Serious Chernobyl Remembrance Day - 31 years since the disaster

Shadow Flex

Apr 26, 2016

On the 26th of April, 1986, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Reactor No. 4 exploded after a sequence of failures within its design, the deactivation of safeties as part of a routine check and the negligence of reactor operators arranging the core in a manner contrary to the checklist for the test being held. The subsequent steam explosion blew the top off of the reactor and sent radioactive waste throughout Ukraine, Russia and Europe.

The dreadful day of the incident made mankind question the safety of nuclear energy and the devastating results of misuse and human error. The careless approach costed Ukraine 18 billion rubles and forced 500,000 workers to risk their lives every day cleaning the radioactive dust from the streets and vehicles in an attempt to calm the levels of millisieverts that were spiking through the roof -- the so-called Liquidators.


Deceased liquidators' portraits used for an anti-nuclear power protest in Geneva.

It caused the formation of a 30 km. exclusion zone, the so called "zone of alienation", in which by today's numbers 300 or so residents live. Despite the high levels of radiation in certain hotspots and the estimate of 20,000 years before humanity can safely live there, these people have refused to leave their homes.


The Red Forest -- one of the most contaminated areas in the world. The name comes from the ginger color of the trees after their death from extreme doses of radiation.

The radiation cloud directly after the explosion was carried throughout Europe, reaching countries such as Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. At the heart of the zone however, the result of the radiation poisoning was more apparent.


Piglet with dipygus on exhibit at the Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum.


Radiotrophic fungus. A new type of fungi, discovered in 1991 inside the CNPP. They use their pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth.

Let's not forget the firemen, the military, the CNPP personnel -- the Liquidators. They gave their lives to save millions and will forever remain engraved in history as the heroes of this bitter incident.

We shall remember forever.


a bad memer
Apr 26, 2016
31 Years since the disaster in Chernobyl. Am I the only one who is surprised that there are no superheroes yet


event guy
Apr 26, 2016
would always love to visit there one day, take a lot of photos, see the sights

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Deleted member 1381

Surprised someone else had interest in this. Found a documentary the other day, more or less a dramatisation that was actually really good.
9:22 is where it starts to get into the disaster

It could probably have been prevented, or have had significantly less casualties if people had owned up. It was Soviet Russia, if you were seen as weak and a failure you were just got rid of, simple as that, so nobody wanted to own up to how bad it was.
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