplay. It's also a great addition to S2K as it adds more dynamic to the firefights.
Tired being a POW? No problem! Ask to be NLRed or wait for the next weekly POW exchange.
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Nov 5, 2019
Side thing on being made to thoroughly injury rp for ages -

I like the idea for being injured etc, but nobody should be forced to medical rp for ages, many people find it boring/repetitive, and I don't blame them.

Now and again is fine, but sometimes it just gets really annoying to practically just afk near a medic as they spend an twenty minutes doing medical rp on your injuries, to the point where suicide charging in combat seems better then going back injured lol

idk i might just be ranting into the void

tl;dr - don't force people to rp injuries for ages, unless it's sorta...REALLY STUPID if they don't. Eg, breaking your legs then being fine without medical treatment the next day.